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The Importance of Being Earnest
Act 1 Review
Deception in Act 1: Complete the table below:
Character’s name
Their deception
Whom do they deceive?
Their reasons for this deception
Possible consequences of this
Group work: What do we learn about the lives of the English upper classes in the 19th century? How did they live? What was important to them? Consider their
attitudes to social conventions, status, marriage, education and property. Make a list of ideas on each of the topics mentioned.
Group 1
Draw up a list of statements made about marriage by different characters and comment on the impressions given.
Group 2
Wilde described the play as ‘A trivial comedy for serious people’. Find examples of where trivial events are treated with overblown seriousness. Write down the
subject being discussed and a quote.
Group 3
Draw up a list of statements made about education by different characters and comment on the impressions given.
Group 4
What ideas do you gain about ‘society’ from your reading of the first Act? Find quotations relating to status, general behaviour and morality, and culture.
Group 5
Consider the role of men and women in Act 1. Women are shown to have the upper hand. Find examples of this, pointing out how women seem to be in