* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Economic efficiency assessment of geophysical site survey for offshore oil and gas facilities development D. Lalomov* (Fertoing LTD), D. Baidikov (Fertoing LTD), D. Korshunov (Geodevice LTD), G. Kovalenko (Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University) Introduction Implementation of investment construction projects on the shelf is a business with a high level of risk, due to geohazards, which are a potential source of harm to offshore oil and gas facilities. With a certain combination of probability and harm, potential geohazards turn into risks and should be considered not only in the framework of geophysical site survey, but also from the point of view of project risk management. Due to this purpose the results of engineering-geophysical site survey are reviewed from the point of geohazard risk management for offshore oil and gas facilities construction. Based on the actual methodology for quantitate risk analysis using the risk-approach, the economic efficient of geophysical site survey is assessed. It is an important criterion for customer informed investment decisions. Methods We review a standard geophysical site survey for jack-up drilling rig construction, which will be located on the site within the boundaries 3 by 3 km and characterized by high geohazard uncertainty. The geohazard identification was carried out using a standard set of geophysical surveys methods, which included multi‐beam echo sounder, side‐scan sonar and magnetometer for seafloor mapping and sub-bottom profiler, ultra‐ultra-high and ultra‐high resolution seismic for sub‐seafloor mapping. Five types of geohazards were identified: paleo channel system; shallow gas in different intervals (figure 1 a); faults (figure 1 b) and man-made features (figure 1 c). The example of ultra‐high resolution seismic cross section with paleo channels and shallow gas charge interval performed on the figure 1. а) b) c) Figure 1. The examples of paleo channel system and shallow gas (a); faults (b) and man-made features (c) The risk probability of each geohazard is calculated based on the percentage ratio of the area located within the contour of the geohazard to the total site survey area (9 km2) using geohazard maps (figure 2). Moreover, the probability of shallow gas risk was corrected using likelihood classification of shallow gas seismic features (Guidelines …, 2015). The probability of contact jack-up drilling rig with a point-like man-made features is determined by the percentage ratio of the area of the circle with a radius equal to the largest diagonal size of the facility to the total site survey area. «Морские технологии 2021» — Геленджик, Россия, 26 - 30 апреля 2021 г. Figure 2. Geohazard maps: paleo channel system and man-made features (a); faults (b); shallow gas in 0 – 30 m interval (c); shallow gas in 30 – 140 m interval (d) Thus, the probability to knock against a paleo channel system within the site is likely, shallow gas is occasional, faults is seldom, and man-made features is remote (table 1). Table 1. Geohazard probability Geohazard Area, km2 Probability, % Man-made features 0.27 3.0 Paleo channel system 3.65 40.5 Shallow gas 2.22 24.6 in 0 – 30 m interval Shallow gas in 30 – 140 m interval 2.78 30.8/23.1 (before correction/after correction)* Faults 1.50 16.6 *Correction based on likelihood classification of shallow gas seismic features «Морские технологии 2021» — Геленджик, Россия, 26 - 30 апреля 2021 г. The value of the damage is taken in accordance with the risk matrix for the global practice of offshore drilling (Pritchard, 2010), where the minimum damage corresponds to the downtime of the platform, and the maximum to its complete loss (figure 3). Paleo channel system Likely >40% Probability Occasional 20-40% Shallow gas Shallow gas (0-30) (30-140) Seldom 10-20% Faults Unlikely 5-10% Man-made features Remote <5% Rare <1% Incidental Half day lost ($100K) Minor Moderate Major Severe Catastrophic Day lost ($100K-$250K) Loss of hole section ($250K-$1M) Loss of more than 1 hole section ($1M-$5M) Loss of well ($2M-$20M) Loss of rig (>$20M) Harm Figure 3. Risk assessment matrix for offshore drilling industry based on (Pritchard, 2010) The initial data for risk calculations are presented in the table 2. The cost of drilling 1 m on the shelf, depending on the region, ranges from $ 3.4 to $ 12.5 thousand (Tetelmin, 2009), which corresponds to the cost of $ 3.4 to $ 12.5 million (an average of $ 7.95 million) for the construction of a 1000 m well interval , which is in the area of responsibility of geophysical site survey (Guidelines ..., 2015). Table 2. The initial data for risk calculations Geohazard Probability, % Man-made features Paleo channel system Shallow gas in 0 – 30 m interval Shallow gas in 30 – 140 m interval Faults Project cost, M $ Harm, M $ mid. 0.625 0.175 3.0 40.5 min. 0.25 0.1 max. 1 0.25 24.6 1 2.625 5 23.1 2 11 20 16.6 1 min. 3.4 3 mid. 7.95 5 max. 12.5 Results The economic calculations are based on a quantitative risk analysis used within the framework of actual requirements for risk management of innovative projects (Kovalenko, 2011). As a tool for performing risk calculations, the Risky Project Professional software package (Risky project ..., 2012) was used, which is based on logical and probabilistic modeling using the Monte Carlo method (Metropolis, 1949). «Морские технологии 2021» — Геленджик, Россия, 26 - 30 апреля 2021 г. Max. harm Mid. harm 25 Min. harm No harm Frequency 20 15 40 35 Confidence interval P10% P90% 14 P67% 30 12 25 20 10 3.47 mln. $ 15 10 8 5 0 0 10 6 20 40 60 80 100 Cumulative probability, % 4 5 Probability, % 30 Сost value at risk (VaR), mln. $ The results of risk calculations performed for scenarios with and without risk in the form of diagrams of the distribution of costs according to cost value at risk (VaR) (figure 4). The number of tests in the process of stochastic modeling for each of the scenarios was 216. 2 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 Cost, mln. $ 25 30 35 40 Figure 4. The results of calculating the impact of risks on the total cost of the project: cost allocation diagram (a); cost value at risk (VaR) chart (b) The average value of the total probability of the distribution of costs in the confidence interval of 10 to 90% shows that the construction cost at risk (scenario with average losses) with a probability of 67% will not exceed $ 11.42 million. Therefore, the difference between the project cost, taking into account and excluding risks will amount to $ 3.47 million (figure 5). 25 Probability, % 3.47 mln. $ Frequency 20 10 12 8 10 6 4 0 10 14 P90% P67% 8 2 15 Confidence interval P10% 12 S1 = S2 0 5 10 15 20 Cost, mln. $ 6 25 4 Mid. harm No harm 5 Probability, % 30 2 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Cost, mln. $ 30 35 40 Figure 5. Comparison of histograms of cost distribution for scenarios with and without risk (a). An example of determining the average value of the cumulative probability for a confidence level from 10 to 90% (b) «Морские технологии 2021» — Геленджик, Россия, 26 - 30 апреля 2021 г. In a static assessment, the economic return on investment is determined by ROI (return on investment) (Samuelson, 2010): Р 𝑅𝑂𝐼 = 𝐼 ∙ 100%, (1) where P – is the economic effect; I – investments. The economic effect P in our case determines the expected monetary result EMV (Expected monetary value), which is obtained based on the risk approach in accordance with (Bush, 1998): 𝐸𝑀𝑉 = (benefit ∙ 𝑆𝑃) − [risk capital ∙ (1 − 𝑆𝑃)], (2) where the «benefit» – is the cost of risks, which can be reduced by performing geophysical surveys ($ 3.47 million.); «risk capital» – the cost of geophysical surveys ($ 0.6 million) that will be performed in vain if the risks are not realized; SP – level of probability for which risks were assessed (67%). Based on the calculation, we get an EMV of $ 2.39 million, which is at a cost of geophysical exploration of $ 0.6 million provides their ROI 244%. Conclusions We considered geophysical site survey as a tool for identifying geohazards in terms of standard project risk management procedures. Based on the risk approach, we showed the possibility of assessing the economic efficiency of geophysical surveys, which is probabilistic and can be justified and presented in the form of real cost indicators. Therefore, the mutually beneficial use of efficient risk management approaches may underlie the teamwork of constructor and site survey provider. References 1. Bush J., Bush W. J., Johnston D. International Oil Company Financial Management in Nontechnical Language. Tulsa, Oklahoma: PennWell, 1998, 327 р. 2. Conduct of offshore drilling hazard Site Surveys - Technical Notes: OGP Report No. 373-18-2. London: OGP, 2015. 3. Kovalenko G.V. Innovation Risk Management. Saint Petersburg: SPbPU, 2011. 143 p. 4. Metropolis N., Ulam S. The Monte Carlo method // Journal of the American Statistical Association. 1949. V. 44. № 247. P. 335-341. 5. Pritchard D., York P., Beattie S., Hannegan D., 2010. Drilling hazard management: The value of risk assessment. World Oil 231 (10), P. 43 - 52. 6. Risky project professional user guide. Calgary, Canada: Intaver Institute, 2012. 186 p. 7. Samuelson P. A., Nordhaus W. D., 2010. Economics, 19th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill/Irwin, 715 р. 8. Tetelmin V.V., Yazev V.A. Fundamental of oil and gas drilling. Dolgoprudny: Intellect Publishing House, 2009. 296 p. «Морские технологии 2021» — Геленджик, Россия, 26 - 30 апреля 2021 г.