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Cornell Notes
5 Themes
Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to describe the five themes Period:
of Geography for the assigned region or
Mrs. Conley
Essential Question: What are some of the key ways people see different geographic themes
interacting with or influencing each other for this region?
Directions: Using your textbook, answer the questions below about the 5 themes for
this region
What is the 'location'
of this region? What
do we mean when we
talk about location?
What is the 'absolute
location' of this
region? Why might it
be important to know
something's absolute
What is the 'latitude'
of this region?
What is the
'longitude’ of this
How can we figure
out the longitude and
latitude of this region
using the globe?
How can we figure
out the longitude and
latitude of this region
using a map?
What is the 'relative
location’ of this
region? Why might it
be important to know
something's relative
How do we decide
whether to describe a
location in absolute or
relative terms?
What is 'place'? What
is the difference
between place and
location within the
study of the
geography of this
What is 'topography',
and how does
topography relate to
this region?
What is a site and
how does site relate
to this region?
What is 'situation', in
geographic terms?
What is the meaning
of the term
'population' in the
context of this
geographical region
and place? Why does
the population of this
region matter?
What are some of the
key landmarks to
remember for this
What are some of the
key features of the
places in this region?
What are some of the
key geographic
features of the place
I am studying?
What is a 'toponym',
and how are
toponyms related to
place and this region?
What are some of the
big ways that the
environment impacts
human life?
What are some of the
big ways that humans
impact the
What is 'dependency'?
What are some of the
ways that people
depend on the
What is
'modification'? What
are some of the ways
humans modify the
environment or have
modified it over time?
Why do humans
modify the
What is 'adaptation'?
What are some of the
ways humans around
the world have
adapted to the
environment over
What are the roles of
modification, and
adaptation in my own
What is 'movement',
in the context of
What are some of
the reasons that
people move or travel
to different parts of
the world?
What are some of
the ways that people
move or travel to
different parts of
the world?
Why is it sometimes
important to move
goods to different
parts of the world?
How are goods
moved from one part
of the world to
another? How has
this kind of
movement evolved
over time?
What does it mean
to move an idea
from one part of the
world to another?
What happens as a
result of the
movement of ideas?
What is a region?
What are some of
the human
characteristics that
make a region
What are
'demographics', and
how do demographics
interaction with
What are some of
the physical and
characteristics that
make a region
What are the major
regions of the world?
What are the major
regions of the United
Why is it useful to
think in terms of
regions sometimes
when studying world
Why and how do
regions change over
Summary: In a paragraph form with support, answer the essential question according to this region.
What are some of
the key ways that
you see different
geographic themes
interacting with or
influencing each