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KALAM Cosmological Argument
Did the universe begin to exist, and if so what
caused it?
• John Philoponus (circa AD 580)
• Al-Ghazali (AD 1058-1111)
• William Lane Craig (present)
1. Argument:
1. Everything that begins to exists has a cause.
2. The universe began to exist.
3. Therefore, the universe has a cause.
2. The argument is airtight. An opponent must
deny premise 1 or 2.
Dual aspects:
• The premises are supported by both
philosophical and scientific arguments
Premise 1
Ex nilhilo nihil fit (Nothing comes from nothing)
‘To suggest that things could just pop into being uncaused out of nothing is to
quit doing serious metaphysics and resort to magic’ W.L.C.
Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could (Maria von Trapp)
If something can come into being from nothing then it
becomes inexplicable why just anything or everything
doesn’t come int0 being from nothing.
Common experience and scientific evidence confirm the
truth of premise 1.
Objections to Premise 1
• Virtual Particles
– Space is a sea of energy.
– Virtual particles are created from random
perturbations in the sea of energy.
• True of everything in the universe but not the
• What caused God?
– Reread premise 1.
– God is eternal and uncaused.
Premise 2
• Philosophical
– Actual infinites don’t exist
– Cannot traverse an infinite sequence
• Scientific
– Expanding universe (Big Bang)
– Entropy
Actual infinite
Potential infinite
Georg Cantor: ‘a collection or set is infinite when a part of it is
equivalent to the whole’
Bernard Bolzano: ‘infinites can be of different sizes…although
one infinite might be larger than another, the individual elements
of the two infinites could be matched together on a one to one
Richard Dedekind: ‘a system is said to be infinite if a part of
that system can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the
Premise 2
1. An actually infinite number of things cannot
• Absurdities result if the number of past events is
• Objection: Set theory
• Provides a means of discussion
• It is an idea that cannot be realised
• Impossible is different to logical contradiction
1. Hilbert’s Hotel.
Premise 2
• Finite Hotel that is full needs to turn away new guests.
• Infinite Hotel that is FULL does not need to turn away new
• 1 new Guest arrives:
Move Room 12, 23, 34, 45 etc,
which makes a vacancy in Room 1.
• An infinite number of new Guests arrive:
Move Room 12, 24, 36, 48 etc,
which makes an infinite number of vacancies (odd rooms).
• Checkout
• If all odd guests check out an infinite number of guests have
checked out any yet there are just as many left behind.
• If guests in all room numbers greater than 3 check out then there
are only 3 guests in the hotel.
Premise 2
1. You can’t pass through an infinite number of elements
one at a time.
• A series of past events is formed by adding one event after another
• No series that is formed by adding one member after another can be actually
infinite. As you can not pass through an infinite number of elements one at a
• No matter how high you count there are always numbers left
• If you can’t count up to infinity then how can you count down from infinity
• Objection: every event in the past is only a finite distance from the present.
• Fallacy of composition: just because any part of a series can be crossed doesn’t
mean that the whole can be crossed.
• Someone who claims to have been counting down from eternity past
and is now finished.
• Why did he finish today?
Scientific Arguments
• Edwin 1889-1953
• In 1920s he observed distant
galaxies were moving away from
• The universe is expanding
• Must have had a begining
Premise 2 – Scientific Arguments
• Big Bang Cosmology
– Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity predicted an expanding
or contracting universe.
– Alexander Friedman & Georges Lemaitre
• Red shift
– Buttons on an expanding balloon.
– Trace the expansion back in time leads to a singularity
– Supported by creation of light elements i.e. Helium & Cosmic
background radiation
• Borde, Vilenkin and Guth (BVG) theorem: ‘any universe that
has, on average, been expanding throughout its history cannot be infinite in the past
but must have a past space-time boundary’
Quote from Vilenkin
• It is said that an argument is what convinces
reasonable men and a proof is what it takes to
convince even and an unreasonable man. With
the proof now in place, cosmologists can no
longer hide behind the possibility of a pasteternal universe. There is no escape; they have to
face the problem of a cosmic beginning.
Second Scientific Argument: Thermodynamics
• 2nd Law of thermodynamics: unless energy is
being fed into a system, that system will become
increasingly disorderly.
– The universe is a battery that is running down.
– If the universe has existed for ever then why has the
state of maximum disorder not been reached.
• Boltzmann: suggested that our visible universe is
a small region of order in a much larger universe
that is on average at equilibrium.
• We should observe a small universe: Our visible
universe is larger than required for our
• Boltzmann Brain: The smallest observable
universe is a brain that by chance appears from
the collision of atoms, observes and then
Alternate Models
• Steady State: Creation of Helium, Background radiation
• Oscillating: Disorder is carried over between oscillations,
matter nears collapse point it most probably causes a singularity,
Observations show that the current universe will not collapse but expand
• Bubble Universes: our universe is just a bubble in a much larger
“multiverse” of bubble universes. BVG theorem says that the multiverse as a
whole must have a beginning.
• Baby Universes: Black holes are tunnels through to new baby
universes. The battery running down still applies and in addition Hawking
radiation shows that the hypothesis is incorrect.
The nature of the cause
• The cause must be:
Immaterial, non physical
Powerful enough to create all matter and energy
Why Personal?
• Swinburne - two type of causal explanations:
• Scientific
• Personal
• Why is the kettle boiling?
• Abstract objects or unembodied minds
• Abstract objects don’t stand in causal relations.
• Ghazali: If the cause is sufficient to produce its effect, then if the
cause is present then the effect MUST be present too.
• Minds have freedom of the will.
• There are very good grounds to believe that the
cause of the universe was God.
• “In the beginning, God created the heavens and
the earth” (Genesis 1:1)
15 Second Grab
• Something must be eternal and uncaused.
• It is either God or the universe.
• And it ain’t the universe.
• Don’t get bogged down in the science.
• The scientific objections can snowball.
Extra models
• Vacuum Fluctuation: Given an infinite past all possibilities
would occurred, hence we should be observing an infinitely old universe.
• Quantum Gravity: Still has a beginning
• String Scenarios: Given an infinite past all possibilities would
occurred, hence we should be observing an infinitely old universe. BVG
theorem extended to higher dimension cosmology