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Canine Distemper:
1. Canine distemper infection may resemble what other infectious disease of dogs in its
early stages?
2. Canine Viral Distemper (CVD) is a highly contagious _____________ disease of dogs and
other carnivores.
3. List other species affected by CVD:____________________________________
4. What is the typical signalment of a patient with canine distemper? ____________
5. What type of virus is CVD?___________________________________________
6. True or False: Most routine cleaning agents, disinfectants and heat will kill CVD.
7. How is CVD transmitted?____________________________________________
8. CVD is the most commonly recognized cause of what neurologic
9. The fatality rate of canine distemper is as high as ________ depending on the strain
10. What is the best prevention for CVD?___________________________________
11. List clinical signs of CVD:____________________________________________
12. True or False: The nose and eyes may be crusted over with purulent discharge in dogs
with CVD.
13. If a neonate is infected with CVD while in the womb what may be a long term effect to
the puppy?
14. The prognosis for CVD is guarded especially if ___________________ is present.
15. What treatment is available for CVD?_________________________________
16. What is the most common cause of seizures in dogs younger than 6 months? _______________________________________________________________
Canine Respiratory Disease Complex pg.193
1. What is the scientific name for Kennel Cough in Canines?_________________
2. What viral agents can cause Kennel Cough in Canines____________________
3. What bacterial agents can cause Kennel Cough in Canines________________
4. List the clinical signs for Kennel Cough:_______________________________
5. What other disease must be ruled out when considering Kennel Cough?______
6. What may be a hallmark clinical sign for a dog with Kennel Cough? __________
7. What does the word febrile mean?____________________________________
8. What are some common treatments for Kennel Cough? ____________________
9. Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis is a self-__________ disease.
10. What is the focus of treatment for animals with Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis?
11. How soon should you vaccinate your dog for Kennel Cough before
Canine Parvovirus:
1. CPV is a common cause of __________________________ in the dog.
2. What causes CPV?______________________________________________
3. What disease in the cat is CPV closely related to?
4. What is the usual signalment for patients with CPV? ______________________
5. How is Parvovirus spread? __________________________________________
6. Parvovirus loves this type of
7. What factors may influence the severity of Parvovirus? ____________________
8. In rare instance parvovirus my infect the fetus causing
9. List some of the clinical signs of Parvovirus:_____________________________
10. In dogs with Parvovirus WBC counts may be _______________________
11. How is Parvovirus diagnosed? ________________________________________
12. How is Parvovirus treated? __________________________________________
13. What is the best preventative measure for Parvovirus?_____________________
14. True or False: Parvovirus has been seen in older vaccinated animals and in animals
whose owners purchased vaccines from livestock stores or through catalogs.
15. Parvovirus can live up to __________ in the soil.
16. If you have had a dog in your home with Parvo how long should you wait before
bringing a new pet home? ___________________________________________
Feline Respiratory Disease Complex (including Feine Bordetella) pgs. 198-201
1. Where do the causative agents of FRDC
2. FRDC is a __________________ disease and severe bronchopneumonias and death are
rare, but have been seen in young kittens.
3. List the Clinical Signs of FRDC:_______________________________________
4. Many of the signs of Feline Bordetella Infection look exactly like respiratory
______________ infections
5. What two antibiotics would you use to treat Feline Bordetella? ____________
6. What are some ways to prevent Feline Bordetella? ______________________
7. Feline Bordetella disease look similar to those caused by _____________
___________________________________ and_________________
8. What amino acid is commonly used to help ward off Feline Upper Respiratory
9. What are the two viruses that cause 80-90% of Feline Upper Respiratory
10. What are some differences between the two viruses?___________________
Feline Panleukopenia
1. Feline Panleukopenia is also called __________________________.
2. What causes Feline Panleukopenia? ____________________________.
3. What disease is Feline Panleukopenia similar to in dogs:
4. What is the typical signalment of a cat with Feline Panleukopenia?
5. Feline Panleukopenia sheds in __________________ and can remain alive for years.
6. Where does Feline Panleukopenia virus multiply? _______________________
7. How long is the incubation period for Feline Panleukopenia?_______________
8. If the queen becomes infected with Feline Panleukopenia what can happen to the fetal
9. Cats with Panleukopenia should be_________________________ from other cats.
10. Cats that survive Panleukopenia Infections acquire a
11. What is the best way to prevent Panleukopenia?__________________________
Feline Infectious Peritonitis
1. FIP is primarily a disease of what types of environments? ___________________ and
2. FIP does not occur without exposure to
3. FECV stands for___________________________________
4. FECV is highly contagious and spread through the _______________ , ______________,
and ________________.
5. FIP may have mutated to _________________________________ which then enters the
macrophages and spreads through the body.
6. What are the two forms of FIP: __________________________ and
7. What are the clinical signs of each form? ______________________________
Feline Leukemia
1. Feline Leukemia is caused by a _______________ that is associated with both neoplastic
and nonneoplastic disease.
2. What is vertical transmission?________________________________________
3. What is horizontal transmission?______________________________________
4. The virus is unstable in the natural environment. Therefore, what must happen for cats
to exchange the virus?_______________________________________
5. Cats exposed to Feline Leukemia may experience development of the disease into what
three possible outcomes?
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________
6. What is the most common FeLV associated neoplastic
7. Treatment for FeLV is primarily _______________________________________.
8. How can you prevent FeLV? _______________________________ and
9. What virus family is FeLV from? _____________________________________
10. True or False: There is no cure for FeLV.
11. List some clinical signs for FeLV:______________________________________
12. What special measures should be taken for the husbandry of FeLV cats?
13. What drugs used to treat FeLV are toxic to the bone marrow?
14. A healthy FeLV positive cat does not need to be
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
1. FIV is a __________________ associated with an immunodeficiency disease in domestic
2. True of False: FIV is a highly species specific virus and only grow in cat cells.
3. How are most FIV cases transmitted? ____________________________
4. When should a kitten be tested for FIV and why? _____________________
5. What are some of the clinical signs of FIV? ______________________________
6. Cats with FIV are at an increased risk of developing
7. True or False: Cats receiving the FIV vaccination will test positive for FIV later.
8. What dental procedure may need to be done in cats with FIV?
9. True or False: There is no cure for FIV.
10. True or False: FIV can be transmitted to humans.
11. Retroviruses are made up of ______________________________.
12. What is the typical signalment of a patient with
13. What does the word Lentivirus mean? ____________________________________
14. True or False: A Cat with FIV will likely live longer than a cat with FeLV?