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ROLL NO. - MB190008
 The symptoms of facial palsy are many and vary from person to
person. The symptoms will depend on the cause of your facial palsy
and here we discuss some of the more common symptoms
How quickly do symptoms occur?
 The onset of your symptoms may be sudden (appearing overnight),
or may appear over two or three days. Alternatively your symptoms
may develop slowly over time (over weeks, or even months).
 Facial palsy normally affects only one side of the face although in rare cases it may
affect both sides..
 A complete facial palsy on one side of the face affects the brow, eye, cheek and
mouth. The face may appear flattened and movement may be lost.
 Symptoms may improve or worsen over time depending on the type and degree of
facial nerve damage and the cause of your facial palsy.
 The facial nerve controls movement, tear production, saliva production and taste
 Inability to blink or close the eye is a common symptom
Loss of forehead wrinkles and inability to frown
Droopy eyebrow and inability to raise eyebrow
Inability to close the eye fully or blink
Watery eye or dry eye
Inability to squint
Ectropion – i.e. the lower eyelid may droop and turn outward
Painful eye with symptoms of grittiness or irritation
Sensitivity to light
Soreness or redness of the white of the eye
 The corner of the mouth pulls down/droops
 Inability to smile on affected side
 Inability to puff up your cheeks, whistle or blow
 Altered taste – bad prognostic value
 Difficulty eating and drinking, brushing your teeth and spitting out
 Drooling from the weak corner of your mouth
 Excess or reduced salivation (dry mouth)
 Inability to pout
 Difficulty speaking because of weakness in the lips and cheek as the
“labial consonants” (i.e. b, p, m, v, f) all require lip seal.
 Pain in or near the affected ear
 Loss of hearing
 Increased sensitivity to high pitched noise
 Hyperacusis – i.e. sensitivity to sudden loud noises ( Stapedial Paralysis )
 Nose runs or feels stuffy
 Inability to flare nostril
 Inability to wrinkle nose
Upper Motor Neuron versus Lower Motor Neuron
If the forehead is not affected (i.e. the patient is able to raise fully the eyebrow on the
affected side) then the facial palsy is likely to be an upper motor neuron (UMN)
lesion.[3] Paralysis which includes the forehead, such that the patient is unable to
raise the affected eyebrow, is a lower motor neuron (LMN) lesion