Download DiffusionandOsmosisEggLab-1

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Name _____________________________
Period _____
Date _________
Egg Lab
The Effect of Different Solutions on Chicken Egg Mass
Mass of Egg (g)
Volume of Solution in
Beaker (mL)
Corn Syrup
Tap Water
1. What is the independent variable for this experiment?_____________________
2. What is the dependent variable for this experiment? ______________________
3. Identify 3 constants for this experiment. ________________________________
4. Water molecules can cross the selectively permeable membrane, but the solute
(dissolved particles) cannot. Therefore, the change in mass and volume must have
been caused by a net flow of water into or out of the egg.
Draw sketches below summarizing the movement of water molecules into and
out of the egg.
a. The initial egg has been drawn for you. For the the initial cell for each solution add:
 solutes (use dots) to the solution and egg as appropriate
 labels of high and low concentration of solutes and water in the initial diagram
 draw an arrow indicating which way the water molecules moved
b. Draw the final egg indicating its resulting size change.
Tap Water Egg
Corn Syrup Egg
Conclusion Questions
1) What did the outer membrane of the egg allow water molecules to do as the egg
was placed in different test solutions?
2) a. Which way did the water molecules move when the egg was placed in
corn syrup?
b. How do you know? Cite evidence.
c. Why did the molecules move in this direction?
d. What is this type of molecular movement called?
3) a. Which way did the water molecules move when the egg was placed in
tap water?
b. How do you know? Cite evidence.
c. Why did the molecules move in this direction?
d. What is this type of molecular movement called?
4) The movement of a substance from high to low concentration is known as
5) When water diffuses across a selectively permeable membrane the process is called
6) Write a paragraph below summarizing this lab. Include the following words: concentration,
osmosis, selectiely permeable, and homeostasis. Underline the words.