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Nursery Ministry Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Parents/Guardians will be asked NOT to bring their child to the nursery if the child is or has been
sick within 24 hours of the service. See WELL CHILD POLICY.
Parents/Guardians are expected to use only disposable diapers during the time that their child is in
the nursery.
If any child exhibits uncontrolled behavior while in the nursery, his or her parents will be asked to
0remove that child from all nursery activities until such behavior ceases.
For safety and security reasons, parents and siblings are asked NOT to enter the nursery. A staff
m0ember will receive your child at the door. We will text you if your child cannot be comforted.
Well Child Policy
Children who show any signs of illness, such as runny nose, persistent cough, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. cannot be
accepted into the Nursery for the protection of all the children. If it is determined that your child is ill during their stay in the
Nursery, you will receive a text to pick them up. Please use the following as a guideline for illness:
Fever (must be fever free without medication for 24 hours)
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (free of vomiting and/or diarrhea for 24 hours)
Common cold / excessive cough
Any symptoms of childhood diseases, such as scarlet fever, measles, chicken pox, strep throat, flu, etc., or any
infectious contagious disease
Heavy nasal discharge (green)
Any unexplained rash
Any skin infection (boils, ringworm, impetigo, thrush, hand-foot-mouth disease, fifth disease)
Inflammation or discharge from eyes
Head lice
Medication Policy
Our staff is not adequately trained to administer any type of medication. If the child requires medication, the
parent/guardian should administer the medication themselves before service begins. If it appears that medication is
necessary during the service, you will receive a text message.
Food Policy
Because of the number of children in our care, it is impossible for us to spoon-feed a child while in the nursery.
Pre-measured bottles with pre-measured formula are acceptable. Sippy cups of juice or milk are acceptable, but we will
not keep them refrigerated. If a child has a snack in his or her bag, be advised we will not use these snacks. We provide
snacks such as graham crackers, animal crackers, Goldfish, or saltines for children 12 months and over, unless otherwise
Due to possible food allergies, please do not send snacks into the nursery. DO NOT send anything that contains
peanuts or peanut products.
Nursery Ministry Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Parent Agreement Form
I have read and agree to abide by the responsibilities and policies of the Faith Community Church of God
Nursery Ministry as stated in the Nursery Ministry Parent/Guardian Responsibilities.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________
Date ____________
We, the undersigned, have legal custody of _______________________, a minor, and have given our
consent for him/her to be cared for in the nursery. I/We hereby release the Church, its pastors, employees,
agents, and volunteer workers from any and all liability for any injury, loss, or damage to person or property
that may occur during my/our child’s stay in the nursery.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________
Date _____________