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Marion Island Marine Mammal Programme Fur Seal
Peer-reviewed Scientific Articles
Blanchet M-A, Lydersen C, Biuw M, de Bruyn PJN, Hofmeyr GJG, Krafft BA, Kovacs KM.
2014. Instrumentation and handling effects on Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella).
Polar Research 33:1-10.
Moura AE, Janse van Rensburg C, Pilot M, Tehrani A, Best PB, Thornton M, Plön S, de
Bruyn PJN, Worley KC, Gibbs RA, Dahlheim ME, Hoelzel AR. 2014. Killer whale nuclear
genome and mtDNA reveal widespread population bottleneck during the last glacial
maximum. Molecular Biology and Evolution.
DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msu058
Blanchet MA, Biuw M, Hofmeyr GJG, de Bruyn PJN, Lydersen C, Kovacs KM. 2013. Atsea behaviour of three krill predators breeding at Bouvetøya - Antarctic fur seals, macaroni
penguins and chinstrap penguins. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 477:285-302.
Bornemann H, de Bruyn PJN, Reisinger RR, Kästner S, Márquez MEI, McIntyre T, Bester
MN, Plötz J. 2013. Tiletamine/zolazepam immobilization of adult post-moult southern
elephant seal males. Polar Biology 36: 1687-1692.
de Bruyn PJN, Tosh CA, Terauds A. 2013. Killer whale ecotypes: is there a global model?
Biological Reviews 88(1): 62-80.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-185X.2012.00239.x
Haussmann NS, Rudolph EM, Kalwij JM, McIntyre T. 2013. Fur seal populations facilitate
establishment of exotic vascular plants. Biological Conservation. 162: 33-40.
McIntyre T, Stansfield LJ, Bornemann H, Plötz J, Bester MN. 2013. Hydrographic influences
on the summer dive behaviour of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) in Atka Bay,
Antarctica. Polar Biology. 36: 1693-1700.
Postma M, Bester MN, de Bruyn PJN. 2013. Age-related reproductive variation in a wild
marine mammal population. Polar Biology 36: 719-729.
Postma M, Bester MN, de Bruyn PJN. 2013. Spatial variation in female southern elephant
seal mass change assessed by an accurate non-invasive photogrammetry method. Antarctic
Science 25: 731-740.
Roquet F, Wunsch C, Forget G, Heimbach P, Guinet C, Reverdin G, Charrassin J-B, Bailleul
F, Costa DP, Huckstadt LA, Goetz KT, Kovacs KM, Lydersen C, Biuw M, Nøst OA,
Bornemann H, Ploetz J, Bester MN, McIntyre T, Muelbert MC, Hindell MA, McMahon CR,
Williams G, Harcourt R, Field IC, Chafik L, Nicholls KW, Boehme L & Fedak MA. 2013.
Estimates of the Southern Ocean general circulation improved by animal-borne instruments.
Geophysical Research Letters 40: 6176–6180.
Treasure, AM, Moloney CL, Bester MN, McQuaid CD, Findlay KP, Best PB, Cowan DA, de
Bruyn PJN, et al. 2013. South African research in the Southern Ocean: new opportunities but
serious challenges. South African Journal of Science 109: 1-4.
Field IC, Harcourt RG, Boehme L, de Bruyn PJN, Charrassin JB, McMahon CR, Bester MN,
Fedak MA, Hindell MA. 2012. Refining instrument attachment on phocid seals. Marine
Mammal Science. 28: 325-332.
Hofmeyr GJG, Kirkman SP, Pistorius PA, Bester MN. 2012. Natal site fidelity by breeding
female southern elephant seals in relation to their history of participation in the winter
haulout. African Journal of Marine Science. 34: 373-382.
James B, McIntyre T, Tosh CA, Bornemann H, Plotz J, Bester MN. 2012. Inter-population
differences in diving behaviour of adult male southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina).
Polar Biology. 35: 1759–1766.
DOI: 10.1007/s00300:1-8.
Oosthuizen, WC, de Bruyn PJN, Bester MN. 2012. Unmarked individuals in mark-recapture
studies: comparisons of marked and unmarked southern elephant seals at Marion Island.
Austral Ecology 37:556-568
DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2011.02316.x
Pistorius PA, Meÿer MA, Reisinger RR, Kirkman SP. 2012. Killer whale predation on
subantarctic fur seals at Prince Edward Island, Southern Indian Ocean. Polar Biology 35(11):
DOI: 10.1007/s00300-012-1216-1
Tosh CA, Steyn J, Bornemann H, Van den Hoff J, Stewart BS, Plotz J, Bester MN. 2012.
Marine habitats of juvenile southern elephant seals from Marion Island. Aquatic Biology.
de Bruyn PJN, Tosh CA, Bester MN, Cameron EZ, McIntyre T, Wilkinson IS. 2011. Sex at
sea: alternative mating system in an extremely polygynous mammal. Animal Behaviour 82:
McIntyre T, Bornemann H, Plötz J, Tosh CA, Bester MN. 2011. Water column use and
forage strategies of female southern elephant seals from Marion Island. Marine Biology 158:
McIntyre T, Ansorge IJ, Bornemann H, Plötz J, Tosh CA, Bester MN 2011. Elephant seal
dive behaviour is influenced by ocean temperature: implications for climate change impacts
on an ocean predator. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 441: 257-272.
McIntyre T, Postma M, Wege M, Van der Merwe DS, Bester MN 2011. Hitchhiking goose
barnacles and their potential implications on the functioning of animal-borne instruments.
South African Journal of Wildlife Research. 41: 218-223.
Oosthuizen, WC, Bester, MN, Tosh, CA, Guinet, C, Besson, D & de Bruyn PJN. 2011.
Dispersal and dispersion of southern elephant seals in the Kerguelen Province, Southern
Ocean. Antarctic Science 23: 567-577
Pistorius PA, de Bruyn PJN, Bester MN. 2011. Population dynamics of southern elephant
seals: a synthesis of three decades of demographic research at Marion Island. In: Kirkman SP,
Elwen SH, Pistorius PA, Thornton M, Weir CR (eds), Conservation biology of marine
mammals in the southern African subregion. African Journal of Marine Science 33: 523–534.
Postma M, Wege M, van der Merwe DS, Bester MN, de Bruyn PJN. 2011. Inshore
occurrence of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) at Subantarctic Marion Island.
African Zoology 46: 188–193.
Reisinger RR, de Bruyn PJN, Bester MN. 2011. Predatory impact of killer whales on
pinniped and penguin populations at the Subantarctic Prince Edward Islands: fact and fiction.
Journal of Zoology. 285(1): 1-10.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7998.2011.00815.x
Reisinger RR, de Bruyn PJN, Bester MN. 2011. Abundance estimates of killer whales at
subantarctic Marion Island. Aquatic Biology. 12(2): 177-185.
DOI: 10.3354/ab00340
Reisinger RR, de Bruyn PJN, Tosh CA, Oosthuizen WC, Mufanadzo NT, Bester MN. 2011.
Prey and seasonal abundance of killer whales at sub-Antarctic Marion Island. African Journal
of Marine Science. 33(1): 99-105.
DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2011.572356
Wege M, Bester MN, van der Merwe DS, Postma M. 2011. Oedipus complex in an Antarctic
fur seal pup? Journal of Ethology 29: 505–507.
de Bruyn PJN, Cameron EZ, Tosh CA, Oosthuizen WC, Reisinger RR, Mufanadzo NT,
Phalanndwa MV, Postma M, Wege M, van der Merwe DS, Bester MN. 2010. Prevalence of
allosuckling behaviour in Subantarctic fur seal pups. Mammalian Biology 75: 555–560.
McIntyre T, de Bruyn PJN, Ansorge IJ, Bester MN, Bornemann H, Plötz J, Tosh CA. 2010.
A lifetime at depth: vertical distribution of southern elephant seals in the water column. Polar
Biology 33: 1037–1048.
McIntyre T, Tosh CA, Bornemann H, Plötz J, Bester MN. 2010. Segregation in a sexually
dimorphic mammal: a mixed-effects modelling analysis of diving behaviour in southern
elephant seals. Marine Ecology Progress Series 412: 293–304.
Oosthuizen, WC, de Bruyn PJN, Bester, MN & Girondot, M. 2010. Cohort and tag-sitespecific tag-loss rates in mark–recapture studies: A southern elephant seal cautionary case.
Marine Mammal Science 26: 350-369
DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2009.00328.x
Plötz J, McIntyre T, Takahashi A, Naito Y, Bornemann H. 2010. Fine-scale feeding behavior
of Weddell seals revealed by a mandible accelerometer. Polar Science. 4: 309-316.
Reisinger RR, Bester MN. 2010. Long distance breeding dispersal of a southern elephant
seal. Polar Biology 33: 1289–1291.
Reisinger RR, McIntyre T, Bester MN. 2010. Goose barnacles hitchhike on satellite-tracked
southern elephant seals. Polar Biology 33: 561–564.
Reisinger RR, de Bruyn PJN, Pistorius PA, Bester MN. 2010. Antarctic fur seal predation on
cephalopods at Marion Island. Polar Biology 33: 571–574.
Bester MN, Ryan PG, Visagie J. 2009. Summer survey of fur seals at Prince Edward Island,
southern Indian Ocean. African Journal of Marine Science 31: 451–455.
Cooper J, Bester MN, Chown SL, Crawford RJM, Daly R, Heyns E, Lamont T, Ryan PG,
Shaw JD. 2009. Biological survey of the Prince Edward Islands, December 2008. South
African Journal of Science 105: 317–320.
de Bruyn PJN, Bester MN, Carlini AR, Oosthuizen WC. 2009. How to weigh an elephant
seal with one finger: a simple three-dimensional photogrammetric application. Aquatic
Biology 5: 31–39.
de Bruyn PJN, Tosh CA, Oosthuizen WC, Bester MN, Arnould JPY. 2009. Bathymetry and
frontal system interactions influence seasonal foraging movements of lactating subantarctic
fur seals from Marion Island. Marine Ecology Progress Series 394: 263–276.
McMahon CR, Bester MN, Hindell MA, Brook BW, Bradshaw CJA. 2009. Shifting trends:
detecting environmentally mediated regulation in long-lived marine vertebrates using timeseries data. Oecologia 159: 69–82.
Oosthuizen, WC, Bester, MN, de Bruyn, PJN & Hofmeyr, GJG. 2009. Intra-archipelago
moult dispersion of southern elephant seals at the Prince Edward Islands, southern Indian
Ocean. African Journal of Marine Science 31: 457-462
DOI: 10.2989/AJMS.2009.
Reisinger RR, Mufanadzo NF, de Bruyn PJN, Bester MN. 2009. Leucistic southern elephant
seal at Marion Island. Polar Biology 32: 509–511.
Bester MN, de Clercq H, Hofmeyr GJG, de Bruyn PJN. 2008. Leucistic southern elephant
seal at Marion Island? Polar Biology 31: 255–257.
de Bruyn PJN, Bastos ADS, Eadie C, Tosh CA, Bester MN. 2008. Mass mortality of adult
male Subantarctic fur seals: are alien mice the culprits? PLoS ONE 3: e3757.
doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0003757.
de Bruyn PJN, Tosh CA, Bester MN. 2008. Sexual harassment of a king penguin by an
Antarctic fur seal. Journal of Ethology 26:295–297.
de Bruyn PJN, Tosh CA, Oosthuizen WC, Phalanndwa MV, Bester MN. 2008. Temporary
marking of unweaned southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina L.) pups. South African
Journal of Wildlife Research 38: 133–137.
Ferreira JM, de Oliveira LR, Wynen L, Bester MN, Guinet C, Moreas-Barros N, Martins FM,
Muelbert MMC, Moreno IB, Siciliano S, Ott PH, Morgante JS. 2008. Multiple origins of
vagrant Subantarctic fur seals: a long journey to the Brazilian coast detected by molecular
markers. Polar Biology 31: 303–308.
Makhado AB, Bester MN, Kirkman SP, Pistorius PA, Ferguson JWH, Klages NTW. 2008.
Prey of the Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella at Marion Island. Polar Biology 31: 575–
Mulaudzi TW, Hofmeyr GJG, Bester MN, Kirkman SP, Pistorius PA, Jonker FC, Makhado
AB, Owen JH, Grimbeek RJ. 2008. Haulout site selection by southern elephant seals at
Marion Island. African Zoology 43: 25–33.
Pistorius PA, Taylor FE, Bester MN, Hofmeyr GJG, Kirkman SP. 2008. Evidence for density
dependent population regulation in southern elephant seals in the southern Indian Ocean.
African Zoology 43: 75–80.
Pistorius PA, Bester MN, Hofmeyr GJG, Kirkman SP, Taylor FE. 2008. Seasonal survival
and the relative cost of first reproduction in adult female southern elephant seals in relation to
population changes in the southern Indian Ocean. Journal of Mammalogy 89: 567–574.
Tosh CA, de Bruyn PJN, Bester MN.2008. Preliminary analysis of the social structure of
killer whales, Orcinus orca, at subantarctic Marion Island. Marine Mammal Science 24(4):
DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2008.00233.x
de Bruyn PJN, Pistorius PA, Tosh CA, Bester MN. 2007. Leucistic Antarctic fur seal at
Marion Island. Polar Biology 30: 1355–1358.
Hofmeyr GJG, Bester MN, Pistorius PA, Mulaudzi TW, de Bruyn PJN, Ramunasi AJ,
Tshithabane NH, McIntyre T, Radzilani PM. 2007. Median pupping date, pup mortality and
sex ratio of fur seals at Marion Island. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 37: 1–8.
Lombard AT, Reyers B, Schonegevel LY, Cooper J, Smith-Adao LB, Nel DC, Froneman
PW, Ansorge IJ, Bester MN, Tosh CA, Strauss T, Akkers T, Gon O, Leslie RW, Chown SL.
2007. Conserving pattern and process in the Southern Ocean: designing a marine protected
area for the Prince Edward Islands. Antarctic Science 19: 39–54.
Hofmeyr GJG, Bester MN, Makhado AB, Pistorius PA. 2006. Population changes in
Subantarctic and Antarctic fur seals at Marion Island. South African Journal of Wildlife
Research 36: 55–68.
Bester MN, Hofmeyr GJG. 2005. Numbers of elephant seals at Prince Edward Island,
Southern Ocean. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 35: 85–88.
McMahon CR, Bester MN, Burton HR, Hindell MA, Bradshaw CJA. 2005. Population status,
trends and a re-examination of the hypotheses explaining the recent declines of the southern
elephant seal Mirounga leonina. Mammal Review 35: 82–100.
McMahon CR, Hindell MA, Burton HR, Bester MN. 2005. Comparison of southern elephant
seal populations, and observations of a population on a demographic knife-edge. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 288: 273–283.
Kirkman SP, Bester MN, Hofmeyr GJG, Jonker FC, Pistorius PA, Owen R, Strydom N.
2004. Variation in the timing of the breeding haulout of female southern elephant seals at
Marion Island. Australian Journal of Zoology 52: 379–388.
Pistorius PA, Bester MN, Lewis MN, Taylor FE, Campagna C, Kirkman SP. 2004. Adult
female survival, population trend, and the implications of early primiparity in a capital
breeder, the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina). Journal of Zoology (London) 263:
Bester MN, Ryan PG, Dyer BM. 2003. Population numbers of fur seals at Prince Edward
Island, Southern Ocean. African Journal of Marine Science 25: 549–554.
Crawford RJM, Underhill LG, Bester MN, Cooper J, Greyling MD,Meyer MA, Petersen SL,
Ryan PG, Wilkinson W. 2003. The Prince Edward Islands millennium expedition. South
African Journal of Science 99: 407–409.
Kirkman SP, Bester MN, Makhado AB, Pistorius PA. 2003. Female attendance patterns of
Antarctic fur seals at Marion Island. African Zoology 38: 402–405.
Kirkman SP, Bester MN, Pistorius PA, Hofmeyr GJG, Jonker FC, Owen R, Strydom N.
2003. Variation in the timing of moult in southern elephant seals at Marion Island. South
African Journal of Wildlife Research 33: 79–84.
McMahon CR, Burton HR, Bester MN. 2003. A demographic comparison of two southern
elephant seal populations. Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 61–74.
Bradshaw CJA, McMahon CR, Hindell MA, Bester MN, Pistorius PA. 2002. Do southern
elephant seals show density dependence in fecundity? Polar Biology 25: 650–655.
Hofmeyr GJG, Bester MN. 2002. Entanglement of pinnipeds at Marion Island. South African
Journal of Marine Science 24: 383–386.
Hofmeyr GJG, de Maine M, Bester MN, Kirkman SP, Pistorius PA, Makhado AB. 2002.
Entanglement of pinnipeds at Marion Island, Southern Ocean: 1991–2001. Australian
Mammalogy 24: 141–146.
Kirkman SP, Bester MN, Hofmeyr GJG, Pistorius PA, Makhado AB. 2002. Pup growth and
maternal attendance patterns in Subantarctic fur seals. African Zoology 37: 13–19.
Pistorius PA, Bester MN. 2002. Juvenile survival and population regulation in southern
elephant seals at Marion Island. African Zoology 37: 35–41.
Pistorius PA, Bester MN. 2002. A longitudinal study of senescence in a pinniped. Canadian
Journal of Zoology 80: 395–401.
Pistorius PA, Kirkman SP, Bester MN, Taylor FE. 2002. Implications of the winter haulout
for future survival and resighting probability of southern elephant seals at Marion Island.
South African Journal of Wildlife Research 32: 59–63.
Pistorius PA, Taylor FE, Louw C, Hanise B, Bester MN, de Wet C, et al. 2002. Distribution,
movement, and estimated population size of killer whales at Marion Island, December 2000.
South African Journal of Wildlife Research 32: 86–92.
Keith M, Bester MN, Bartlett PA, Baker D. 2001. Killer whales (Orcinus orca) at Marion
Island, Southern Ocean. African Zoology 36: 163–175.
Kirkman SP, Bester MN, Pistorius PA, Hofmeyr GJG, Owen R, Mecenero S. 2001.
Participation in the winter haulout by southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina. Antarctic
Science 13: 380–384.
Pistorius PA, Bester MN, Kirkman SP, Taylor FE. 2001. Temporal changes in fecundity and
age at sexual maturity of southern elephant seals at Marion Island. Polar Biology 24: 343–
Pistorius PA, Bester MN, Kirkman SP, Taylor FE. 2001. Pup mortality in southern elephant
seals at Marion Island. Polar Biology 24: 828–831.
St Clair Hill M, Ferguson JWH, Bester MN, Kerley GIH. 2001. Preliminary comparison of
calls of the hybridising fur seals, Arctocephalus tropicalis and A. gazella. African Zoology
36: 45–53.
Wilkinson IS, van Aarde RJ. 2001. Investment in sons and daughters by southern elephant
seals, Mirounga leonina , at Marion Island. Marine Mammal Science 17: 873–887.
Kerley GIH, Allen BR, Bester MN. 2000. Comparison of skull morphometrics of male
Subantarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus tropicalis) from Marion and Gough islands. African
Zoology 35: 165–171.
McMahon CR, Burton HR, Bester MN. 2000. Weaning mass and the future survival of
juvenile southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, at Macquarie Island. Antarctic Science
12: 149–153.
Pistorius PA, Bester MN, Kirkman SP, Boveng PL. 2000. Evaluation of age- and sexdependent rates of tag loss in southern elephant seals. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:
Wynen LP, Goldsworthy SD, Guinet C, Bester MN, Boyd IL, Gjertz I, Hofmeyr GJG, White
RWG, Slade R. 2000. Post-sealing genetic variation and population structure of two species
of fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella and A. tropicalis). Molecular Ecology 9: 299–314.
Ferreira SM, Bester MN. 1999. Chemical immobilisation, physical restraint, and stomach
lavaging of fur seals (Arctocephalus spp.) at Marion Island. South African Journal of Wildlife
Research 29: 55–61.
Pistorius PA, Bester MN, Kirkman SP. 1999. Dynamic age distributions in a declining
population of southern elephant seals. Antarctic Science 11: 446–451.
Pistorius PA, Bester MN, Kirkman SP. 1999. Survivorship of a declining population of
southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, in relation to age, sex and cohort. Oecologia 121:
Wilkinson I, van Aarde RJ. 1999. Marion Island elephant seals: the paucity-of-males
hypothesis tested. Canadian Journal of Zoology 77: 1547–1554.
Older Publications
Klages NTW, Bester MN. 1998. The fish prey of fur seals Arctocephalus spp. at subantarctic
Marion Island. Marine Biology 131: 559–566.
Jonker FC, Bester MN. 1998. Seasonal movements and foraging areas of adult southern
female elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, from Marion Island. Antarctic Science 10: 21–30.
Hofmeyr GJG, Bester MN, Jonker FC. 1997. Changes in population sizes and distribution of
fur seals at Marion Island. Polar Biology 17: 150–158.
Wilkinson IS, Bester MN. 1997. Tag-loss estimates for southern elephant seals, Mirounga
leonina, at Marion Island. Antarctic Science 9: 162–167.
Bester MN, van Jaarsveld AS. 1994. Sex-specific and latitudinal variance in postnatal growth
of the Subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis). Canadian Journal of Zoology 72:
Jonker FC, Bester MN. 1994. The diving behaviour of southern elephant seal, Mirounga
leonina , cows from Marion Island. South African Journal of Antarctic Research 24: 75–93.
Hofmeyr GJG. Bester MN. 1993. Predation on king penguins by Antarctic fur seals. South
African Journal of Antarctic Research 23: 71–74.
Bester MN, Pansegrouw HM. 1992. Ranging behaviour of southern elephant seal cows from
Marion Island. South African Journal of Science 88: 574–575.
Bester MN, Skinner JD. 1991. South African research on Antarctic seals. South African
Journal of Antarctic Research 21: 165–166.
Bester MN, Bartlett PA. 1990. Attendance behaviour of Antarctic and Subantarctic fur seal
females at Marion Island. Antarctic Science 2: 309–312.
Wilkinson IS, Bester MN. 1990. Duration of post-weaning fast and local dispersion in the
southern elephant seal, Mirounga leonina, at Marion Island. Journal of Zoology (London)
222: 591–600.
Wilkinson IS, Bester MN. 1990. Continued population increase in fur seals, Arctocephalus
tropicalis and A. gazella, at the Prince Edward Islands. South African Journal of Antarctic
Research 20: 58–63.
Bester MN. 1989. Movements of southern elephant seals and Subantarctic fur seals in
relation to Marion Island. Marine Mammal Science 5: 257–265.
Bester MN. 1989. Movements of southern elephant seals and Subantarctic fur seals in
relation to Marion Island. Marine Mammal Science 5: 257–265.
Bester MN, Wilkinson IS. 1989. Field identification of Antarctic and Subantarctic fur seal
pups. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 19: 140–144.
Kerley GIH. 1989. Electrophoretic transferrin variation in fur seals (Arctocephalus spp.) at
Marion Island. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 92: 361–364.
Bester MN. 1988. Marking and monitoring studies of the Kerguelen stock of southern
elephant seals Mirounga leonina and their bearing on biological research in the Vestfold
Hills. Hydrobiologia 165: 269–277.
Bester MN. 1988. Chemical restraint of Antarctic fur seals and southern elephant seals. South
African Journal of Wildlife Research 18: 57–60.
Wilkinson IS, Bester MN. 1988. Is onshore human activity a factor in the decline of the
southern elephant seal? South African Journal of Antarctic Research 18: 14–17.
Kerley GIH. 1985. Pup growth in the fur seals Arctocephalus tropicalis and A. gazella on
Marion Island. Journal of Zoology (London) 205: 315–324.
Bester MN. 1984. Status of the populations of the fur seals Arctocephalus tropicalis and
Arctocephalus gazella north of the Antarctic Convergence. South African Journal of Science
Bester MN, Jouventin P. 1984. Rationale and strategy for a collaborative research programme
between SASCAR and TAAF on pinnipeds inhabiting South Indian Ocean islands (the
Kerguelen Province). South African Journal of Science 80: 32–33.
Condy PR. 1984. The population of southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina at Marion
Island, 1973–1983. South African Journal of Science 80: 26–27.
Kerley GIH. 1984. Relationships between sympatric breeding populations of fur seals
(Arctocephalus spp.) at the Prince Edward Islands. South African Journal of Science 80: 28–
Panagis K. 1984. Influence of southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina on the coastal
moulting areas of Marion Island. South African Journal of Science 80: 30.
Bester MN, Kerley GIH. 1983. Rearing of twin pups to weaning by Subantarctic fur seal
Arctocephalus tropicalis female. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 13: 86–87.
Kerley GIH. 1983. Record for the Cape fur seal Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus from subAntarctic Marion Island. South African Journal of Zoology 18: 139–140.
Kerley GIH. 1983. Relative population sizes and trends, and hybridization of fur seals
Arctocephalus tropicalis and A. gazella at the Prince Edward Islands, Southern Ocean. South
African Journal of Zoology 18: 388–392.
Kerley GIH. 1983. Comparison of seasonal haul-out patterns of fur seals Arctocephalus
tropicalis and A. gazella on subantarctic Marion Island. South African Journal of Wildlife
Research 13: 71–77.
Kerley GIH, Bester MN. 1983. A note on whole-mass corrections from piecemeal
determinations for fur seals. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 13: 49–50.
Skinner JD, van Aarde RJ. 1983. Observations on the trend of the breeding population of
southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina, at Marion Island. Journal of Applied Ecology 20:
Condy PR. 1981. Annual food consumption, and seasonal fluctuations in biomass of seals at
Marion Island. Mammalia 45: 21–30.
Panagis K. 1981. Local movement of southern elephant seal pups Mirounga leonina (Linn.)
at Marion Island. South African Journal of Antarctic Research 10/11: 28–31.
Condy PR, Green ED. 1980. The fur coat of the Amsterdam Island fur seal Arctocephalus
tropicalis. Journal of Zoology (London) 192: 85–96.
Condy PR. 1979. Annual cycle of the southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina (Linn.), at
Marion Island. South African Journal of Zoology 14: 95–102.
Condy PR. 1978. The distribution and abundance of southern elephant seals Mirounga
leonina (Linn.) on the Prince Edward Islands. South African Journal of Antarctic Research 8:
Condy PR, van Aarde RJ, Bester MN. 1978. The seasonal occurrence and behaviour of Killer
whales Orcinus orca, at Marion Island. Journal of Zoology 184: 449–464.
Skinner JD, Condy PR, van Aarde RJ, Bester MN, Robinson TJ. 1978. The mammals of
Marion Island: a review. South African Journal of Antarctic Research 8: 35–38.
DeVilliers AF, Ross GJB. 1976. Notes on numbers and distribution of fur seals,
Arctocephalus tropicalis (Gray), on Marion and Prince Edward Islands, Southern Ocean.
Journal of Mammalogy 57: 595–600.
Condy PR, Bester MN. 1975. Notes on the tagging of seals at Marion and Gough islands.
South African Journal of Antarctic Research 5: 45–47.
Condy PR, Burger A. 1975. Southern right whale at Marion Island. South African Journal of
Science 71: p 349.
Rand RW. 1962. Elephant seals on Marion Island. African Wildlife 16: 191–198.
Rand RW. 1955. Marion Island – home of South Africa’s elephant seal. African Wildlife 9:
Rand RW. 1956. Notes on the Marion Island fur seal. Proceedings of the Royal Society
(London) 126: 65–82.
Book Chapters
Bester MN. 2013. Marine Mammals: Natural and Anthropogenic Influences. In: Freedman B.
(Ed.) Global Environmental Change: SpringerReference (
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Bester MN, Odendaal PN. 2013 Family Phocidae, True Seals. In Kingdon J. & Hoffmann M.
(eds) 2013. Mammals of Africa: Vol V: Carnivores, Pangolins, Equids and Rhinoceroses.
Bloomsbury Publishing, London: pp. 132-133.
Odendaal PN, Bester MN. 2013. Superfamily Pinnipedia, Seals. In Kingdon, J. & Hoffmann,
M. (eds) 2013. Mammals of Africa: Vol V: Carnivores, Pangolins, Equids and Rhinoceroses.
Bloomsbury Publishing, London: pp. 126.
Odendaal PN, Bester MN. 2013. Family Otariidae, Fur Seals. In Kingdon, J. & Hoffmann, M.
(eds) 2013. Mammals of Africa: Vol V: Carnivores, Pangolins, Equids and Rhinoceroses.
Bloomsbury Publishing, London: pp. 126-127.
Ryan PG, Bester MN. 2008. Pelagic predators. In: Chown SL, Froneman PW (eds), The
Prince Edward Islands: land-sea interactions in a changing ecosystem. Stellenbosch: Sun
Media. pp 121–164.
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Popular Scientific Articles
Tosh CA, Bester MN. 2013. High in the food chain - seals in the Southern Ocean. Quest.
9: 50-53.
Ayerst F, Bester MN. 2009. Marion Island: seal superheroes. Beyond Blue January 2009(2).
de Bruyn PJN, Tosh CA. 2006. Head hunting in the Southern Ocean. Africa Geographic
November 2006. 29-34