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Microscopy Lab
Microscopes have lenses which focus light rays from a specimen to produce and image of that
specimen that is magnified to your eye. We will be using compound light microscopes.
1) Label the parts of the microscope in the diagram provided.
2) Know the proper way to take care of a microscope.
a). To carry the microscope, grasp the arm with your dominant hand and support the
base with your other hand. Only carry the microscope- do not attempt to carry anything
else at the same time.
b) When you get the microscope to your lab table, remove the dust cover and clean the
exposed parts of the optical system. If any lenses are dirty, only use the provided lens
paper to clean them off.
c) When you are done using the microscope, make sure that the slide is removed and
put away where you found it. Rotate the nosepiece so that the low-power objective is
in the light path. Bring the stage all the way to its lowest setting. Replace the dust
cover on the microscope. Put the microscope back in the cupboard with the number
facing out, in its numbered spot.
3) The coarse adjustment knob is for use with the low-power objectives. The fine focus knob is
for focusing on the details. On these microscopes, turning the focus knobs moves the stage up
and down. When you turn the coarse focus knob away from you, does the stage go up or
down? __________________
4) The microscope has 4 objectives on its nosepiece. The magnifying power of each objective is
labeled on its side. The ocular lens is the lens that you look through. On your microscope, it has
a magnifying power of 10 (OcMP).
Fill in the following table for the objectives of your microscope.
Objectives Present on My Compound Light Microscope
Low Power
Medium Power
Oil Immersion
Total Magnifying Power (OBMP X
Magnifying Power OcMP)= 10X
5) For this class we will only be using the low, medium and high power objectives. Your
microscope is parfocal. That means that if you get something into focus on the low power, it
will mostly be in focus on the medium power and high power.
6). Find the ā€œeā€ slide. Position the slide with the e right side up on the stage. Focus it in
medium power. Draw what you see in the circle to the right.
a) Is the image right side up or upside down compared to the
specimen? _________________________________
b) Compared to the specimen, is the image backward
as well as upside down? _______________
c) Move the specimen to the right while watching it through the
microscope. In which direction does the image move?
d) Move the specimen away from you. In which direction does the image move?
7) Determine the diameter of the field of view.
a) Rotate the low-power objective into the light path. What is the total magnification?
b) Place a transparent 15-cm ruler on the stage. What is the diameter of the field of view?
c) Repeat with the medium power lens. What is the total magnification? _________
What is the diameter of the field of view? _________________________mm