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Template – Invertebrate ^ This template contains wiki formatting marks such as !# and ^ and | and {maketoc} which should not be removed. By preserving these you can simply copy and paste the whole document into your wiki page. Pictures however, whilst they can be pasted in here, will not be copied across- they will need to be uploaded as separate files. ^DELETE THIS BOX^ __OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY RISKS__ ^A summary of the dangers related to this species DELETE THIS BOX^ {maketoc} !#Introduction ^WRITE THE INTRODUCTION LAST. (general features of the species or group, history in captivity, potential contribution of the species to education, conservation and research) Ahead of Introduction, place any OHS Warnings! Eg Toxicity. Toxins and their effects (including urticating hairs, irritating scales etc) First aid for bites and stings. May include in the introduction the following. Most of this information will be drawn from the most recent copy of Australasian Species Management Program (ASMP) Regional Census and Plan. Indicate which edition (year) is used. DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#ASMP Category ^Is the species part of the Australasian Species Management Program? DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Global Status: IUCN Category – see also 3.3 !!#Regional/National/State Conservation Status !!!#State protection !!!#Threatened Status !!!#EA/State requirements / permits for movement or transfer !!#Wild Population Management ^Relevant only if the species is threatened and being managed DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Species Co-ordinator ^Not currently applicable for invertebrates DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Studbook Holder ^Not currently applicable for invertebrates DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Annual Cycle of Maintenance Activities !#Taxonomy !!#Nomenclature || Class Order Family Genus Species Subspecies 1 Subspecies 2 | | | | | | | || ^ You can copy and paste the above table as a way of creating new wiki formatted tables. You need to keep the columns containing the pipe (|) characters which are the wiki column separators. The double pipes denote the start and end of the whole table. New lines create new rows. DELETE THIS BOX ^ !!#Subspecies ^if appropriate) DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Recent Synonyms !!#Other Common Names ^Common Names - For Australian insects, only those listed in Ian Naumann, 1993, CSIRO Handbook of Australian Insect Names, should be used. Include a suggested common name if no other name available, and note the source of the suggested name. DELETE THIS BOX^ !#Natural History ^Biology of the species with particular reference to any details that may be relevant to husbandry in captivity including any research that has been carried out. DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Description !!#Measurements !!!#Mass And Basic Body Measurements ^e.g. head-body length, total length and height Adult weights and measurements (range) Weights should be measured to 0.01g Measurements should be taken with calipers where appropriate. DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Sexual Dimorphism ^in size and/or mass, if species has a wide latitudinal distribution include measurements of body mass at different locations) DELETE THIS BOX^ !!!#Distinguishing Features ^that separate this species from other similar species; for example details of coloration and physical characteristics) DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Distribution and Habitat ^indicate worldwide distribution, a distribution map if possible, if migratory include details of habitat types it travels to and from DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Conservation Status ^including the species’ category of threat according to the IUCN Red List criteria. Clarify what the threat code indicates for that species- i.e. exactly what are the threatening processes DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Longevity !!!#In the Wild ^include maximum and average values, if possible) DELETE THIS BOX^ !!!#In Captivity ^include maximum and average values, if possible) DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Techniques Used to Determine Age in Adults !#Housing Requirements !!#Exhibit/Enclosure Design (for both larval and adult stages) ^General principles, precautions that should be taken and mistakes to avoid DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Holding Area/ Off Exhibit Design (for both larval and adult stages) !!#Spatial Requirements ^Include any regulations if such exist e.g. EAPA regulations covering minimum standards for keeping animals in captivity) Note optimal densities, both on and off display. DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Position of Enclosures !!#Weather (and other) Protection ^Indicate materials to be used in construction. DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Temperature and microclimate Requirements ^Include microclimates within the enclosure Heating and cooling. Humidity Lighting Ventilation Filtration DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Substrate !!#Nestboxes and/or Bedding Material !!#Enclosure Furnishings ^Branches, rocks, grass tussocks, streams or ponds. Behavioral enrichment furniture. Nesting requirements) Display boards and signage If the enclosure is a small tank, include suitable and unsuitable plant species Include furnishings such as rocks, logs, half-pots etc DELETE THIS BOX^ !#General Husbandry !!#Hygiene and Cleaning ^Provide a regime for cleaning enclosures, indicating lists of both ‘safe’ cleaning agents and chemical agents that should not be used. Indicate how often nest material, soil and branches should be changed DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Record Keeping !!#Methods of Identification !!#Routine Data Collection !#Feeding Requirements !!#Wild diet !!#Captive Diet ^List diets used successfully in captivity, including any information on diet changes at different times of the year. Itemise the range of diets offered by different institutions and give reasons why the diet varies.) Artificial diets for larval stages Artificial Diets for adults Pupal weights and deformity rates for each type of food as a comparison between fitness of food types Number of food plants required per animal DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Supplements !!#Preparation and Presentation of Food ^Also list behavioural enrichment feeding ) DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Dietary changes !!#Feeding Regime !!#Plant propagation; for each species, note: ^Common name and scientific name Plant description (shrub, vine, erect, perennial, annual, woody, prostrate etc) Distribution and source of seed/ cuttings Growing season Propagation (seed, cuttings, suckering, layering etc) Growing notes (watering regime, potting mix, fertilizing regime etc) Plant pests and diseases Weed potential DELETE THIS BOX^ !#Capture, Restraint, Handling and Transport !!#Timing of Capture and Handling !!#Capture Equipment !!#Capture and Restraint Techniques !!!#The best handling method for the safety of the animals as well as the handler !!!#The best method of luring and trapping stray animals !!!#The best method for collecting in the field ^Physical, mechanical and /or chemical methodologies DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Weighing and Examination !!#Release !!#Transport Requirements ^For general transport practices, refer to the Transport Manual (?) – IATA? Equipment for each stage of the life cycle (if appropriate) Postal regulations (for live spiders etc). DELETE THIS BOX^ !!!#Box Design !!!#Furnishings !!!#Water and Food !!!#Animals per Box !!!#Timing of Transportation !!!#Release from Box !#Health Requirements !!#Daily Health Checks ^List the routine observations undertaken daily during cleaning and feeding.) Weights should be measured to 0.01g DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Detailed Physical Examination !!#Routine Treatments !!#Known Health Problems ^Include diseases in the wild. Diseases, especially viruses Problems caused by overcrowding Deformity rates from pupation and moulting For each symptom, note the pathogen/disease and probably cause DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Quarantine Requirements ^Particularly relating to overseas importations, note the level of quarantine and other conditions required. DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Vet Procedures ^Include any published or anecdotal notes on clinical entomology DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Euthanasia !!#Post Mortem results !#Behaviour !!#General Behaviour ^Including territorial behaviour DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Activity !!#Social Behaviour !!#Reproductive Behaviour !!#Bathing !!#Behavioural Problems ^Behavioural problems as they relate to biological problems or problems with the animal’s conditions (eg restlessness, lethargy etc) DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Signs of Stress !!#Behavioural Enrichment !!#Introductions and Removals !!#Intraspecific Compatibility !!#Interspecific Compatibility ^Mixed species compatabilities. Particularly in regard to predation Include any compatible vertebrate species. DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Suitability to Captivity !#Breeding !!#Mating System !!#Ease of Breeding !!#Reproductive Condition !!!#Females !!!#Males !!#Techniques Used to Control Breeding !!#Occurrence of Hybrids !!#Timing of Breeding !!#Age at First Breeding and Last Breeding !!#Ability to Breed Every Year !!#Ability to Breed More than Once Per Year !!#Nesting, Hollow or Other Requirements !!#Breeding Diet !!#Incubation Period !!# Clutch Size !!#Age at Weaning !!#Age of Removal from Parents !!#Growth and Development !#Artificial Rearing !!#Incubator Type !!#Incubation Temperature and Humidity !!#Desired % Egg Mass Loss !!#Hatching Temperature and Humidity !!#Normal Pip to Hatch Interval !!#Diet and Feeding Routine !!#Specific Requirements !!#Data Recording !!#Identification Methods !!#Hygiene !!#Behavioural Considerations ^ Weaning DELETE THIS BOX^ !#Acknowledgements !#References Jackson, S.M. (2002) Standardizing captive-management manuals: guidelines for terrestrial vertebrates revised, in International Zoo Yearbook (2003) 38: 229-243, The Zoological Society of London, London. !#Bibliography Jackson, S.M. (2002) Standardizing captive-management manuals: guidelines for terrestrial vertebrates revised, in International Zoo Yearbook (2003) 38: 229-243, The Zoological Society of London, London. !#Glossary ^of terms used that may not be easily understood without explanation/definition DELETE THIS BOX^ !#Appendices ^e.g. equipment details, suppliers and drug details DELETE THIS BOX^ !!#Appendix 1 - Products Mentioned in Text !!#Appendix 2 - Material Safety Data Sheets !!#Appendix 3