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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Imaging Molecolare con radionuclidi: un potente mezzo di indagine di processi biologici in vivo F. Garibaldi - Fisica e tecnologie Nucleari per la Salute - Dipartimento TESA Roma 08/06/06 - perche’ imaging molecolare con radionuclidi - come - SPECT/PET/Compton camera - tecniche di collimazione - qualche esempio - applicazioni cliniche - cancro della mammella - cancro della prostata - piccoli animali - rivelazione di placche aterosclerotiche vulnerabili - monintoring della diffusione di cellule staminali Diagnosi del cancro della mammella X-ray mammography,the most sensitive method Mechanism but - it shows lesions, not cancers -15-30% positive predictive value biopsy - invasiveness (proportional to the risk of missing the cancer) - expensive - ansiety - false positive (problems in successive mammographyc controls) - false negative (medical problem great, delay in operation) Natural history of breast cancer Diameter 1 mm. 7mm. 15 mm. Preclinical phase Clinical phase Primary Prevention Early Detection Therapy γ Imaging: Single Photon Detector Module 1.Collimator Only gammas that are perpendicular to imaging plane reach the detector Patient injected with radioactive drug. Drug localizes according to its metabolic properties. Gamma rays, emitted by radioactive decay, that exit the patient are imaged. 2.Scintillator Convert gammas to visible light 3.Photomultiplier Convert light to electrical signal 4.Readout Electronics Amplify electrical signal and interface to computer 5.Computer decoding procedure Elaborate signal and gives image output Le tecniche Ris. Sp Eff. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography 140 keV ris. sp. ed efficienza “tipiche” (vedi) Positron Emission Tomography Ris. Sp Eff. Complementary non invasive “specific” technique is needed Nuclear medicine: - uptake of single radiotracer - when the uptake due to a specific function of the tumor or to a function specifically enhanced in the cancer, specific tumor imaging can take place Emission (Computed Tomography) (SPECT) Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Necessita’ di compressione Molecular imaging: high resolution detectors for early diagnosis and therapy monitoring of breast cancer (ISS, University of Rome2 and Napoli) (Project funded by Ministry of Health) dual head detector 100 x 100 mm2 150 x 200 mm2 Preparation of clinical trials at Dipartimento di Diagnostica per Immagini. University of Tor Vergata foto Tor Vergata con “spot compression” Dual detector configuration S. Majewski et al. Combining the images taken by two detectors, an increase of lesion contrast is obtained Lesions are not seen by the detector on the other side of the lesion. Combining the images both lesions are visible and a Lesions in the middle of the breast TIFF areQuickTime™ seen barely seen by both detectors. (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Fusion: contrast increased tumors: (5, 6, 7, 8,9,10,12) uptake 1:10; breast 6 cm measurements NaI(Tl) 1.5 pitch; H8500 (6x6 mm2) 6 mm SNR vs tumor dimension(10:1-breast 6cm-NaI 1.0-H8500(6x6mm2) 8 mm 20 18 Qu ickTim e™ a nd a TIFF (Un comp resse d) de comp ress or are need ed to see this pi cture. 16 7 mm 14 SNR 12 10 H X (H9500) 8 6 4 2 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t(mm) 11 12 6 mm tumors 13 visible measurements confirm simulation smaller scintillator pixel, higher SNR NaI(Tl) 1.3 pitch; H8500(6x6 mm2) NaI(Tl) 1.2 pitch H9500 (3x3 mm2) Qu ickTi me ™ a nd a T IFF (Uncomp resse d) de com presso r a re ne ed ed to se e thi s pi ctu re . but anode pixel has to be small tum 8 mm First Preliminary Clinical Trials Case 1: Positive Case 2: Negative Small Head (top) Small Head (top) Case 3: Positive Large Head (bottom) Small Head (top) Improvements: “dual head” software implemented, better anode sampling (NaI(Tl) 1.2 mm pitch + H9500 (3 x 3 mm2 anode) + coded aperture collimation