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A Model of Three Faults
1. Construct a fault model using the Fault Model diagram above. Color the fault model according to
the color key provided.
2. Cut out the fault model and fold each side down to form a box with the drawn features on top.
3. Tape the corners together. This box is a three dimensional model of the top layers of the Earth’s
4. The dashed lines on your model represent a fault. Carefully cut along the dashed lines. You will
end up with two pieces.
5. Follow the directions on the student worksheet and answer the corresponding questions.
Modified from USGS Learning Web Lesson Plans
A Model of Three Faults
Name: ___________________________ Date: ________
Step 1: Locate points A and B on your model. Move point B so that it is next to Point A.
Observe the cross-section of your model. Answer the following questions:
1. Which way did point B move relative to point A? _______________________________________
2. What happened to rock layers X, Y, and Z? __________________________________________
3. Are the rock layers still continuous? _________________________________________________
4. What likely happened to the river? the road? the railroad? _______________________________
5. Which type of fault did you demonstrate? ____________________________________________
Step 2: Locate points C and D on your model. Move Point C next to point D. Observe the
cross-section of your model. Answer the following questions.
6. Which way did point B move relative to point A? _______________________________________
7. What happened to rock layers X, Y, and Z? __________________________________________
8. Are the rock layers still continuous? _________________________________________________
9. What likely happened to the river? the road? the railroad? ______________________________
10. Which type of fault did you demonstrate? ___________________________________________
Step 3: Locate points F and G on your model. Move the pieces of the model so that point F is
next to point G. Observe the cross-section of your model. Answer the following questions.
11. If you are standing at point F and looking across the fault, which way did the block on the
opposite side move? ______________________________________________________________
12. What happened to rock layers X, Y, and Z? _________________________________________
13. Are the rock layers still continuous? ________________________________________________
14. What likely happened to the river? the road? the railroad tracks? _________________________
15. Which type of fault did you demonstrate? ___________________________________________
Modified from USGS Learning Web Lesson Plans
Types of Faults