* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
EEE1005, Signals and Systems Digital Assignment – I Fall semester 2021-22 B1 slot 1. Find the energy and power for the signals i) iv) �� � � � = ��( 2 + 8) ii) � � = �, 0≤� ≤1 x(t) = 2 − �, 1 ≤ � ≤ 2 0, ��ℎ������ 1 � 2 iii) x(t)= u(t+1) 2. Determine whether the signals are periodic or not. i) X(t) = 2 cos (10πt + π/6) ii) X(t) = e j2πt iii) X(t)= cos 50πt + cos 60 πt iv) X[n]= e jnπ/4 v) X[n]= 1 + e jn4π/7 - e jn2π/5 3. For the Signal y(t) shown, sketch i) x(t-1) ii) x(2-t) iii) x(2t) iv) x(2t+1) v) 4x(-t) x(t) 2 1 -2 -1 0 1 2 t 4.Determine whether the system is memoryless, causal, linear, time-invariant, linear, stable or not. i) � � = �[4� + 1] ii) y[n] =x[n] + nx[n+1] ii) iii) Y(t) = 10 x(t) +5 Y[n] = a x[n] iv) y(t) = x (t+10) + x2(t) 5. For the ������ � � shown, sketch x(2t 1) i) iii) x(0.4t ) ii) x(t 1) iv) x(t ) x(t ) 6. Explain the representation of signals. 7. Explain the types of systems with examples.