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Debt and Deficits
in the face of
Baby Boom Retirement
Winter 2006
Economics 102
Core issues
Current large fiscal deficits
Modest national debt levels
Large demographic changes
How do they add up?
Intl debt-to-GDP
Debt to GDP
• Yes, if debt/GDP doesn’t rise much
• If GDP increases at (1+g) then debt needs to
increase by less
– Deficit including interest must be less than g or
about 4% [2% real plus 2% inflation]
– With debt of 80% of GDP and 5% interest that
component is 4% of GDP
• Thus on average need balanced budget
– Note that this includes social security
First glance
• US doesn’t look so bad
• Need to close 4% of GDP gap
– Some small portion cyclical, 0.5% of GDP?
• Hence reduce expenditures
– Not much “fluff” outside of defense
– If can cut defense by 1% of GDP…
• Else must raise taxes
– Must undue much of Bush tax cuts
– Net around 1.5%, assuming we end the “war on
terror” [that is, creating more terrorists?]
Share of 65+ in population
Old-age dependency
Baby boomers
• Retirees per worker shifting
• Since pensions are pay-go, either taxes
or savings must rise
– Given the past 2 decades in the US, we
shouldn’t be optimistic about the latter
– Hence “saving” social security is critical
• Pension related numbers are not huge
• Health care costs are
US Social Security Costs
Spending projections
The big issue is health care
Future shifts
• Social security perhaps +2% of GDP
– Combination of
• modest cuts to benefits
• Modest increases in taxes
• Gradual boost in retirement age
• Health care
– +4% of GDP in optimistic case
• Present value is 5x social security
So how add up?
• Current structure is large international
• Result of low domestic savings and high
government dissavings
• (S-I) + (T-G) = (X-M)
in magnitude
• So what changes with retirement?
• +2.5% of GDP to correct deficits
• +2.0% of GDP to fund pensions
• +5.0% of GDP to cover health care
• +10% of GDP as order of magnitude
– Absent effective health care reform
Back to S-I savings invesment
• (S-I) + (T-G) = (X-M)
• Need boost T gradually
– Not a crisis, multiplier impact if do too quickly
• Flash point: crowding out
– Can we run larger trade deficits
• Permitting more workers to shift to health care
– Will we squeeze investment?
• Ditto, but resulting in lower long-term growth?
What happens if we annoy
• Money fungible: global savings flows matter,
not whether Dubai buys US bonds
– Could have significant short-term impact
• Slow rise in interest rates
– Accompanied by depreciation of dollar
• My prediction: pain both at home and
– High interest rates squeeze growth
– High prices (weak dollar) squeezes consumption
• Open questions: not my specialty
– Econ majors required to take politics!
• Little sense that proactive policy likely
• Bankruptcies due to “legacy” costs
– Force more onto Federal budget and force reform?
• Health care crisis
– Force interventions to keep hospitals open and doctors in
• Interest rate erosion
– Market forces will keep gradual but stimulate politics?
• High debt to GDP will potentially make it hit deficits in short run
The good side
• US productivity growth robust
– But need to improve education!
• US demographics strong
– Especially if we don’t clamp off immigration
• Our debt all in dollars
– Foreign exchange crisis impossible
– So can inflate away what you owe to the rest of
the world
• But not on Bernanke’s watch!