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Gæða- og lýðheilsusvið/Heilbrigðistölfræðisvið
21. apríl 2010
Lyfjagæðavísar: Valdar heimildir
(Raðað í samræmi við ATC-númer viðkomandi gæðavísa og því er um tvítekningar að ræða milli heimilda fyrir
lyf sem notuð eru við sömu sjúkdómum, s.s. heimildir fyrir gæðavísum um þvagræsilyf, Digoxín og lyf sem
hemja renínangíótensín-kerfið).
Unnið á tímabilinu ágúst 2009 til apríl 2010.
Sýruhemjandi lyf (Prótónpumpuhemlar) (A02BA02, A02BC1, A02BC5)
Kóvar (B01AA03)
Digoxín (C01AA05)
Amíódarón (C01BD01)
Þvagræsilyf og lyf sem hemja renínangíótensín-kerfið (C03.. og C09..)
Blóðfitulækkandi lyf (C10AA..)
Thyroxín (H03AA01)
Bólgueyðandi gigtarlyf (M01A..)
Beinþynningarlyf (M05BA.., M05BB..)
Geðrofslyf- sefandi lyf (N05A..)
Þunglyndislyf (SSRI/SNRI og Mirtrazepín) (N06A..)
Sýruhemjandi lyf (Prótónpumpuhemlar) (A02BA02, A02BC1., A02BC5.)
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guidance on Dyspepsia: Managing dyspesia in adults in
primary care. London. NICE 2004. Sótt 20 ágúst 2009 á vef:
Evidence for PPI Use in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Dyspepsia and Peptic Ulcer Disease: Scientific
Report. Canadian Optimal Medication Prescribing and Utilization Service (COMPUS). Canadian Agency for
Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH).Volume 1, Issue 2 March 2007. Sótt 20 ágúst 2009 á
Genomgången av läkemedel mot sjukdomar orsakade av magsyra
Läkemedelsförmånsnämnden (LFN). Anders Wessling, Douglas Lundin. Januar 2006. Sótt 20 ágúst 2009 á
Lothian Joint Formulary. Adult Formulary Update: January 2009. 1.3 Drugs for dyspepsia and GORD. Sótt 18
ágúst 2009 á vef:
Overprescribing proton pump inhibitors. BMJ 2008;336:2-3 (5 January), doi:10.1136/bmj.39406.449456.BE
Reimer C et al. Proton-Pump Inhibitor Therapy Induces Acid-Related Symptoms in Healthy Volunteers After
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Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee. British
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NPS News 46: Proton pump inhibitors June 2006. Sótt 30 ágúst 2009 á vef:
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The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU). Dyspepsia and reflux. A Systematic
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Institut for Rationel Farmakoterapi. Nationale rekommendationsliste. Institut for Rationel Farmakoterapi.
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Institut for Rationel Farmakoterapi. 2007. Behandling af dyspepsi. Sótt 20 ágúst 2009 á vef:
Gæða- og lýðheilsusvið/Heilbrigðistölfræðisvið
21. apríl 2010
Prescribing Practice Review - Health Professional Publication July 2006 NPS Prescribing Practice Review 34:
Proton pump inhibitors in primary care
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of Management Strategies for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 1.
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Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). University of Michigan Health System - Academic Institution. 2002
Mar (revised 2007 Jan). 9.
VHA/DoD clinical practice guideline for the management of adults with gastroesophageal reflux disease in
primary care practice. Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
2003 Mar.
Drug Safety Update: Volume 2 Issue 12, July 2009. Sótt 10 september 2009 á vef:
Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement. Health Care Guideline: Initial Management of Dyspepsia and
GERD. Seventh Edition. July 2006.
Yang YX, Lewis JD, Epstein S, Metz DC. Long-term proton pump inhibitor therapy and risk of hip fracture.
JAMA 2006;296:2947-53
Herzig SJ, Howell MD, Ngo LH, Marcantonio ER. Acid-suppressive medication use and the risk for hospitalacquired pneumonia. JAMA. 2009;301:2120-2128.
Kóvar (B01AA03)
Atrial fibrillation (CG36). National Institute for health and clinical excellence, NICE, june 2006.
ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation - Full Text. 2006 NA.
ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation - Executive
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The Management of People with Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter. New Zealand Guidelines Group (NZGG) may
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Sótt 20 ágúst á vef:
NPS Prescribing Service. Newsletter no, 62. Using antithrombotics wisely in stroke prevention. 2009. Sótt 20
ágúst á vef:
Digoxín (C01AA05)
European Society of Cardiology. ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic heart failure.
European Heart Journal 2008;29:2388-2442). doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehn309
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). Management of chronic heart failure in adults in primary and
secondary care. Clinical guideline. July 2003. Sótt 21 mars 2010 á vef:
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). Management of chronic heart failure in adults in primary and
secondary care. Preliminary draft. Clinical guideline. January 2010. Sótt 21 mars 2010 á vef:
Arnold,JM, P Liu, C Demers, et al. Canadian Cardiovascular Society consensus conference recommendations
on heart failure 2006: Diagnosis and management. Can J Cardiol. 2006;22(1):23-45. Sótt 21 mars 2010 á vef:
Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee. British Columbia Medical Association. Heart failure care.
February 2008
MeReC Bulletin Volume 18 No 3: Chronic heart failure: overview of diagnosis and drug treatment in primary
care. February 2008.
Gæða- og lýðheilsusvið/Heilbrigðistölfræðisvið
21. apríl 2010
Amíódarón (C01BD01)
Keep an Eye on Amiodarone Patients. Prescriber Update 2005;26(1):5-6
Medsafe Pharmacovigilance Team. Sótt 20 ágúst 2009 á vef
What safety monitoring is required in a patient receiving amiodarone in primary care?
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Using oral amiodarone safely. Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin 2003;41(2):9-11.
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American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American College of Endocrinology. Clinical
Practice Guidelines for Evaluation and Treatment of Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism 2002 (amended
2006). Sótt 8 apríl 2010 á vef:
Bickford,CL.Spencer,AP.Adherence to the NASPE Guideline for Amiodarone Monitoring at a Medical
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Goldschlager, N., et al., A Practical Guide for Clinicians Who Treat Patients with Amiodarone: 2007. Heart
Rhythm, 2007. 4(9): p. 1250-1259. Sótt 8 apríl 2010 á vef: doi:10.1016/j.hrthm.2007.07.020
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Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee (ADRAC). The multiple toxicities of amiodarone. Aust Adv
Drug React Bull 2005;24:11.
Þvagræsilyf og lyf sem hemja renín angíótensín kerfið (C03.. og C09..)
Matchar DB, McCrory DC, Orlando LA, Patel MR, Patel UD, Patwardhan MB, Powers B. Samsa GP, Gray
RN. Comparative Effectiveness of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs) and Angiotensin II
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Måttligt förhöjt blodtryck (Moderately Elevated Blood Pressure. A Systematic Literature Review) SBU –
Statens beredning för medicinsk utvärdering. 2007. Sótt 20 ágúst 2009 á vef:
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). Hypertension: management of hypertension in adults in
primary care. Clinical guideline. Júní 2006. Sótt 20 ágúst 2009 á vef:
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN). Management of chronic heart failure. Full guideline. (No.
95). Edinburgh: SIGN; February 2007. Sótt 21 mars 2010 á vef:
Comparative Effectiveness of Medical Therapies with or without ACEs or ARBs for Stable Ischemic Heart
Disease. AHRQ Effective Health Care Program 26 February 2009 Sótt 20 ágúst 2009 á vef:
Musini VM, Fortin PM, Bassett K, Wright JM. Blood pressure lowering efficacy of rennin inhibitors for
primary hypertension. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 4.
Heran BS, Wong MMY, Heran IK, Wright JM. Blood pressure lowering efficacy of angiotensin receptor
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Heran BS, Wong MMY, Heran IK, Wright JM. Blood pressure lowering efficacy of angiotensin converting
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Välj ACE-hämmare i första hand framför angiotensinreceptor-blockerare (ARB) - även vid nedsatt
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JG Howlett, RS McKelvie, JMO Arnold, et al. Canadian Cardiovascular
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Gæða- og lýðheilsusvið/Heilbrigðistölfræðisvið
21. apríl 2010
Institute for Rational Farmakoterapy. Vejledningaer 2009. Skift fra angiotensin-2 antagonist til ACE-hæmmer.
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secondary care. Clinical guideline. July 2003. Sótt 21 mars 2010 á vef:
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). Management of chronic heart failure in adults in primary and
secondary care. Preliminary draft. Clinical guideline. January 2010. Sótt 21 mars 2010 á vef:
Arnold,JM, P Liu, C Demers, et al. Canadian Cardiovascular Society consensus conference recommendations
on heart failure 2006: Diagnosis and management. Can J Cardiol. 2006;22(1):23-45. Sótt 21 mars 2010 á vef:
Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee. British Columbia Medical Association. Heart failure care.
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Blóðfitulækkandi lyf (C10AA..)
Vinnureglur fyrir lyfjaskírteini. Blóðfitulækkandi lyf - 1. mars 2009. Sótt 18 ágúst 2009 á vef )
Fréttabréf lyfjadeildar. 2. Tbl. Blóðfitulækkandi lyf
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). Lipid modification. Cardiovascular risk
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Institute for Rational Farmakoterapy (IRF). Kan kolesterolpatienter behandles bedre?
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Gitt AK. Trial Data Suggest Wider, More Intensive Statin Use. DYSIS (Dyslipidemia International Study).
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Gæða- og lýðheilsusvið/Heilbrigðistölfræðisvið
21. apríl 2010
Thyroxín (H03AA01)
Demers LM, Spencer CA for the AACE Thyroid Task Force. American Association of Clinical
Endocrinologists medical guidelines for clinical practice for the evaluation and treatment of hyperthyroidism
and hypothyroidism. Endocr Pract. 2002;8:457-469. (amended 2006). Sótt 8 apríl 2010 á vef:
Ladenson PW, Singer PA, Ain KB, et al. American Thyroid Association guidelines for detection of thyroid
dysfunction. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:1573-1575.
Bólgueyðandi gigtarlyf (M01A..)
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). Osteoarthritis
The care and management of osteoarthritis in adults. CG no. 59. February 2008. Sótt 23 ágúst á vef
Indicators of Quality Prescribing: 16 - National Prescribing Service Limited. Avoiding the 'Triple Whammy'.
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Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee. Beware the triple whammy! Australian Adverse Drug Reactions
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Beinþynningarlyf (M05BA.., M05BB..)
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Gæða- og lýðheilsusvið/Heilbrigðistölfræðisvið
21. apríl 2010
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Geðrofslyf- sefandi lyf (N05A..)
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MeReC Monthly no.12 March 2009
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Gæða- og lýðheilsusvið/Heilbrigðistölfræðisvið
21. apríl 2010
Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI). Major depression in adults in primary care. Bloomington
(MN): Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI); May 2008. Sótt 20 ágúst á vef
Lothian Joint Formulary. Adult Formulary Update: January 2009. 4.3 Drug treatment of major depression. Sótt
28 ágúst 2009 á vef
Comparative Effectiveness of Second-Generation Antidepressants in the Pharmacologic Treatment of Adult
Depression Effective Health Care (AHRQ) Jan 2007.
MeReC Extra No. 18: Escitalopram or citalopram for depression in primary care?,
Do Single Stereoisomer Drugs Provide Value? Therapeutics Letter no. 45 June - September 2002
The Health Resources Commission. Office for Oregon Health Policy & Research. Second Generation
Antidepressants.DRAFT- Update 4. January 2009. Sótt 3 október 2009 á vef:
Valdir opinberir staðir sem fjalla sérlega um aukaverkanir
Food and Drug Administration og
National Patient Safety Agency. UK. NHS /
Medical Product Agency
Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter