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By: Elly Glenn
Carleigh Wellenreiter
Types of Volcanoes
The cinder cone
volcano is normally 250
meters in height, and
500 meters in diameter.
They have gradually
sloping sides and have
a bowl shaped dome at
the top.
Cinder cone volcanoes are
formed when the lava that
shot out of its vent falls back
to earth around it forming the
unique dome shape.
Composite Volcanoes
The composite volcano
is usually 8000 feet
It has very steep sides
and is formed when the
lava erupts and flows
down the sides.
Shield Volcanoes
The shield volcano is
usually 1,500 feet to
2,000 feet high and, 3
to 4 miles in diameter.
Shield volcanoes have
gently sloping sides.
They are formed when
the lava erupts it pours
out in all directions.
How the volcanoes differ from one
The difference between the three types of
volcanoes is that there's a big difference in
size and shape, that’s because of the way the
lava acts when it erupts from the central vent.
Depending on what type of lava comes up
from the mantle you will get a different type of
A shield volcano is formed when basic lava,
lava that flows quickly over a large area of
land, comes up from the cracks in the mantle.
Cinder and composite volcanoes are formed
when acidic lava, lava that flows slowly over
a small area of land.
Why volcanoes occur
Volcanoes occur when
the Earth’s plates pull
apart causing magma
to rise to the surface.
Volcanoes may also
occur when one plate
dives beneath another
Most are concentrated on the
edge of continents, along
island chains, or beneath the
sea forming mountain
Plate tectonics is the
earths crust that slides
across the
It slides across the
because of the moving
magma beneath it.
As the cooled material
warms up it rises again.
The plates move in a pattern
called the convection cell that
form when warm material
rises, cools, and sinks down.
Where volcanoes occur
Volcanoes occur on the
edges of plates.
A large fraction of the
worlds volcanoes are
located in a region in
the South Pacific called
the Ring of Fire.
It houses 452
volcanoes and 75% of
the worlds dormant and
active volcanoes.
Volcanoes also occur in
islands in Japan and Hawaii.
This area got its name
because of the hot fiery lava
in constant motion beneath
the surface of water.
Volcanoes form when
magma flows up threw
cracks and hardens
slowly forming a
A hot spot is a place
where a volcano has
formed by a rising
plume of magma that
isn’t located at a plate
Some known hotspot
volcanoes are Yellowstone,
Hawaii, Iceland, St. Helena,
St. Paul, Galapagos, and
What hazards can volcanoes
produce for people living near
Volcanoes produce a
wide variety of hazards
that can kill people and
destroy property.
Large explosive
eruptions can endanger
people from hundreds
of miles away, and
even can effect the
Volcanoes cause gases
during eruptions even when a
volcano is not erupting it can
allow gases through cracks
to reach the surface.
Those small openings are
called fumaroles.
These gases can cause
acid rain and destroy
High speed avalanches of
hot ash, rock fragments,
and gas can move down
sides of the volcano. This is
called pyroclastic flow.
Landslides of lava also can
Keep food and water in a
safe area.
Keep a volcano safety pack
with you.
You can prevent getting caught
in landslides and pyroclastic
flows by studying where
previous lava flowed.
More safety tips
Keep a kit that
includes: goggles,
masks, flashlights,
battery operated radio,
food, water, blankets,
medicines, and pet
food( if you own a pet)
Also have a family plan.
Mt. Vesuvius
Mt. Vesuvius is the
legendary volcano that
wiped out the city Pompeii,
When it erupted it burned
and covered the entire city
Pompeii in ash.
The city was covered so
quickly that many of the
artifacts have been very
well preserved.
Mt. Vesuvius covered
Pompeii in August 24th, 79
Yellowstone Super volcano!
Yellowstone National Park’s
Super Volcano has grown
10” in the last 7 years.
It’s been known throughout
history because of how
large the eruptions were.
A theory of one of these
eruptions is that it wiped out
the dinosaurs. Some people
think this volcano will wipe
out the human race.
Mt. Saint Helens
Its most famous eruption
occurred on March 20th,
1980 at 3:47p.m when a 5.1
earthquake awakened the
volcano from its 123-year
It lies near Seattle,
Washington at 8,363’ above
sea level, 1,314’ shorter
then it was before the
The explosion lasted for 9
hours and covered a 200
square-mile area.
Youtube Video
We used the websites for
question 4, and for
the facts.
Our non-electronic
source was
encyclopedia letter v for
Volcano Facts
There are 1,500 land volcanoes that are
About 20% of all volcanoes are underwater.
There are 169 volcanoes, and there are 13
volcanoes in Hawaii alone.
There are 15-20 volcanoes erupting as we
The name ‘volcano’ comes from the Roman
word Vulcan, the god of fire.
Brought to you by Mr. Slingsby’s class.
Made and edited by Carleigh Wellenreiter
and Elly Glenn.
Special thanks to Google for some of the
awesome info. and pics, also to Youtube for
the video and Miss. Thompson for getting the
video on:D.