Download Metamorphic Rock by Leila, John*S, and Samantha

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John Smolenski
Question #4
Different metamorphic rocks can
differ in appearance by where it is located
in the earth or on the earth. Metamorphic
rock usually appear in big clusters of rock.
They can also be different in size shape
and color.
Leila Scarlett
Question 5
Metamorphic rocks have about the same minerals as
igneous or sedimentary because they are just
changed by heat and pressure on the metamorphic
This is an example of a
metamorphic rock.
Samantha Christine
One way to identify Metamorphic rocks is to look at the way
grains are formed. For example, Schist rocks have grains that go
the same way as the layers. Some Metamorphic rocks are
layered while others are made up of grains.
Another way is to compare the rocks to ones on the internet or in
a book. Slate is grey and purple. Schist looks like flakes and is
sliver. The bands of Gneiss are light and dark colored. The color
of Quartzite is white, and Marble is multicolored.