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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Topic: Mining Sequence Pattern in Transactional Database P R ESENTED BY: S HI VAM G ROV E R CS 1 8 049 G U I DED BY: MR . P R ANI L N AN DESHWAR Sequential Database A sequence database consists of sequences of ordered elements or events, recorded with or without a concrete notion of time. Example: Shopping Sequence, Web-Clickstreams, sequence of events in science and engineering, etc Sequential Database Sequential Pattern Mining: Let I={I1, I2…Ip} be the set of all items. A sequence is a ordered set of elements. A sequence (S) is denoted by {e1, e2…ep}, where e1 occurs before e2 and e2 occurs before e3 and so on. Sub-sequence and Super sequence: If a sequence a={a1,a2…an} is called the subsequence of another sub-sequence b={b1,b2…bm}; then b is the super-sequence of a. Therefore, a<=b. ATM Machine Sequential Pattern Mining: •Insert Card •Enter Pin •Enter Withdrawal Amount •Collect Cash •Remove Card S= {Insert Card, Enter Pin, Enter Withdrawal Amount, Collect Cash, Remove Card} Sequences in Market Basket Analysis CID TID TRANSACTIONS 1 100 A,B,C,D 3 111 A,F,D,C 1 122 D,E,P 3 133 B,F,S,A 1 144 B,C,D,E 3 155 A,F,D,C 1 166 A,E,P CUSTOMER 1 TRANSAC TION IS REPRESENTED AS S= {(A ,B,C,D ),(D,E,P),(B,C,D,E),(A ,E,P )} Application of Sequence Pattern Mining Customer Shopping sequences: First Buy Computer, then CD-ROM, and then digital camera. Science and Technology: Medical Treatments, Natural disasters, (eg earthquakes), stocks and markets, etc. Fraud Detection: Telephone calling patterns, patterns for transactions, etc. Biomedical: DNA sequence and gene structure, etc. THANK YOU !