* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS JEE ADVANCE MODEL TEST - 1 JEE ADVANCE MODEL TEST – 1 :: 2021-22 Class : VIII–Spark 1 SERIES - A Time : 3 hrs Date : 18-07-2021 Marks : 192 MATHS (1-18) SECTION I – (SINGLE CORRECT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Number of Questions : 5 Full Marks: + 3 (If only the correct answer is selected) Negative Marks: –1 (In all other cases) Maximum Marks: 5 x 3 = 15 Total number of four digit odd numbers that can be formed using 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 are A) 216 B) 375 C) 400 D) 720 Four speakers will address a meeting where speaker Q will always speak after speaker P. Then the number of ways in which the order of speakers can be prepared is A) 256 B) 128 C) 24 D) 12 The number of 4 digit even numbers that can be formed using 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 without repetition is A) 120 B) 300 C) 420 D) 20 How many numbers greater than 24000 can be formed by using digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 when no digit is repeated A) 36 B) 60 C) 84 D) 120 In how many ways can 5 prizes be distributed among four students when every student can take one or more prizes? A) 1024 B) 625 C) 120 D) 600 CLASS : 8–S1; SERIES - A WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS 1 WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS JEE ADVANCE MODEL TEST - 1 SECTION II – (MULTI CORRECT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS) Number of Questions : 5 Full Marks: + 4 (If only the correct answer is selected) Partial Marks: +3, If all the four options are correct but only three options are chosen +2, If three or more options are correct but only two options are chosen, both of which are correct options +1, If two or more options are correct but only one option is chosen and it is a correct option. Negative Marks: –2 (In all other cases) Maximum Marks: 5 x 4 = 20 6. Kanchan has 10 friends among whom two are married to each other. She wishes to invite five of them for a party. If the married couples refuse to attend separately, then the number of different ways in which she can invite five friends is A) 8 C5 B) 2 8 C3 C) 10 C5 2 8 C 4 D) None of these 7. A letter lock consists of three rings marked with 15 different letters. If N denotes the number of ways in which it is possible to make unsuccessful attempts to open the lock, then A) N is divisible by 482 B) N is product of 3 distinct prime numbers C) N is product of 4 distinct prime numbers D) None of these 8. 2n 9. Pn is equal to A) (n 1)(n 2)....(2 n) B) 2n [1.3.5...(2 n 1)] C) (2).(6).(10)....(4 n 2) D) n! 2n Cn A class has 30 students. The following prizes are to be awarded to the students of this class. First and second in mathematics, first and second in Physics, first in Chemistry and first in Biology. If N denote the number of ways in which this can be done, then A) N is divisible by 400 B) N is divisible by 600 C) N is divisible by 8100 D) N is divisible by four distinct prime numbers CLASS : 8–S1; SERIES - A WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS 2 WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS JEE ADVANCE MODEL TEST - 1 If 100! 235 7....., then 10. A) 97 1 B) ( 1) 2 1 C) 2 1 D) 3 SECTION III – (NUMERICAL VALUE ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS) 11. Number of Questions : 5 Full Marks: + 4 (If only the correct answer is written) Negative Marks: 0 Maximum Marks: 5 x 4 = 20 The letters of the word COCHIN are permutated and all the permutations are arranged in an alphabetical order in an English dictionary. The number of words that appear before the word COCHIN is _________ If all the words (with or without meaning) having five letters, formed using the letters of the word SMALL and arranged as in a dictionary., then the position of the word SMALL is __________ The number of integers greater than 6000 that can be formed, using the digits 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 without repetition, is ______ The total number of ways in which 5 balls of different colours can be distributed among 3 persons so that each person gets at least one ball is _________ The number of seven digit integers, with sum of the digits equal to 10 and formed by using the digits 1, 2 and 3 only, is _______ 12. 13. 14. 15. SECTION IV – (PARAGRAPH TYPE QUESTIONS) 16. 17. Number of Questions : 3 Full Marks: + 3 (If only the correct answer is selected) Negative Marks: – 1 Maximum Marks: 3 x 3 = 9 There are 8 official and 4 non-official members and out of these 12 members, a committee of 5 is to be formed then answer the following questions. Number of committee consisting of at least 2 non official members are A) 456 B) 546 C) 654 D) 466 Number of committee consisting of 3 official and 2 non-official are A) 363 B) 336 C) 236 D) 326 CLASS : 8–S1; SERIES - A WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS 3 WARA ANGAL SCHOOL S OF MAT THEMATIICS 18. JEE EE ADVAN NCE MOD DEL TES ST - 1 Number of comm mittee in which w a paarticular official o m member iss never included arre D) 326 B) 6442 C)) 266 A) 264 PHYSICS (19 9-36) SE ECTION I – (SING GLE CO ORRECT ANSWE ER TYPE E QUEST TIONS) 19. Numberr of Quesstions : 5 Full Maarks: + 3 (If ( only the t correct answer is seleccted) Negativve Marks: –1 (In all other cases) c Maximuum Markss: 5 x 3 = 15 A microsscope is foocussed onn a dot ass the botto om of a beeaker. Som me oil is poured p into the beaker too height y cm and itt is found necessary y to raise the t microscope thro ough a verrtical distance of o x cm too bring thee dot againn into focu us. The reffractive inndex of oill is A) 20. yx y B) x yx C)) y yx D) y(y x) A light raay travels from meddium 1 off refractivee index 1 to mediuum 2 of reefractive index i 2 wherre 2 1 . The crittical anglee of incidennce i c 1 2 A) sin 1 21. 1 B) sin n 1 2 2 1 C)) tan D) ttan 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 A ray PQ Q is incideent normaally on thee face AB of trianguular prism m of refraccting anglee 60o made of material m o refractivve index of 2 as sho own in figgure .The aangle of deviation of o ray 3 is _____ 22. B) 60o C)) 30o D) 45o A) 90o w and red colours foor a flint glass g prism m are The refraactive indiices for ligght of viollet, yellow respectivvely 1.632,, 1.620 annd 1.613. The T disperrsive poweer of mateerial of prism is A) 0.0306 B) 0.3306 C)) 0.0106 85 D) 0.028 CLAS SS : 8–S11; SERIE ES - A WARANG W GAL SCH HOOL OF F MATHE EMATIC CS 4 WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS 23. JEE ADVANCE MODEL TEST - 1 Which of the following is false? A) Formation of looming in cold regions is due to total internal reflection B) When prism is shifted from air into a liquid, angle of prism remains same but angle of minimum deviation changes when incident ray is kept fixed C) Refractive index of a transparent body depends on the nature of its surrounding medium D) Speed of light increases when it enters into diamond from water SECTION II – (MULTI CORRECT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS) Number of Questions : 5 Full Marks: + 4 (If only the correct answer is selected) Partial Marks: +3, If all the four options are correct but only three options are chosen +2, If three or more options are correct but only two options are chosen, both of which are correct options +1, If two or more options are correct but only one option is chosen and it is a correct option. Negative Marks: –2 (In all other cases) Maximum Marks: 5 x 4 = 20 24. 25. 26. Refractive index of an equilateral prism is 2 . A ray of light is incident on one face of the prism. In this case A) minimum deviation for this prism can be 30o B) minimum deviation for this prism can be 45o C) angle of incidence = 45o, deviation is minimum D) angle of incidence = 60o, deviation is minimum White light is passed through a prism. A) Refractive index of prism for indigo is more than refractive index of red B) Wave length of green is more than wave length of blue C) angle of deviation of yellow is less than angle of deviation of green D) Dispersive power of prism is independent of angle of prism A light ray is going from one medium to another then A) Its wavelength may increase or decrease B) Its wavelength always decreases C) Velocity may increase or decrease D) Frequency remains the same CLASS : 8–S1; SERIES - A WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS 5 WARA ANGAL SCHOOL S OF MAT THEMATIICS 27. JEE EE ADVAN NCE MOD DEL TES ST - 1 A ray of light passes throughh an equillateral glasss prism, such s that tthe angle of incidennce is 3 times to t angle of o prism. For F this case, mark the t correctt statemen nt(s). equal to 3/4 o A) Anglee of deviattion is 30 B) Angell of minim mum deviaation is 30o C) Refracctive indexx of materrial of prissm is 1.414 D) Refracctive index of materrial is 1.7332 A thin glass prism m deviatess the red and blue rays throough 10o aand 12o respectivelly. A m throughh 8o and 100o respecttively. Forr this second thhin prism of equal angle devviates them case, marrk out corrrect statem ment(s). A) The raatio of meean deviatiion of coloour in firstt and secoond prism is 11 : 9 B) Disperrsive pow wer of first prism is 2/9 2 C) Disperrsive pow wer of secoond prism is 2/9 D) Ratio of disperssive powers of first and secon nd prism iss 9/11 28. SECTIO ON III – (NUMERICAL VALUE V ANSWE ER TYPE E QUEST TIONS) 29. Numberr of Quesstions : 5 Full Maarks: + 4 (If ( only the t correct answer is writtten) Negativve Marks: 0 Maximuum Markss: 5 x 4 = 20 Monochrromatic light falls on a righht angled prism at an anglee of incideence 45o. The emergentt light is found to slide alonng the facce AC. Thhe refractiive index of materiial is found to be 30. N then fiind the value of N. 2 ne refractting face oof prism of o angle 75o. It A ray of monochroomatic ligght is inciddent on on passes thhrough the prism andd is incideent on the other facee at criticaal angle. Iff the refraactive index of material of prism is i face of thhe prism. 2 , what w is the angle of incidencee in degreees on thee first CLAS SS : 8–S11; SERIE ES - A WARANG W GAL SCH HOOL OF F MATHE EMATIC CS 6 WARA ANGAL SCHOOL S OF MAT THEMATIICS JEE EE ADVAN NCE MOD DEL TES ST - 1 Two imm miscible liquids of refractive r index 2 and 2 2 are filled with equ ual heightt h in a vessel. The bottoom surface of vesseel is seen from air normal too surface of o liquids.. The 31. apparent depth of bottom suurface is found to be k 2hh . When all quantiities are inn S.I 4 system thhen find thhe value of k. Refractivve index of o glass with w respeect to watter is 9/8. Refractiive index of glass with respect too air is 3/22. The refrractive inddex of watter with reespect to aair is N/12 then the value v of N is _________ A large glass g slabb of thicknness 8 cm m is placeed over a point souurce of lig ght on a plane p surface. It I is seen that t light emerges out o of the top surfacce of the sslab from a circularr area of radius R cm. Thhe value off R is ______ 32. 33. SECT TION IV – (PARA AGRAPH H TYPE QUESTIIONS) Numberr of Quesstions : 3 Full Maarks: + 3 (If ( only the t correct answer is seleccted) Negativve Marks: – 1 Maximuum Markss: 3 x 3 = 9 Considerr a rectanggular glasss PQRS, as a shown in figure. A ray AB B is incideent on the face o PQ at an angle of incidencee i1 = 60 . On enteriing the glass slab, iit bends to owards noormal B at an anngle of reefraction r1. The reffracted rayy BC is in ncident onn face and traveel along BC SR at an angle of incidence i i2. The em mergent raay CD bennds away ffrom the normal n at angle a of refracttion r2. Incident ray r on facce BC is parallel p to emergentt ray from m face SR. The refraactive indeex of material of o glass iss 2 and thickness of slab PS S = 10 cm m. CLAS SS : 8–S11; SERIE ES - A WARANG W GAL SCH HOOL OF F MATHE EMATIC CS 7 WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS JEE ADVANCE MODEL TEST - 1 Answer the following questions based on the information given above. Distance travelled by light ray inside the glass slab is 34. A) 35. 20 3 cm B) 10 3 cm C) 20 cm D) 10 cm C) 10 cm D) 15 cm Lateral displacement of light ray is A) 36. 10 3 cm B) 10 2 cm Maximum possible lateral displacement for suitable angle of incidence on face PQ is A) 15 cm B) 20 cm C) 10 cm D) 30 cm CHEMISTRY (37-54) SECTION I – (SINGLE CORRECT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS) Number of Questions : 5 Full Marks: + 3 (If only the correct answer is selected) Negative Marks: –1 (In all other cases) Maximum Marks: 5 x 3 = 15 39. Number of moles in 1m3 gas at NTP are A) 4.46 B) 44.6 C) 446 D) 4460 The number of water molecules is maximum in A) 18 grams of water B) 18 moles of water C) 18 molecules of water D) 1.8 gram of water If 1.5 moles of oxygen combine with Al to form Al2 O3 , the mass of Al in grams used in 40. the reaction is A) 2.7 B) 54 C) 40.5 D) 81 If 30 ml of H2and 20 ml of O2 react to form water, what is left at the end of the 37. 38. reaction? A) 10 ml of H2 41. B) 5 ml of H2 C) 10 ml of O2 D) 5 ml of O2 One mole of CO2 contains A) 6.023 1023 atoms of C B) 6.023 1023 atoms of O C) 18.1 1023 molecules of CO2 D) 3g atoms of CO2 CLASS : 8–S1; SERIES - A WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS 8 WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS JEE ADVANCE MODEL TEST - 1 SECTION II – (MULTI CORRECT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS) Number of Questions : 5 Full Marks: + 4 (If only the correct answer is selected) Partial Marks: +3, If all the four options are correct but only three options are chosen +2, If three or more options are correct but only two options are chosen, both of which are correct options +1, If two or more options are correct but only one option is chosen and it is a correct option. Negative Marks: –2 (In all other cases) Maximum Marks: 5 x 4 = 20 42. Molecule of an element is A) H 2 B) H2O 43. Pure substance is A) Element B) Compound An example for Homogeneous mixture is B) Glucose in H2O A) Salt in H2O 44. 45. C) O 2 D) H 2 O 2 C) Mixture D) NaCl solution C) Sand in H2O D) Oil in H2O One gram molecule of Oxygen A) weighs one gram B) weighs 32 grams C) contains one molecule D) contains NA molecules Among the following, Elements with atomicity more than one is A) Hydrogen B) Oxygen C) Water D) Sulphur 46. SECTION III – (NUMERICAL VALUE ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS) Number of Questions : 5 Full Marks: + 4 (If only the correct answer is written) Negative Marks: 0 Maximum Marks: 5 x 4 = 20 47. 48. Number of gram atoms of oxygen present in 64g of oxygen is _______ Number of moles of oxygen present in 44.8 l of oxygen at STP is _______ 49. 1 th of C-12 is called 1 amu, then x = _______ 2x CLASS : 8–S1; SERIES - A WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS 9 WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS JEE ADVANCE MODEL TEST - 1 50. Number of protons in one molecule of CaCO3 is ‘a’, then 51. Atomicity of Ozone is __________ a is ______ 50 SECTION IV – (PARAGRAPH TYPE QUESTIONS) 52. 53. 54. Number of Questions : 3 Full Marks: + 3 (If only the correct answer is selected) Negative Marks: – 1 Maximum Marks: 3 x 3 = 9 Water is universal solvent because many substances can dissolve in water. The specific density of water is 1 g/ml. Number of moles of water in 18 ml of H2O is A) 18 B) 18g C) 1 ml Oxidation state of Hydrogen in water is A) –2 B) +1 C) –1 Number of atoms present in 1 litre of H2O is A) 55.55 B) 55.55 N A C) 55.55 3 N A D) 1 D) 0 D) 18N A *** CLASS : 8–S1; SERIES - A WARANGAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS 10