Download IGS Sever using OPC UA

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Below are basic steps to configure a local IGS system to communicate
with a remote IGS Sever using OPC UA:
NOTE: The below setup is using two machines on a LAN with both systems located in the same local
workgroup. The firewall is enabled on both systems, but set to allow OPC UA traffic and port 49310 is
opened for incoming and outgoing traffic.
Note: You will need to reinitialize IGS after any changes. At this time, you temporarily disconnect from
iFIX possibly resulting in COMM alarms, which is not really a good idea to do in a production
ServerIGS = IGS acting as a OPC UA server
ClientIGS = the remote IGS acting as OPC UA client
At ServerIGS,
-go to the system tray to find IGS icon and right-click on it
-choose OPC UA Configuration Manager
-select Server Endpoints tab
-select URL containing the machine name and enable it by placing a checkmark besides the Enabled
checkbox found on the lower left-hand side of the dialog box
-click on Edit
-on the Endpoint Definition Window,
a) select None and uncheck the other two security policies. This is the equivalent of disabling security.
If you start with security disabled you can initially ignore the need for certificate swapping between the
two stations.
Certificates are used for any channel whose security policy is set to Basic128Rsa15 or Basic256 to secure
connections between the OPC UA Client Driver and OPC UA Servers. To establish a secure UA
connection, the OPC UA Client Driver needs access to the OPC UA server certificate. Likewise, the OPC
UA server needs access to the OPC UA Client Driver certificate.
Note: The certificate swap must occur before the connection is made. The OPC UA Configuration
Manager is a tool used to make certificate swaps between clients and servers easy. For more
information on this tool and how to perform swaps, refer to the OPC UA Configuration Manager help file
in the Runtime's Help
For the purposes of this article we will be testing with the Server endpoints on both systems set to none
a) The default port number is 49310
b) change the Network Adapter from default to use the actual NIC brand name using the dropdown box
d) click on OK to go back to Endpoint Definition Window
-click on Close on the Endpoint Definition Window
-go back to IGS icon in system tray and right-click on it to bring up popup menu
-select reinitialize (NOTE: if iFIX is running, IGS will temporarily disconnect from iFIX. If this is a system in
production, then you will get COMM alarms)
if you're using Windows firewall, set the Inbound and Outbound rules to open up port 49310 being used
by the OPC UA Server ( see step b above). You should not need to reboot after adding those rules. If the
system is using a third-party firewall, consult further with your local IT dept.
At clientIGS,
-when configuring the channel with OPC UA client protocol and you reach UA server settings,
a) click on the browse button (the one with 3 dots) to browse
Device Properties – select Import tab and the items to import.
Select the option to add the items from the OPC UA Server
This step adds remote Channel and device to the local Channel
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