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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
RUNNING TITLE: GENDER DIFFERENCES IN HEALTH. PSYC 1111: HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT, UNIT 7 UNIVERSITY OF THE PEOPLE COURSE LECTURER: TIFFANY MILLACCI 20th OCTOBER, 2021 2 INTRODUCTION In terms of health, many social explanations attempt to account for the differences between men and women. The popular ones are those linked to social roles and socioeconomic status. Truth be told, apart from the differences caused by physiology between men and women, most of the differences between the two genders are constructed socially rather than determined biologically (Mayor, 2015). Before delving further, it’s important to differentiate between “sex” and “gender.” In literature relating to this field, the differences between sex and gender are clearly outlined. The term “sex” has to do with the biological differences between both genders. In contrast, “gender” is used more for the societal assigned differentiated social roles in terms of what they do and experience on account of being a male or female (e.g., providers of resources vs. makers of the home — hereafter gender roles. (Eagly et al., 2000). In going through life, people learn vicariously, implicitly, and explicitly which behaviors are expected and desirable for women or men in society. To name but a few; experiencing men go out to work to fend for their family while women stay back at home to take care of the kids and the home, the stereotyping of activities, and the encouragement to participate in such activities or injunctions (most especially in children: e.g., “boys don’t cry,” “girls don’t swear”). Later in life, these injunctions or experiences form a stronghold in the mind and influence behaviors (Martin et al., 2002). Individuals integrate “behavioral expectations into their identity (gender traits), and the typicality of gender traits (masculinity and femininity) follows their desirability” (Mayor, 2015). The traditional behavioral expectations for the female gender are referred to as femininity, also known as emotionality and communion. At the same time, masculinity, also known as agency or instrumentality, refers to the behavioral expectations for the male gender. 3 Research on the association between health and gender traits has revealed a positive association between masculinity and health, except for cardiovascular diseases (accounts for higher mortality of men). This gender has fewer physical symptoms, better health (overall) in terms of self-assessment, and rarely consult health practitioners (N = 886; Annandale and Hunt, 1990), and better mental health as masculinity is inversely proportional to fatigue, depression, and anxiety but directly proportional to substance use disorder and antisocial behavior (N = 336; Shifren and Bauserman, 1996). There is also a positive association between femininity and health-promoting behaviors. But there are different conflicting findings in the association between health and femininity. (e.g., are likely to suffer from fainting, fatigue, constipation, and dizziness. (Ogden, 2019). Femininity is related to higher risks of depression in women and to better and worse physical health outcomes depending on the studies. Notwithstanding, women have a longer life expectancy compared to men in different parts of the globe. Reasons for gender differences in Illness Risk-taking behaviors The male gender body frame is comparatively strong and agile built, which enhances sets of volatile and risky behaviors like participating in extreme sports such as sky/scuba diving, rally driving, bungee jumping, etc. Health Behaviors Many men are not deliberate about eating good diets; they eat different junks and lots of red meat instead of eating veggies. Furthermore, there are higher rates of smokers, addicts, and drunkards in the male gender, which oftentimes continue till adulthood and even old age, which can even worsen in the case of a tragedy such as losing a spouse or loved one. The only area where men are better than women positively is in physical health. (Ogden, 2019). 4 Help-seeking behavior Men do not utilize health care services compared to women. This may be due to the feeling that they are strong enough to handle whatever health issues they may have, which tends to cause them to delay and/or avoid help-seeking; this doesn’t always end well. Factors of Health outcomes: Perceived control Men’s self-assessment of their health status is comparatively more positive in outlook than women. Hence, they find it difficult to imagine being ill, which results in delay in helpseeking. This behavior is one of the reasons for a short life expectancy in men. Social Norms Most societies view men as the stronger sex. So, weakness and vulnerability must not be shown by men (Lee and Owens, 2002). Unfortunately, this encourages terrible and unhealthy behaviors, which then culminate in a shorter life span. On the other hand, society encourages women to seek help when it is needed and liver healthy. Coping Mechanisms: Men have been conditioned by society not to show vulnerabilities and seek help when needed. As a result, emotions are bottled up in men even as they resort to using the coping mechanism to block out or suppress their pain. This is dangerous as it can lead to unhealthy behaviors that are risks for different pathos, including cardiovascular disease. In conclusion, gender differences as it relates to sickness and health is worth paying attention. Delaying or avoiding healthcare must be done away with, while help-seeking behaviors must be encouraged, particularly among the male gender. 5 REFERENCES Annandale, E., and Hunt, K. (1990). Masculinity, femininity and sex: an exploration of their relative contribution to explaining gender differences in health. Sociol. Health Illn. 12, 24–46. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.ep10844865 Eagly, A. H., Wood, W., and Diekman, A. B. (2000). “Social role theory of sex differences and similarities: a current appraisal,” in The Developmental Social Psychology of Gender, eds T. Eckes and H. M. Trautner (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers), 123–174. Mayor, Eric (2015). Gender roles and traits in stress and health. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1-7 –. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00779 Martin, C. L., Ruble, D. N., and Szkrybalo, J. (2002). Cognitive theories of early gender development. Psychol. Bull. 128, 903–933. doi: 10.1037/0033-2909.128.6.903 Ogden, J. (2019). Gender, Health, and Illness. The Psychology of Health and Illness: An OpenAccess Course. 9/Ogden%20%20The%20psychology%20of%20health%20and%20illness_2019.pdf Shifren, K., and Bauserman, R. L. (1996). The relationship between instrumental and expressive traits, health behaviour, and perceived health. Sex Roles 34, 841–864. doi: 10.1007/bf01544319