* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Running head: ACTION AND EVALUATION RESEARCH Action and Evaluation Research: Data Collection and Analysis: Case #4 EDD 607 Advanced Applied Research Nivel Conley Trident International University Dr. Lint June 6, 2021, 1 Running head: ACTION AND EVALUATION RESEARCH 2 Case Assignment Introduction According to the reauthorization of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-315) ranks inclusive postsecondary instructional prospects with an importance on students accessing academic, social, and advancing in employment experiences. However, in this legislation, inclusion is ambiguously clear and left to postsecondary academic institutes to build within their program model (Love and Mock, 2019, p. 44). Discrimination due to the disabled population, including a significant gap in representation between traditional and non-traditional students presides in higher education institutions across the U.S. All of these underlining factors result in unequal access to employment opportunities, and social integration. Research Design Focus The purpose for this peer-reviewed journal article was to reveal the sociocultural interpretation using students voices to strengthen experiences in addition to understanding the origins over time. The specific problem is in rural communities, not-for-profit disability agencies incline to establish employment prospects for people with Intellectual Disabled (ID), due to lack of fiscal and human resources, thus forcing agency personnel to limit individualized programming that offer more work experiences. This Action Participatory Research is focused on a real-world issue. Scholars, Love and Mock (2019) presented the action participatory research method involving communication with 6, Intellectual Disabled students, enrolled in 2 rural setting postsecondary instutions. First: Think College Vermont and second Think College Wyoming through participatory action research, students collectively exposed their understandings on the challenges and opportunities faced in a rural setting. Action researcher is particularly objective in addressing problematic issues that always define the research should clearly reflect their own distinct principles. Running head: ACTION AND EVALUATION RESEARCH 3 Researcher Description The researchers of the APR study included a lead researcher that assisted as an external advisor on inclusive PSE, for the program staff previous to the study. The researcher had no previous association with the student subjects participating in the study. All of the primary and secondary researchers worked effectively with the ID students: to develop a fresh approach to increase the working class within the academic setting for those interested in gaining programming employment opportunities. According to Creswell (2018) Action research reflects neither of the premises that selective individuals with years of experience, hired by colleges, research companies, or government agencies can conduct research, nor that such research requires no precise reasoning. Informational Sources Love and Mock (2019) recommended that the dialogue to develop descriptive themes form multiple perspectives. The lead researcher provided multiple interview techniques (i.e., telephone surveys, focus groups, electronic surveys) to guarantee participant answers were collected and appropriately understood. Correspondingly, Paiewonsky (2011) “presented multiple interview techniques (i.e., video responses, focus groups, and individual interviews) and provided opportunities for students’ participation in the data Love and Mock 45 analysis method by requesting them to disclose developing themes in their videos” (as cited by Love and Mock, 2019, p. 45). The Action research plan that was designed with solidity and strategic systematic data collection practices particularly important to uncover the major problems viewing students’ college experiences. Running head: ACTION AND EVALUATION RESEARCH 4 Actions Addressed explain reasoning Created on the data collected from the student focus group, video presentation, student-led video projects, and discussions completed at the community forum, program staff-initiated action on the following items: “(a) increasing vocational preparation and paid employment experiences, (b) diversifying the recruitment of paid peer mentors, and (c) increasing access to campus facilities throughout the college day.” (Love and Mock, 2019, p. 50). Most noteworthy for this study was the first approval to increase vocational preparation and paid employment experiences that sparked the utmost momentum and success for students. Program staff endorsements prevailed in numerous ways. First, a strategic plan was implemented to assess and improve vocational preparation for students in the program. As a result, each college program focused efforts on tailoring employment possibilities for students on the campus and in the community. The program included paid employment goals on transition plans for most students. Additionally, the program improved the multiplicity of peer guides for the students in the PSE program. Finally, staff executed a project-based program to intensify individuality on the campus and occasions to include more college students. The action plans aligned with the research questions, the goals, and the student perceptions that arose with thematic results proving the direct course needed to implement positive change that would increase student relations. Knowledge Accumulated The APR, build my expertise skill set to research deeper, and uncover additional problems that action researchers often deem challenging in working with disabled populations in higher education instutions studies. It more than just following the political documentation that legally binds what special educations, leaders, and staff can or cannot base on individual decision-making power protocols. Running head: ACTION AND EVALUATION RESEARCH The best interest of all concerned stakeholders is an important qualitative approach for all disabled students to be supported and promoted. It should be the belief of the researcher to not only use collaborative effective efforts but also notice the break throughs that deem new growth. Without laws, principles, and theoretical perspectives from those affected obstacles will remain ineffective. 5 Running head: ACTION AND EVALUATION RESEARCH 6 References: Creswell, J. W. (2018). Research design: A qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Love, K., & Mock, M. (2019). Participatory action research and student perspectives in a rural postsecondary education program. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 38(1), 43. doi:10.1177/8756870518783707.