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World Civilizations Diagnostic Assessment #4
 Mark only one answer for each question.
 If you do not know the answer, make your best guess.
1. The imaginary line that divided the Western European countries from the Eastern European countries after
World War II was known as the
a. Prime meridian
b. Iron Curtain
c. Line of demarcation
d. Berlin Wall
2. During World War II, the importance of the D-Day invasion of 1944 was that it
a. Forced Germany to fight on multiple fronts
b. Made Germany move their military to the Russian front
c. Ended the bombing of Germany
d. Demonstrated German military dominance
3. An objective of the European Union (EU) for the early 21st century is to
a. Withdraw from its military alliances
b. Further integrate its economic system
c. Establish a nuclear buffer zone
d. Limit production of alternative fuels
4. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) increased the economic interdependence of the United
States, Mexico, and Canada by
a. Creating a united judicial system
b. Reducing environmental dangers
c. Establishing common currency
d. Limiting tariffs
5. Japan’s invasion of China in 1937 and Germany’s attack on Poland in 1939 led directly to
a. A meeting at Yalta between the United States and the Soviet Union
b. A conference at Munich for European leaders
c. The beginning of World War II in Asia and Europe
d. The withdrawal of Britain and France from
6. What crisis brought the Soviet Union and the United States to brink of nuclear war in 1962?
a. An attempt by leaders in communist Hungary to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact
b. The creation of East Germany as a separate Soviet military occupation zone
c. An invasion of Soviet Korea by armed communist forces from North Korea
d. The installation of Soviet offensive intermediate-range missiles in Cuba
What is the main idea of this cartoon?
a. The demand for petroleum exceeds production
b. Petroleum is being overproduced
c. Fossil fuels are unevenly distributed
d. The demands of global environmental groups have increased
8. Which of these is the main reason that Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania became satellites of
the Soviet Union?
a. These areas were given to the Soviet Union by a League of Nations mandate.
b. The people in each country voted in free elections to ally with the Soviets.
c. The Soviet army occupied these areas at the end of World War II.
d. Hitler surrounded control of these areas to the Soviet Union at the end of the war.
9. … “ You should take steps now to cease military resistance. Otherwise, we shall resolutely employ this bomb
and all our other superior weapons to promptly and forcefully end the war.”…
This paragraph from a 1945 Allied leaflet warned the
a. Czechs of a German invasion
b. Americans in Hawaii of a Japanese attack
c. Koreans of a Russian invasion
d. Japanese civilians of a United States attack
Answer Key
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. D
Cold War
World War II
World War II
Cold War
Cold War
World War II