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Discussion with Saptarishis Astrology Releasing New Book on Astrology and Vastu Remedies Gratitude To Sunil John For For Inspiration Inspiration & Guidance Agenda • Planets 8 different types Problem or theme based remedies Nakshatra 5 different types Other Vastu Theme based remedies Decluttering Appendix All Stotras Stotras in english english • • • • • • • • • • Caution Remedies needs to be performed after proper consultation with A Vedic Astrologer and A Vastu Consultant Remedies – Astro Classification • • • • • • Element: what type of activity (fire, earth, air, water) Direction: represented by each zodiac or sign Hora: time to perform Caste: what each planet signifies which activity they represent Rootss (plants (plants or herbs), herbs), Jeeva (Animals), (Animals), Dhatu (Metal or mineral) Moola: Root Ayurvedic: Nature: Airy Airy (Vata), Pitta (Fiery), (Fiery), Kapha (Watery) Remedies – Planet Nine Planets • • Basic Info and Characteristics covered Assists in getting a good view of a planet Type for Each Planet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Recite Pooja To Perform Plant Donate or Charity Fasting Wear Yoga Precautions Theme Based Generic and Problem specific, like How to Gain Wealth, Reduce Debt and Weight Remedies – Planet Sun Recite or Chant • • Aditya Hridayam Stotra Gayatri Gayatri Mantra daily om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ tá tátt sav savit itúr úr vá váre reṇ(i)yaṃ bhárgo bhá rgo dev devásya ásya dhīmahi dh dhíy íyo o yó naḥ prachodayāt do it 108 times daily Pooja • Worship Lord Rama every day Recite following stotra 11 or 108 times everyday Shri Sh ri Raama Raama Ra Raam amaa Ra Raam amea eati ti Ra Rame me Ra Raam amee Man Manor oram amee Sahasra-Naam Sahasra -Naamaa Tat-Tu Tat-Tulyam lyam RaamaRaama-Naama Naama Vara-[ Vara-[A] A] anane • Pouring Water Fill fresh water in a copper utensil or a pot. Pour this water to Sun in morning after taking bath. Sun must be viewed or seen from the stream of water going down so that sunrays fall on your forehead or agnachakra. agnachakra. While doing this please ensure you are not in South or South West of your house or property Remedies – Planet Sun Plant • Plant this tree or Water it or look after it Ber, Indian Jujube, Indian plum Keep Indian Bael trees root wrapped in an orange red cloth with you Donate • Fasting • • Rudraksha – 1, 12 mukhi Ruby Yoga • On Sunday Wear • Donate sun items related to sun like wheat Surya Namaskar Precautions • 5th house Avoid telling lies, don’t be jealous of others prosperity After marriage have a child soon, soon , don’t delay it Remedies – Theme Based Theme Based • Curing an eye disease Recite or Chant Chakshushopanishad Chaksh ushopanishad Stotra Getting Recognition or Promotion If a person is struggling at work in getting recognition and promotion then worshiping or performing remedies like Prayers, Donation for Sun is recommended • • Recover your Loaned Money Take 2 red bricks, cover and tie them in a white piece of cloth and an d dig deep in earth. Do it on a Tuesday of Waxing Moon (Shukla Paksha) • Gain or Lose Weight To gain eat during Jupiter’s hora every day To Lose or reduce don’t during Jupiters’ hora and reduce your weight, don’t eat food in 2 nd Hora Remedies – Nakshatra 27 Constellations or Nakshatra • • Basic Info and Characteristics covered Assists in getting a good view of each Constellation Type for Each Constellation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recite Pooja To Perform Donate or Charity Plant Other Remedies – Nakshatra Pushya • • • • • Presence in Zodiac or Sign: Cancer Ruling Planet: Saturn Symbol: Udder of a Cow, Flower, Circle C ircle Purpose: Dharma Nature: Nourishing, Kind Fiery (Pitta) Guna: Tamasic Tamasic (ignorance) (ignorance) Gana: Deva Caste: Kshatriya (warrior) Gender: Male Animal: Male Sheep Bird: Sea Crow Ruling Deity: Jupiter, Guru • • • • • Remedies – Nakshatra Pushya • Recite or Chant Recite or listen to Narayana Kavach Recite following Beej Mantra (revealed ( revealed sound or combination or sequences of sound) Punarvasu Nakshatra Nakshatra sound) on Punarvasu day Om Kam 108 times Pooja or Prayer Worship Goddess Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati or Aditi Appease Jupiter (ruling Deity) Donate Donate food or feeding items for a cow Plant Plant this tree or Water it or look after it Peepal Peepal or Ashva Ashvatth tthaa (Ficus (Ficus religi religiosa) osa) Other Its symbol is a flower, so plant a flowering plant Feed a Male sheep or a Donkey as they are hardworking and loyal creatures Pay gratitude towards your guru, priest or cows co ws • • • • Remedies – Astro Other Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. Shivalinga Abhishek What type of mat to use Whom to worship on each Lunar Day (Tithi) Use of peacock feather Remedies – Vastu Five Balancing Elements and 16 Zones • Attribute of Each Direction Planet Represented, Colour Signification, Element and Shape Remedial Item or Symbol to Use, Preferred for, Precautions to be taken • • North Attributes Signifies: New openings and clients Planet: Mercury Colour: Blue Element: Water Shape: Flowing or Wavy Remedial Item or Symbol to Use: o Brass Kuber, Green Scenery, Money Plant in Blue Vase Preferred o Doctors Clinic Precautions o No Fire (Red Colour) and Earth Element (Yellow) Remedies – Vastu Theme Based Remedial Measure Depression No rubbish or bin in in North West zone Ensure no Fire element related items are present Knee Problems etc Any Imbalance in South East and North West No rubbish or fire element in North West Applying kill and produce cycle for each element, other directions can be addressed Remedies – De Cluttering De – Cluttering 1. Discard and Donate Items What and Why o 2. How to Organise Items Clothes, Socks o Books o o Allocation of space 3. Day of Decluttering Saturday o Contact Name: Renu Renu Sharm Sharmaa Mob:: +91 880 098 7879 (Ind) Mob Name: Vishal Sharma Mob: +61 468 675 566 (Aus) Email: [email protected]