Download BIOS= Basic Input Output System

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BIOS= Basic Input Output System
ROM= Read Only Memory
RAM= Random Access Memory
1 KB(kilobytes)= 1024 bytes
1 MB(megabyte)=1024 X 1024
1 GB(gigabyte)= 1024 X 1024 X 1024
Secondary Memory: 1)- Internal= Hard disk. 2)- External=
Floppy disk, CD rom, DVD.
GUI= Graphical User Interface such as Windows 98, Apple
Macintoch, Unix and Linux.
F1= Key for Help system.
File Extensions:
.exe= Program file
.txt= Text file
.doc= Document file
.rtf= Rich text format file
.htm= Hypertext markup file
.bmp, .gif, .jpg = Graphical file extensions.
Key combinations:
Ctrl+C =Copy
Ctrl+X =Cut
Ctrl+V= Paste
Ctrl+Z =Undo
Ctrl+S =Save
Ctrl+A =Select all
Ctrl+F =Search for a word in a document
Ctrl+ Home= Beginning of a document
Ctrl+ End= End of a document
Ctrl+P= Print a document
Ctrl+D= Delete the selected file
Home= Beginning of a line in a document
End= Ending of a line in a document.
Ctrl+Alt+Del= Restart the computer.
Page up & Page down= Key used to go to the next and previous
CMC = Computer Mediated Communication e.g.1)- Electronic
mail.2)- Discussion lists. 3)- Confrencing software. 4)- World
Wide Web(WWW).
E-mail= Electronic Mail
E-mail Packages e.g. Eudora, Messenger that is built in with
Netscape, Outlook Express that is built in with Internet
Explorer and FirstClass Client version.
E-mail web services e.g. Hotmail, Coomail, Yahoo and FirstClass
Web version.
Computer Confrencing e.g. Cosy, FirstClass, participate.
Synchronous Communications e.g. video\audio conferencing
Asynchronous e.g. Emails and conferencing.
FirstClass System in 3 ways:
1)- Through web browser.
2) Through the First Class Client.
3)- Through the FirstClass version of the offline reader.
PCPs= Practical Communication Principles.
PCP1= Thank, acknowledge and support people freely.
PCP2= Acknowledge before differ.
PCP3= Speak from your own perspective.
ASCII= American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
Constant Data e.g. numbers, dates, text, currency.
Variable Data e.g. Formulas, functions like Sum, Average, Min,
Max and Count.
Bar Chart use for multiple comparison.
Line Graphs use for trends or cycles over a period of time.
Pie Chart use to show proportions for different variables.
Graphics Software: Windows Paint, Claris Works, CorelDraw.
Paint Program e.g. Paintbrush and painter
Drawing program e.g. Free hand and CorelDraw.
Page Layout Programs e.g. Page Maker and Quark Express.
Image manipulation e.g. Photoshop.
Word Processors e.g. MS Word.
Spreadsheet program e.g. MS Excel
Database Packages e.g. MS Access, dbase, Filemaker.
Browsers e.g. Netscape navigator, Internet Explorer.
TCP/IP= Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol.
WWW= World Wide Web.
HTTP= Hyper Text Transport Protocol.
URL= Universal(or Uniform) Resource Locator.
HTML= Hyper Text Markup Language.
ISPs= Internet Service Providers.
Search engines= Altavista, yahoo, google.
Freeware= Come up with their source code e.g. Open source
software and Free software foundation.
Shareware= Software you can copy freely and pay fees if you
like to use it. No source code is available.
Free software= Gift to the community, like games , utilities.
Totally free.
Plug-ins= Extensions to software like browsers and graphic
pkgs. Such as MP3 player.
WYGIWUM = what you get is what you mean.
WYSIWYG= what you see is what you get.