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To: whom it may concern.
Subject: the "Invisible Disabled Persons" movement
Honored Sir/Madam,
In recent years I am a partner in the disabled persons' struggle, in which I participate,
aimed at raising disability benefits to a level which will allow us, disabled persons in
Israel, to reach a minimal dignified lifestyle.
As part of this struggle, I came, on July 10th, 2018, to a session of the Knesset's
Transparency Committee about public housing. This date also marks the Public
Housing Day.
At the committee I met a woman named Tatyana Kaduchkin, who established a social
movement called "Nitgaber" ("We Shall Overcome") – a movement trying to promote
the rights of invisible disabled persons – that is, people suffering from severe medical
problems, as well as severe disabilities, but at a first superficial glance, nothing could
be noticed about their disability, and they look just like any other person. The fact that
there people's (including my own) disability is externally invisible causes, in practice,
discrimination and the refusal to provide them with many rights given to other
disabled persons – governmental institutions often adopt very superficial and shallow
approaches, leading to marking the people in this group as supposedly "healthy".
This unjust refusal of rights based on external appearance alone is, of course, the
inevitable result of this process.
In our new movement, the "Nitgaber" movement, we try to fight this wide refusal to
provide us with rights, to raise awareness for this subject in the general public, as well
as among Israeli decision makers.
For this reason, I share this message in social media – and I will be grateful if any
person coming across it to further share it on social media, internet forums, and as
many frameworks as possible.
And before I will finish, one more detail: the phone number of the movement's
founder, Mrs. Tatyana Kaduchkin, is 972-52-3708001 and she is available from 11
AM to 8 PM on these days.
Assaf Binyamini
115 Costa Rica st.,
Entrance A – Apartment 4,
Kiryat Menachem
Jerusalem, ZIP Code: 9662592
Telephone numbers:
Home - 972-2-6427757
Mobile - 972-52-4575172
Fax - 972-77-2700076
1) My ID number: 029547403
2) My e-mail addresses:
[email protected] or: [email protected] or: [email protected] or:
[email protected] or: [email protected]
3) The therapeutic institution I am treated at:
"Reut" NGO – "Avivit" Hostel
6 Haavivit st.,
Kiryat Menachem,
Jerusalem, Zip Code: 9650816
Phone numbers at the hostel offices:
972-2-6432551 or: 972-2-6428351
Hostel's e-mail address: [email protected]
4) The "Avivit" Hostel's social worker, when I met her on Tuesday, December 12th,
2017, on 1:30 PM, forbade me to provide any details about her and/or other
employees of the "Avivit" Hostel or the "Reut" NGO.
5) My treating general practitioner:
Dr. Michael Halab
"Clalit Medical Services" – "Borochov" Clinic
KIryat Yovel
Jerusalem, ZIP Code: 9678150
Clinic office phone number:
Clinic office fax number:
6) Additional personal details: Age: 47. Marital status: Single.
Date of birth: November 11th, 1972.
7) Below is a short explanation of the "Nitgaber" movement, appearing in press:
Tatyana Kaduchkin, an ordinary citizen, decided to establish the 'Nitgaber' movement
to help those she calls the 'Invisible Disabled Persons'. So far, approximately 500
people from all parts of Israel have joined her movement. In an interview to Channel 7
she tells about the project and about those disabled persons who do not receive
proper and enough assistance from the relevant parties, only because they are
She says that the disabled population can be divided into two groups: disabled
persons with a wheelchair and disabled persons without a wheelchair. She defined
the second group as 'Invisible Disabled Persons', as, she says, they do not receive
the same services provided to disabled persons with wheelchairs, despite being
defined as having 75%-100% disability.
These people, she explains, cannot earn their own living, and they require the
assistance of further services to which disabled persons with wheelchairs are entitled.
For example, invisible disabled persons receive low disability benefits from the
National Insurance Institute and do not receive certain additions, such as special
services benefits and mobility benefits, and they also receive lower benefits from the
Ministry of Housing.
According to research carried out by Kaduchkin, these 'Invisible Disabled Persons'
are destitute despite the attempt to claim that in 2016's Israel no one goes hungry.
Her research also shows that their suicide percentages are high. In the movement
she established, she works to add the 'Invisible Disabled Persons' to the public
housing waiting list. This because, she says, they usually do not enter these lists,
despite being formally entitled to this. She holds many meetings with Knesset
members and even participates in the sessions and discussion of relevant Knesset
committees, but she says that the people who can help do not listen, and those who
listen are in the opposition and thus are powerless to help.
She now calls to more and more 'Invisible Disabled Persons' to join her, so that she
could assist them. She estimates that if things will continue as they are today, there
will be no recourse but to hold a disabled persons' demonstration to demand their
rights and their basic livelihood.
8)Here is a link to our movement facebook page:
9)Here is my correspondence with Maria Krivosheina from internet site:
Hi Assaf,
yes, please. I would appreciate it if you can provide me with details regarding your
project and your expectations from SEMrush.
Thank you in advance!
Best Regards,
Maria Krivosheina
Account Manager
Tel: + 442032870265
E-mail: [email protected]
On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 10:13 PM <[email protected]> wrote:‫אסף בנימיני‬
I don't have "colleagues"-our movement is very small-and we hope it will be bigger in
future. Our activity is very important for us-and I can give your details from now to all
platforms I write to if you think you have the willing, and also the ability to make much
more public awareness and also relevant legislation worldwide which can promote
the public of disabled people. If you agree and give your approval I start to do it.
assaf benyamini.
‫ ׳ב אוק‬14, 2019 15:13, Maria Krivosheina ‫כתב‬:
Hi Assaf,
I hope you are well. I want to let you know that I tried to reach Ms. Kadochkin last
week unfortunately without success.
If possible can you give my tel.number to your colleagues and ask her to call me,
Thank you in advance!
Best Regards,
Maria Krivosheina
Account Manager
Tel: + 442032870265
E-mail: [email protected]
On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 11:17 PM <[email protected]> wrote: ‫אסף בנימיני‬
I don't have a website. I try to promote the disabled people populations. You can talk
to our manager-Mrs. Kadochkin-she doesn't have an email address. You can call her
to phone number 972-52-3708001. I know she speaks Russian as a first language
and Hebrew she learned in ISRAEL. I am not sure she also speaks English-maybe....
assaf benyamin.
‫ ׳אוק‬20:17:30, Maria Krivosheina ‫כתב‬:
Hi Assaf,
thank you for your detailed feedback.
‫ ׳אוק‬20:17:30, Maria Krivosheina ‫כתב‬:
Hi Assaf,
thank you for your detailed feedback.
Did I get you right, that you would like to promote your website?
If you wish I can talk to Mrs.Kadochkin. Could you send me an e-mail of Mrs.
Kadochkin please?
Thank you in advance!
Best Regards,
Maria Krivosheina
Account Manager
Tel: + 442032870265
E-mail: [email protected]
Contents of this email and documents attached herein (if applicable) are confidential
and intended for the recipient specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to
share any part of this message and/or documents attached herein (if applicable) with
any third party, without a written consent of the sender. If you received this message
by mistake, please reply to this message and follow with its deletion, so that we can
ensure such a mistake does not occur in the future.
On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 5:23 PM <[email protected]> wrote: ‫אסף בנימיני‬
I am trying to promote our campaign-people suffering from disability problems. Here
are some more words of explanation about the movement I joined last year. You can
also talk with our movement's manager-she speaks Hebrew and Russian. I don't
know if she also speaks English we are tryng to promote people with disability not
seen externally-so as a result our civil rights are not fulfilled. we would like to fix this
injustice situation.
our manager is mrs. tatyana kadochkin, and she is available in her 972-52-3708001
phone number from
11 AM to 8 PM on sunday to thursday-except of jewish holidays.
our movement is called in the hebrew name "nitgaber".
*Here is a link to our movement facebook page:‫נתגבר‬-‫תנועת‬-105177934167352/?modal=admin_todo_tour
‫ ׳ב אוק‬1, 2019 13:33, Maria Krivosheina ‫כתב‬:
Hello Assaf,
my name is Maria, I'm Account Manager at SEMrush Company.
I'm writing to you because of your request. Could you please specify what kind of help
you need? Would you like to find out keywords, that such websites are ranking for?
Thank you in advance!
Best Regards,
Maria Krivosheina
Tel: + 442032870265
E-mail: [email protected]
Contents of this email and documents attached herein (if applicable) are confidential
and intended for the recipient specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to
share any part of this message and/or documents attached herein (if applicable) with
any third party, without
written consent of the sender. If you received this message by mistake, please reply
to this message and follow with its deletion, so that we can ensure such a mistake
does not occur in the future.
10)Here is my correspondence with British parliament member Caroline Lucas:
Dear Assaf,
Many thanks for your email, which I’ll make sure Caroline sees at the earliest
opportunity. I am afraid she doesn’t have capacity to correspond with nonconstituents but she will see your message.
Best wishes, Eno
On behalf of Caroline Lucas
Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 7025
Email: [email protected]
Facebook /
Twitter @carolinelucas
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From: ‫< אסף בנימיני‬[email protected]>
Sent: 17 October 2019 10:37
To: LUCAS, Caroline <[email protected]>; [email protected]
Subject: invisible disability.
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