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Sam Houston State University
Department of Agricultural And Industrial Sciences
Trainee Name:______________________________ (Last, First)
Biohazard & Transport Safety Training Exam
Throughout the training period the instructor will document the student's competency
based on the established training objectives for each item. Training is based upon the
presented material. The employee must answer the items below as documentation of
Biohazard Safety Training Exam
(Circle the correct choice)
Universal (Standard) Precautions state:
A. Treat all human blood, bodily fluids and other potentially
infectious materials as if they are infectious
B. Wear gloves whenever handling blood samples
C. Never mouth pipette
D. All of the above
Which of these is considered a Blood-borne pathogen (BBP):
B. Hepatitis B Virus
C. Hepatitis C Virus
D. All of the above
The most common mode of transmission of pathogens is via:
A. Hands
B. Nose
C. Eyes
D. Mouth
Other potentially infectious material include:
A. Asbestos
B. Fungi
C. Antifreeze
D. Fertilizer
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Sam Houston State University
Department of Agricultural And Industrial Sciences
Trainee Name:______________________________ (Last, First)
If you accidentally splash HIV infected blood in your eyes, can you contract
A. No, HIV can only be spread through broken skin
B. Yes, if you already have an eye infection.
C. No, blood does not transfer HIV
D. Yes, HIV can be transmitted through the mucous membrane of
the eyes
A blood sample at the pickup location is leaking:
A. Pick it up anyway
B. Refuse pickup and contact supervisor at pickup location
C. Wear gloves
D. None of the above
Gloves and other PPEs must always be worn whenever handling blood tubes
that are not contained in a biohazard bag.
A. Always
B. Never
C. Only when the outside of the tube is contaminated with blood
D. Only when a supervisor is watching
What are the steps to take if you are exposed to blood or other infectious
A. Needlesticks or sharps injuries should be immediately washed
with soap and water
B. Irrigate eyes with an eyewash for 10 to 15 minutes
C. Report the incident to your supervisor and seek immediate
medical treatment
D. All of the above
You receive a sample in a biohazard bag for transport, but there is no outside
container to transport the sample. You…
A. Ask a supervisor to provide a cooler/transport container.
B. Ask for contact information of shipping facility and call.
C. Take the sample anyway and be careful it doesn’t fall off the
seat of your car.
D. Take the sample, but avoid temperature fluctuations.
E. A & B
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Sam Houston State University
Department of Agricultural And Industrial Sciences
Trainee Name:______________________________ (Last, First)
You are transporting a sample and are involved in a motor vehicle accident.
You should …
A. Call for medical assistance-if needed
B. Notify Emergency Response team that you are transporting
potential biohazards.
C. Notify supervisor to contact shipper and recipient of sample
D. Arrange for alternative transport
E. All of Above
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