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ГПОУ ЯО «Ярославский медицинский колледж»
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для студентов
по разделу «Сердечно-сосудистая система»
Test: « Cardiovascular System»
Name: ________________________
Date: _________________________
Answer the following questions:
I. Multiple Choice Questions:
Which of the following is not a
component of the cardiovascular
B) 60-100 beats per minute
A) Heart
D) 20-30 beats per minute
B) Lungs
What is the primary function of red
blood cells?
C) Blood vessels
D) Blood
C) 40-60 beats per minute
A) Transport oxygen
B) Fight infection
What is the average heart rate of a
healthy adult at rest?
C) Clot blood
A) 120-140 beats per minute
D) Pump blood
II. True or False:
Blood is pumped out of the heart through arteries and returns through veins. (T/F)
The heart has four chambers. (T/F)
III. Short Answer:
Describe the pathway that blood takes as it flows through the heart.
What is the role of valves in the heart?
Explain the difference between arteries and veins.
IV. Essay:
Discuss the importance of maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. What are some lifestyle choices that
can positively or negatively impact heart health?