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DKA and HHS By; Dr. Sisay H.(EMCC specialist , AaBET Hospital) 8/17/2022 1 Outlines - Introduction - Definition - Epidemiology - Pathogenesis - Clinical features - Diagnosis - Management options 8/17/2022 2 Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disease. It comprises a heterogeneous group of hyperglycemic disorders characterized by high serum glucose and disturbances of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. And can have both acute n chronic complications Acute include hypoglycemia,(DKA), and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma (HHNC). Long-term complications include disorders of blood vessels, especially the microvasculature. 8/17/2022 3 Definition DKA is a syndrome in which insulin deficiency and glucagon excess combine to produce a hyperglycemic, dehydrated, acidotic patient with profound electrolyte imbalance Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic coma (HHNC) represents a syndrome of acute diabetic decompensation characterized by marked hyperglycemia, hyperosmolarity and dehydration, and decreased mental functioning that may progress to frank coma with minimal or absent ketosis and acidosis. 8/17/2022 4 Epidemiology ED visits for DKA was 64 per 10,000 Mortality to <5% of reported episodes inexperienced centers. Mortality is higher in the elderly due to underlying renal disease or coexisting infection and in the presence of coma or hypotension. Women>men 8/17/2022 5 Pathophysiology - Two hormonal abnormalities are largely responsible for the development of hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis in patients with uncontrolled diabetes are interrelated and are 1-Insulin deficiency and/or resistance. 2-Glucagon excess, which may result from removal of the normal suppressive effect of insulin 8/17/2022 6 Cont’d As serum glucose concentration increases, an osmotic gradient develops, attracting water from the intracellular space into the intravascular compartment, causing cellular dehydration. The initial increase in intravascular volume is accompanied by a temporary increase in the glomerular filtration rate. 8/17/2022 7 Cont’d As serum glucose concentration increases, the capacity of the kidneys to reabsorb glucose is exceeded, and glucosuria and osmotic diuresis occur. During osmotic diuresis, significant urinary loss of sodium and potassium, as well as more modest losses of calcium, phosphate, and magnesium may occur 8/17/2022 8 Cont’d As volume depletion progresses, renal perfusion decreases, and the glomerular filtration rate is reduced. Renal tubular excretion of glucose is impaired, which further worsens hyperglycemia. A sustained osmotic diuresis may result in total body water losses that often exceed 20% to 25% of total body weight, or approximately 8 to 12 L in a 70kg patient 8/17/2022 9 Cont’d This osmotic diuresis combined with poor intake and vomiting produces the profound dehydration and electrolyte imbalance associated with DKA. The hyperosmolarity produced by hyperglycemia and dehydration is the most important determinant of the patient’s mental status 8/17/2022 10 8/17/2022 11 DKA/HHS Pathogenesis Absolute Insulin Deficiency Glucagon Catecholamines Cortisol Growth Hormone Lipolysis Proteolysis FFAs Gluconeogenic Substrates Ketogenesis Ketoacidosis Triglycerides Hyperlipidemia 8/17/2022 Precipitating Factors Gluconeogenesis Hyperglycemia Relative Insulin Deficiency Minimal Lipolysis Glycogenolysis Hyperosmolality Glucosuria (Osmotic Diuresis) Decreased GFR Loss of Water & Electrolytes Dehydration 12 DKA/HHS Ketone Body Formation in Liver Fatty Acids Insulin Glucose Fatty Acyl-CoA Triglycerides Fatty Acyl-CoA Acetyl-CoA Acetoacetyl-CoA b-Hydroxy-b-methylglutaryl CoA Acetoacetate AcetoneNADH 8/17/2022 b -Hydroxybutyrate NAD 13 Clinical features Usually requires precipitants or pt might not have precipitant n the precipitant includes Omission or reduced daily insulin injections Dislodgement/occlusion of insulin pump catheter Infection Pregnancy Hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma, Cushing’s syndrome Substance abuse (cocaine) Medications: steroids, thiazides, antipsychotics, sympathomimetics 8/17/2022 14 Con’d Heat-related illness Cerebrovascular accident GI hemorrhage Myocardial infarction Pulmonary embolism Pancreatitis Major trauma Surgery 8/17/2022 15 Con’d The clinical manifestations of DKA are related directly to hyperglycemia, volume depletion, and acidosis and includes Polyuria Polydipsia Weight loss Nausea Vomiting Abdominal pain: common in DKA Impaired mental status: common in HHS 8/17/2022 16 C/F The earliest symptoms of marked hyperglycemia are polyuria, polydipsia, and weight loss. As the degree or duration of hyperglycemia progresses, neurologic symptoms, including lethargy, focal signs, and obtundation, can develop. This can progress to coma in later stages. Neurologic symptoms are most common in HHS, while hyperventilation and abdominal pain are primarily limited to patients with DKA. 8/17/2022 17 Abdominal pain in DKA Abdominal pain …………. 46 percent of patients with DKA Abdominal pain was associated with the severity of the metabolic acidosis but did not correlate with the severity of hyperglycemia or dehydration. Possible causes of abdominal pain include Delayed gastric emptying and Ileus induced by the metabolic acidosis and associated electrolyte abnormalities 8/17/2022 18 Physical examination Signs of volume depletion are common in both DKA and HHS and include Decreased skin turgor, Dry axillae and oral mucosa, Low jugular venous pressure, Tachycardia, and, if severe, hypotension. Neurologic findings, noted above, also may be seen, particularly in patients with HHS. Patients with DKA may have A fruity odor and Deep respirations reflecting the compensatory hyperventilation (called Kussmaul respirations). 8/17/2022 19 Diagnosis DKA is diagnosed with A blood glucose level >250 milligrams/dL (13.8 mmol/L) An anion gap >10 mEq/L (>10 mmol/L) A bicarbonate level <15 mEq/L (<15 mmol/L), and PH <7.3 with moderate ketonuria or ketonemia 8/17/2022 20 DKA Factors that contribute to the lesser degree of hyperglycemia in DKA, compared with HHS Patients with DKA often present earlier in the course of their acute disease with symptoms of ketoacidosis (such as shortness of breath, abdominal pain, and nausea and vomiting), rather than late with symptoms due to hyperosmolality. Patients with DKA tend to be younger and to have a higher glomerular filtration rate………. glucosuria 8/17/2022 21 Con’d HHS is “defined” by Severe hyperglycemia with serum glucose usually >600 milligrams/dL (>33.3 mmol/L), An elevated calculated plasma osmolality of >315 mOsm/kg (>315 mmol/kg), Serum bicarbonate >15 mEq/L (>15 mmol/L), An arterial pH >7.3, and Serum ketones that are negative to mildly positive 8/17/2022 22 Euglycemic DKA Blood glucose level ≤ 300 mg/dL has been reported in up to 18% of patients. RBS might be normal (euglycemic DKA) in Patients presenting shortly after receiving insulin Type 1 diabetics who are young and vomiting Patients with impaired gluconeogenesis Low caloric intake/starvation Depression Pregnancy Patients treated with the class of drugs that block the sodium/glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2 inhibitors). 8/17/2022 23 Laboratory Testing Rapid bedside glucose determination A urine test strip An electrocardiogram to check for hyperkalemia Obtain a CBC Serum electrolytes BUN and creatinine Urinalysis 8/17/2022 Venous blood gas, and Phosphate/magnesium/calcium levels Calculate the anion gap. Blood cultures 24 Laboratory abnormalities CBC: Leukocytosis is often present because of hemoconcentration and stress. However, a WBC count >25,000 mm3 and/or An absolute band count of 10,000 mm3 or more is suggestive of infection. sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 80% Elevation of C-reactive protein U/A :ketonuria 8/17/2022 25 Ketone Bodies In DKA, elevated serum levels of βHB and AcAc cause acidosis and ketonuria (ketonemia). The nitroprusside reagent normally used to detect urine and serum ketones only detects AcAc; Acetone is only weakly reactive and βHB not at all. Gas chromatography can be used to detect serum acetone but is expensive and time-consuming. (AcAc + NADH = βHB + NAD). A new point-of-care capillary blood ketone test for βHB levels. 8/17/2022 26 Acid-Base Abnormalities Wide-anion-gap metabolic acidosis. Hyper-chloremic acidosis Aggressively rehydrated with normal saline. Vomiting was sufficient to cause a concomitant metabolic alkalosis 8/17/2022 27 Con’d Serum electrolyte Na:decreased due to Osmotic diuresis K:serum potassium level is normal or elevated ,Despite total body k depletion due to extracellular shift of potassium secondary to acidemia and increased intravascular osmolarity caused by hyperglycemia Phosphorous, calcium, and magnesium : initially elevated due to hemoconcentration but later become decreased due to renal lose. 8/17/2022 28 Serum potassium Patients presenting with DKA or HHS have a potassium deficit that averages 300 to 600 mEq. A number of factors contribute to this deficit, particularly increased urinary losses due both to the glucose osmotic diuresis and to the excretion of potassium ketoacid anion salts…….. volume contraction-related secondary hyperaldosteronism Gastrointestinal losses and the loss of potassium from the cells due to glycogenolysis and proteolysis Despite these total body potassium deficits, hypokalemia is observed in only approximately 5 percent of cases. 8/17/2022 29 cont... Patients presenting with DKA or HHS have a potassium deficit that averages 300 to 600 mEq. A number of factors contribute to this deficit, particularly increased urinary losses due both to The glucose osmotic diuresis and The excretion of potassium ketoacid anion salts (the ketoacid anions are filtered as sodium salts, but some of the sodium is reabsorbed in the distal renal tubule in exchange for potassium as a result of volume contraction-related secondary hyperaldosteronism). Gastrointestinal losses and the loss of potassium from the cells due to glycogenolysis and proteolysis also may play a contributory role. 8/17/2022 30 cont... Despite these large total body potassium deficits, the serum potassium concentration is usually normal or, in one-third of patients, elevated on admission. This is mainly due to hyperosmolality and insulin deficiency. The rise in plasma osmolality causes osmotic water movement out of the cells. Potassium also moves into the ECF as a result of at least two mechanisms: The contraction of the ICF space increases intracellular potassium concentration and favors passive potassium exit through potassium channels in the cell membrane The frictional forces between solvent (water) and solute result in potassium being carried out through the water pores in the cell membrane (this process is called solvent drag) Insulin normally promotes potassium uptake by the cells. Therefore, insulin deficiency contributes to elevated serum potassium levels. 8/17/2022 31 Serum phosphate Patients with uncontrolled hyperglycemia are typically in negative phosphate balance because of decreased phosphate intake, an acidosis-related shift of phosphate into the extracellular fluid (ECF) when metabolic acidosis exists, and phosphaturia caused by osmotic diuresis. Despite phosphate depletion, the serum phosphate concentration at presentation is usually normal or even high because both insulin deficiency and metabolic acidosis cause a shift of phosphate out of the cells and as a result of ECF volume contraction. 8/17/2022 32 Con’d Cr: might be elevated due to pre renal azotemia CXR : might be normal or features of precipitant like pneumonia, PE HgA1C- elevated 8/17/2022 33 Serum amylase and lipase Acute pancreatitis may precipitate or complicate DKA. Each of these enzymes is often elevated in patients with DKA who do not have any other clinical or radiological evidence of pancreatitis. Therefore, the diagnosis of pancreatitis in patients with DKA should be primarily based upon clinical findings and imaging. 8/17/2022 34 Leukocytosis The majority of patients with hyperglycemic emergencies present with leukocytosis, which is proportional to the degree of ketonemia. Leukocytosis unrelated to infection may occur as a result of hypercortisolemia and increased catecholamine secretion. However, a white blood cell count greater than 25,000/microL or more than 10 percent bands increases suspicion for infection and should be evaluated. 8/17/2022 35 8/17/2022 36 Severity of DKA mild moderate severe Mental status Alert Alert/drowsy Stupor/coma Arterial pH 7.25-7.30 7.00-7.24 <7.00 Serum bicarbonate (mEq/L) 15-18 10 to <15 <10 Urine ketones* Positive Positive Positive Serum ketones* Positive Positive Positive Effective serum osmolality (mOsm/kg)• Variable Variable Variable Anion gap >10 >12 >12 8/17/2022 37 cont... ESO = 2[measured Na (mEq/L)] + glucose (mg/dL)/18. AG = (Na+) - (Cl- + HCO3-) (mEq/L). 8/17/2022 38 cont... Be Aware of Conditions that may make DKA Diagnosis Difficult Mixed acid base disorder (eg. vomiting may raise the bicarbonate) Pregnancy normal to minimally elevated glucose levels Normal AG due to loss of ketones from osmotic diuresis Negative serum ketones due to β-hydroxybutarate AG + negative serum ketones = order serum β-hydroxybutarate Always order both urine and serum ketones 8/17/2022 39 DDx Alcoholic ketoacidosis Starvation ketoacidosis Renal failure Lactic acidosis Ingestions -Salicylates -Ethylene glycol -Methanol 8/17/2022 40 TREATMENT Place patients on a cardiac monitor and begin at least one large-bore (16- to 18-gauge) IV infusion of normal saline. A second IV line with 0.45% normal saline at minimal rate to keep the IV line open can be considered. 8/17/2022 41 Treatment The goals of therapy are (1) volume repletion, (2) reversal of the metabolic consequences of insulin insufficiency, (3) correction of electrolyte (4) recognition and treatment of precipitating causes; and (5) avoidance of complications. The goal of treatment is Glucose <200 milligrams/dL (<11.1 mmol/L), Bicarbonate ≥18 mEq/L (≥18 mmol/L), and Venous pH >7.3. 8/17/2022 42 cont.... The order of therapeutic priorities is Volume first and foremost, Correction of potassium deficits, and Then insulin administration. Metabolic disturbances should be corrected at the approximate rate of occurrence or over 24 to 36 hours. 8/17/2022 43 Volume repletion Restore intravascular volume and normal tonicity Perfuse vital organs, Improve GFR and lower serum glucose and ketone level Improves the response to low dose insulin therapy. 8/17/2022 44 DKA/HHS Typical Water and Electrolyte Deficits Total Water Water (ml/kg) Na+ (mEq/kg) Cl- (mEq/kg) K+ (mEq/kg) PO4 (mmol/kg) Mg++ (mEq/kg) Ca++ (mEq/kg) 8/17/2022 DKA HHS 6 50-100 7-10 4-7 3-12 1 1 1 9 100-200 5-13 5-15 4-6 3-7 1-2 1-2 45 Cont’d The average adult patient has a water deficit of 100 mL/kg (5 to 10 L) and a sodium deficit of 7 to 10 mEq/kg NS is the preferred fluid. WHY Is NS preferred? Before initial electrolyte results, administer the initial fluid bolus of isotonic saline at a rate of 15 to 20 mL/kg/h during the first hour Estimated (corrected) plasma sodium* = Measured plasma or serum sodium concentration + (2 * (Serumglucose - 100) / 100) 8/17/2022 46 Fluid After the second or third hour, optimal fluid replacement depends upon the state of hydration, serum electrolyte levels, and the urine output. The most appropriate IV fluid composition is determined by the sodium concentration "corrected" for the degree of hyperglycemia. If the "corrected" serum sodium concentration is : Less than 135 mEq/L, isotonic saline should be continued at a rate of approximately 250 to 500 mL/hour. Normal or elevated, the IV fluid is generally switched to one-half isotonic saline at a rate of 250 to 500 mL/hour in order to provide electrolyte-free water. 8/17/2022 47 8/17/2022 48 Con’d After the initial bolus, Administer normal saline at 250 to 500 cc/h in hyponatremic patients, or Give 0.45% normal saline at 250 to 500 cc/h for eunatremic and hypernatremic patients. OR The first 2 L are administered rapidly over 0 to 2 hours, the next 2 L over 2 to 6 hours, and then an additional 2 L over 6 to 12 hours. This will replace 50% of the volume lost and the next 50 % will be administered over the next 12 hrs. 8/17/2022 49 Con’d When the blood glucose level is 250 milligrams/dL (13.8 mmol/L), change to 5%dextrose in 0.45% normal saline During this phase of treatment we may consider Central venous pressure or Pulmonary artery wedge pressure monitoring in the elderly or in those with heart or renal disease, for excess fluid may contribute to the development of adult respiratory distress syndrome and cerebral edema. The mean plasma glucose concentration has been noted to drop by 18% after the administration of saline solution without insulin. 8/17/2022 50 Potassium Replacement Total-body potassium deficits in the range of 3 to 5 mEq/kg due to Insulin deficiency, Metabolic acidosis, Osmotic diuresis, and Frequent vomiting The initial serum concentration is usually normal or high because of The intracellular exchange of potassium for hydrogen ions during acidosis, The total-body fluid deficit, and Diminished renal function Initial hypokalemia indicates severe total-body potassium deficits, and large amounts of replacement potassium are usually necessary in the first 24 to 36 hours. Although the actual incidence of initial hypokalemia in DKA is not known, a few studies report an occurrence of 4% to 6%. 8/17/2022 51 cont... During initial therapy for DKA, the serum potassium concentration may fall rapidly, primarily due to The action of insulin promoting reentry of potassium into cells and, To a lesser degree, the dilution of extracellular fluid, Correction of acidosis, and Increased urinary loss of potassium. If these changes occur too rapidly, precipitous hypokalemia may result in fatal cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory paralysis, paralytic ileus, and rhabdomyolysis. The rapid development of severe hypokalemia is potentially the most lifethreatening electrolyte derangement during the treatment of DKA. 8/17/2022 52 Con’d Replacement depends on initial serum k+ If initial [K+] >5.2 initiate IV infusion of regular insulin at 0.1-0.14 units/kg/hr*. Repeat [K+] STAT in 2 hours If initial [K+] is >3.3 and <5.2 add 20-30 mEq of K+ to each liter of fluid and insulin drip. However, potassium replacement must be done cautiously if renal function remains depressed and/or urine output does not increase to a level >50 mL/hour. The decrease in serum potassium during therapy is reported to be about 1.5 mEq/L (1.5 mmol/L) and parallels the drop in glucose and the dose of insulin. 8/17/2022 53 Con’d If initial [K+] is <3.3 hold insulin drip and give K+ @20-30 mEq/h until [K+] is >3.3 then initiate insulin drip The rate of KCL infussion is at a rate no faster than 10 mEq/h via peripheral IV or 20 mEq/h via central line access During the first 24 hours, 100 to 200 mEq or of KCl is usually required TARGET;; to raise the serum potassium concentration into the normal range of 4 to 5 mEq/L. Insulin therapy should be delayed until the serum potassium is above 3.3 mEq/L to avoid complications such as cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and respiratory muscle weakness. 8/17/2022 54 cont... Because the most rapid changes occur during the first few hours of therapy, measure the plasma potassium level initially every 2 hours. If oliguria or renal insufficiency is present, withhold or decrease potassium replacement. 8/17/2022 55 cont... What is the drug of choice if concomitant hypophosphatemia? Potassium chloride, Potassium phosphate 8/17/2022 56 cont... What is the preferred route? Oral potassium replacement is safe and effective and is the preferred route of replacement as soon as the patient can tolerate oral fluids. In DKA, initial potassium replacement is usually by an intravenous line. 8/17/2022 57 cont... How do u treat a DKA patient if the K level is 8.2 and had A. ECG manifestation? B. No ECG manifestation? 8/17/2022 58 Magnesium Magnesium deficiency is a common problem in patients with DKA without renal disease. Both the initial pathophysiologic process and therapy for DKA induce profound magnesium diuresis. Magnesium deficiency may exacerbate vomiting and mental changes, promote hypokalemia and hypocalcemia, and/or induce fatal cardiac dysrhythmia. If there is concern for hypomagnesemia, we recommend adding magnesium 8/17/2022 to the IV fluids, with the typical adult patient requiring 1 to 3 g for repletion. 59 Sodium Osmotic diuresis leads to excessive renal losses of sodium chloride in the urine. However, the presence of hyperglycemia tends to artificially lower the serum sodium levels. Standard teaching is that 1.6 mEq (1.6 mmol) should be added to the reported sodium value for every 100 milligrams (5.55 mmol) of glucose >100 milligrams/dL (>5.5 mmol/L). However, the correction factor is probably 2.4, especially for blood glucose levels >400 milligrams/dL (>22.2 mOsm/L). Estimated (corrected) plasma sodium* = Measured plasma or serum sodium concentration 8/17/2022 + (2 * (Serumglucose - 100) / 100) 60 Insulin Insulin therapy lowers the serum glucose concentration (by Decreasing hepatic glucose production, the major effect, and Enhancing peripheral utilization, a less important effect), Diminishes ketone production (by reducing both lipolysis and glucagon secretion), and May augment ketone utilization. Inhibition of lipolysis requires a much lower level of insulin than that required to reduce the serum glucose concentration. Therefore, if the administered dose of insulin is reducing the glucose concentration, it should be more than enough to stop ketone generation. 8/17/2022 61 cont... The current initial therapy of choice, as recommended by the ADA, is regular insulin infused at 0.1 units/ kg/hr up to 5 to 10 units/hr, mixed with IV fluids. Because the half-life of regular insulin is 3 to 10 minutes, insulin should be administered IV by constant infusion rather than by repeated bolus. The half-life of IV insulin is 4 to 5 minutes, with an effective biologic halflife at the tissue level of approximately 20 to 30 minutes. 8/17/2022 62 INSULIN Once hypokalemia ([K+] <3.3 mEq/L [<3.3 mmol/L]) is excluded regular insulin can be administered after the initial fluid bolus, or simultaneously in a second IV line At a rate of 0.1 to 0.14 unit/kg/h rate of drop of RBS expected/hr is 5075 mg/dl, If the drop is < expected give a 0.14 unit/kg bolus and resume insulin drip rate. Another option is to increase the insulin infusion rate by 1 unit/h. The incidence of nonresponse to low-dose continuous IV insulin administration is 1% to 2%, with infection being the primary reason for failure to respond. 8/17/2022 63 cont... In HHS or moderate to severe DKA, treatment can be initiated with An IV bolus of regular insulin (0.1 units/kgbody weight) followed within 5 minutes by A continuous infusion of regular insulin of 0.1 units/kg/hour (equivalent to 7 units/hour in a 70-kg patient) An IV loading dose of insulin is not recommended in Children and New-onset young adult diabetics and is optional in adults 8/17/2022 64 cont... Higher doses do not generally produce a more prominent hypoglycemic effect, probably because the insulin receptors are fully saturated and activated by the lower doses . However, if the serum glucose does not fall by at least 50 to 70 mg/dL (2.8 to 3.9 mmol/L) from the initial value in the first hour, check the IV access to be certain that the insulin is being delivered and that no IV line filters that may bind insulin have been inserted into the line. After these possibilities are eliminated, the insulin infusion rate should be doubled every hour until a steady decline in serum glucose of this magnitude is achieved. 8/17/2022 65 Con’d Resolution of hyperglycemia usually occurs earlier than resolution of the anion gap, So once the serum glucose is 200 milligrams/dL add dextrose to the IV fluids and reduce the insulin drip rate to 0.02 to 0.05 unit/kg/h Maintain the serum glucose between 150 and 200 milligrams/dL (8.3 and 11 mmol/L) until the resolution of DKA. Occasionally a 10% dextrose solution may be needed to maintain glucose levels In patients with euglycemic DKA, dextrose should be added to the IV fluids at the start of insulin therapy. 8/17/2022 66 cont... Continue the insulin infusion until the resolution of DKA glucose <200 milligrams/dL (<11 mmol/L) and two of the following: a serum bicarbonate level >15 mEq/L, a venous pH >7.3, and/or a normal calculated anion gap. Monitor laboratory values every 1 to 2 hours to ensure that insulin is being administered in the desired amount. 8/17/2022 67 Precipitant The most common events are infection (often pneumonia or urinary tract infection) and discontinuation of or inadequate insulin therapy. 8/17/2022 68 Monitoring The serum glucose should initially be measured every hour until stable, While serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, and venous pH (for DKA) should be measured every two to four hour, depending upon disease severity and the clinical response. Beta-hydroxybutyrate can then be measured every two hours depending on the clinical response. 8/17/2022 69 Transition from IV Insulin The American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines for DKA recommend that IV insulin infusion be tapered and a multiple-dose, subcutaneous insulin schedule be started when the blood glucose is <200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) and at least two of the following goals are met : Serum anion gap <12 mEq/L (or at the upper limit of normal for the local laboratory) Serum bicarbonate ≥15 mEq/L Venous pH >7.30 If the patient is unable to eat, it is preferable to continue the IV insulin infusion 8/17/2022 70 cont... Can consider switch to SC insulin when AG normalized BS < 250 mg/dl Insulin IV requirements < 2U/h Patient able to eat Hemodynamically stable 8/17/2022 71 cont... The method of insulin transition varies, and there is no set protocol In patients who can eat, the transition should include a short-acting and longacting insulin given when DKA has resolved. One method consists of giving 10 units of SC regular insulin 30 to 60 minutes before the insulin infusion is stopped and 80% of the usual long-acting insulin dose 1 to 2 hours before discontinuing the IV insulin infusion 8/17/2022 72 Con’d Another method is to give 50% of the usual long-acting insulin dose 2 hours before the IV insulin infusion is stopped. If the patient is a newly diagnosed diabetic, one can estimate a starting dose of long-acting insulin at 0.1 to 0.2 unit/kg. Additional glucose coverage can be provided with short-acting insulin as needed. Continue glucose checks every hour for 2 hours. 8/17/2022 73 SC Insulin In uncomplicated mild to moderate DKA, the use of rapid acting SC insulin may be another treatment option, although the standard treatment remains continuous IV insulin. The dose of SC rapid-acting insulin is an initial injection of 0.2 unit/kg followed by 0.1 unit/kg every hour, or an initial dose of 0.3 unit/kg followed by 0.2 unit/kg every 2 hours until blood glucose is <250 milligrams/dL (<13.8 mmol/L). Then, the insulin dose is decreased by half and administered every 1 or 2 hours until resolution of DKA. This can avoid intensive care admissions and lower hospital costs, but still requires close nursing monitoring that is difficult to accomplish in the ED or in a regular hospital bed. 8/17/2022 74 HYPOPHOSPHATEMIA Serum phosphate levels often are normal or increased on presentation of DKA and do not reflect the total-body phosphate deficits secondary to enhanced urinary losses. Phosphate (similar to glucose and potassium) reenters the intracellular space during insulin therapy, resulting in low phosphate concentrations. Hypophosphatemia is usually most severe 24 to 48 hours after the start of insulin therapy. 8/17/2022 75 cont... Hypophosphatemia is usually most severe 24 to 48 hours after the start of insulin therapy. Acute phosphate deficiency (<1.0 milligram/dL) can result in Hypoxia, Skeletal muscle weakness, Rhabdomyolysis, Hemolysis, Respiratory failure, and Cardiac dysfunction. 8/17/2022 76 cont.... No established role for initiating IV K2PO4 for DKA in the ED. In general, do not give IV phosphate unless the serum phosphate concentration is <1.0 milligram/dL (0.323 millimol/L). If absolutely necessary (a phosphate level <1.0 milligram/dL early in therapy), IV phosphate replacement should be administered as IV K2PO4, 2.5 to 5 milligrams/kg (0.08 to 0.16 millimol/kg). Monitor serum calcium level if giving supplemental phosphate. 8/17/2022 77 cont... Undesirable side effects from IV phosphate administration include Hyperphosphatemia, Hypocalcemia, Hypomagnesemia, Metastatic soft tissue calcifications, Hypernatremia, and Volume loss from osmotic diuresis. 8/17/2022 78 HYPOMAGNESEMIA Osmotic diuresis may cause hypomagnesemia and deplete magnesium stores from bone. Hypomagnesemia may inhibit parathyroid hormone secretion, causing hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia. If the serum magnesium concentration is <2.0 mEq/L (<1.0 mmol/L) or symptoms are suggestive of hypomagnesemia, give magnesium sulfate 2 grams IV over 1 hour. Obtain serum magnesium and calcium levels on presentation and 24 hours into therapy. Monitor levels every 2 hours if there is initial hypomagnesemia or hypocalcemia or if symptoms suggestive of hypomagnesemia or hypocalcemia occur 8/17/2022 79 Bicarbonate and metabolic acidosis Give bicarbonate if the initial pH is ≤6.9, but do not give bicarbonate if the pH is ≥7.0. Severe metabolic acidosis is associated with numerous Cardiovascular(impaired contractility, vasodilation, and hypotension) and Neurologic (cerebral vasodilation and coma) complications. Selected patients who benefit from cautious alkali therapy, including those with Decreased cardiac contractility and peripheral vasodilatation, and Patients with life-threatening hyperkalemia and coma 8/17/2022 80 cont.... HCO3- if ph is <7 at a dose of 100 mEq of sodium bicarbonate in 400 mL of water with 20 mEq KCl at 200 mL/h for 2 hours until the venous pH >7.0 and If the pH remains <7.0 despite the infusion, repeat the infusion until pH >7.0 ADA recommendation If PH 6.9-7.0 50mEq of NaHCo3 + 200ml sterile water+10mEq KCl over 1 hour If Ph <6.9 100mEq of NaHCo3 + 400ml sterile water+10mEq KCl over 2 hours Repeat dose of bicarbonate every 2 hours till PH>7. Check [K+] every 2 hours. 8/17/2022 81 cont... Metabolic acidosis refractory to routine therapy may be Secondary to unrecognized infection (lactic acidosis) Rarely insulin antibodies, or Improper preparation or administration of the insulin drip. 8/17/2022 82 Advantage of bicarbonate More of theoretical advantage In case of severe acidosis -Improve myocardial contractility - Improve catecholamine tissue response - Decrease work of breathing In case of Hyperkalemia -Elevate ventricular fibrillation threshold 8/17/2022 83 Disadvantages Severe & worsening hypokalemia Paradoxical CNS acidosis Impair oxyhemoglobin dissociation Hyper tonicity Sodium overload 8/17/2022 84 Identify and Treat the Precipitating factor Insulin omission – MOST COMMON CAUSE of DKA New diagnosis of diabetes Infection / Sepsis Myocardial infarction Small rise in troponin may occur without overt ischemia ECG changes may reflect hyperkalemia Thyrotoxicosis Drugs 8/17/2022 85 8/17/2022 DKA & HHS by KDA 86 DISEASE COMPLICATIONS 8/17/2022 87 PROGNOSIS In general, the greater the initial serum osmolality, BUN, and blood glucose concentrations, and the lower the serum bicarbonate level (<10 mEq/L), the greater the mortality. Infection and myocardial infarction are the main contributors to mortality. Additional factors that increase morbidity include Old age, Severe hypotension, Coma, and Underlying renal and cardiovascular disease. Severe volume depletion leaves the elderly at risk for deep venous thrombosis. 8/17/2022 88 cont... Mortality in DKA results mainly from sepsis pulmonary and cardiovascular complications in the elderly fatal cerebral edema in children and young adults 8/17/2022 89 Complications of Therapy Hypoglycemia Hypokalemia or Hyperkalemia Fluid Overload Hyperchloremic Acidosis Cerebral Edema ARDS Thromboembolic Episodes 8/17/2022 90 Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a rare complication of therapy But can develop, particularly in the elderly and those with impaired myocardial contractility. Overly aggressive fluid therapy Is a risk factor. 8/17/2022 91 Cerebral edema In very young children, new-onset diabetics, and adolescents with DKA Cerebral edema generally occurs 6 to 10 hours after the initiation of therapy; there are no warning signs, and the associated mortality rate is 90%. Premonitory symptoms are Severe headache, incontinence, change in arousal or behavior, pupillary changes, blood pressure changes, seizures, bradycardia, or disturbed temperature regulation. 8/17/2022 92 Best Practice to Prevent Cerebral Edema 8/17/2022 93 cont... Any change in neurologic function early in therapy is an indication for IV mannitol (1 to 2 grams/kg). Mannitol should be given before respiratory failure or obtaining confirmatory CT scans because serious morbidity and mortality may be prevented. Hypertonic saline (3%), 5 to 10 mL/kg over 30 minutes, may be an alternative to mannitol. Intubation and fluid restriction are generally necessary. There are no data supporting glucocorticoid use in DKA-related cerebral edema 8/17/2022 94 shock Shock that is unresponsive to aggressive fluid therapy suggests Gram-negative bacteremia or Silent myocardial infarction 8/17/2022 95 Special populations RECURRENT DKA PATIENTS - insulin noncompliance - cocaine use are the commonest causes Patients Benefit from drug rehabilitation and social workers 8/17/2022 96 Con’d PATIENTS WITH INSULIN PUMPS Their pumps disconnected and turned off and should be treated just like any other patient. Reinstitution of pump therapy should start in the same time frame as switching over to SC insulin in the non–pump user. 8/17/2022 97 Con’d DKA IN PREGNANCY Pregnant women prone to DKA due to relative insulin deficiency , vomiting and urinary tract infections. 8/17/2022 98 cont... The mortality from DKA was 90% in historical controls before the development of exogenous insulin and 50% after insulin was introduced; with appropriate supportive therapy, it has reached the current levels of 5% to 7%. 8/17/2022 99 cont... Morbidity in DKA is largely iatrogenic Hypokalemia from inadequate potassium replacement, Hypoglycemia from inadequate glucose monitoring, Failure to replenish glucose in IV solutions when the serum glucose concentration drops below 250 to 300 mg/dL, Alkalosis from overaggressive bicarbonate replacement, and Pulmonary edema from overaggressive hydration. The primary causes of death remain Infection, especially pneumonia, Arterial thromboses, and Shock 8/17/2022 100 DKA/HHS Poor Prognostic Indicators Advanced Age Low pH Hypotension Marked Hyperosmolality High BUN Associated Diseases 8/17/2022 101 HYPERGLYCEMIC HYPEROSMOLAR STATE 8/17/2022 102 HHS HHS represents a syndrome of acute diabetic decompensation characterized by marked hyperglycemia, hyperosmolarity, dehydration, and decreased mental function that may progress to frank coma. Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non-ketotic state/coma/syndrome and nonketotic hyperglycemic coma Typically found in a debilitated patient with poorly controlled or undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus, limited access to water, and commonly, a precipitating illness. 8/17/2022 103 HHS HHS is “defined” by severe hyperglycemia with Serum glucose usually >600 milligrams/dL (>33.3 mmol/L), An elevated calculated plasma osmolality of >315 mOsm/kg (>315 mmol/kg), Serum bicarbonate>15 mEq/L (>15 mmol/L), An arterial pH >7.3, and serum ketones that are negative to mildly positive in a 1:2 dilution (by nitroprusside method). 8/17/2022 104 cont.... The development of HHS is attributed to three main factors: (1) insulin resistance and/or deficiency; (2) an inflammatory state with marked elevation in proinflammatory cytokines (C-reactive protein, interleukins, tumor necrosis factors) and counterregulatory hormones (growth hormone, cortisol) that cause increased hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis; and (3) osmotic diuresis followed by impaired renal excretion of glucose. 8/17/2022 105 Pathogenesis of DKA & HHS 8/17/2022 106 Diagnostic Criteria for (DKA) and (HHS) 8/17/2022 107 cont... A sustained osmotic diuresis may result in total body water losses that often exceed 20% to 25% of total body weight, or approximately 8 to 12 L in a 70kg patient. 8/17/2022 108 cont.... The relative lack of severe ketoacidosis in HHS is poorly understood and has been attributed to three possible mechanisms: (1) higher levels of endogenous insulin than are seen in diabetic ketoacidosis, which inhibits lipolysis; (2) lower levels of counterregulatory “stress” hormones; and (3) inhibition of lipolysis by the hyperosmolar state itself. 8/17/2022 109 Conditions That May Precipitate HHS 8/17/2022 110 Clinical Features The prodrome of HHS is significantly longer than that of DKA. Clinically, extreme dehydration, hyperosmolarity, volume depletion, and CNS findings predominate. If they are awake, patients may complain of fever, thirst, polyuria, or oliguria. Complaints are often nonspecific and may include weakness, anorexia, fatigue, dyspnea, or chest or abdominal pain. 8/17/2022 111 Some Drugs That May Predispose Individuals to the Development of HHS 8/17/2022 112 8/17/2022 113 references Uptodate Tintinali Rosen 8/17/2022 114