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CIVL353 Earth Science
Civil Engineering
Program Name:
Program Code:
Civil Engineering
Course Number:
4 Cr
Required Course
Elective Course
Prerequisite(s): Min. AT = 4
Course instructor:
Office No.
Mr. Abiola Ayopo Abiodun
CE 123
Office hours:
Course Assistant:
8:30 – 10:30 am
Mohammad Reza Golhashem
Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri
Course Web Page:
Catalog Description:
Introduction: Overview of earth science, composition of the earth and atomic structure. Minerals: Building
blocks of rocks. Some physical properties of minerals. The dynamic earth, the theory of plate tectonics and
plate boundaries, drifting continents. Earthquakes, mountain building. Geologic time scale, age dating of
rocks, early earth. Earthquakes, earthquake classification and prediction. Seismic waves, liquefaction. Surface
processes on earth weathering, erosion, mass movements, wind, and glaciers, surface water, groundwater. The
rock cycle and rock deformation. Rocks: Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Soil formation and
clay mineralogy. Phase relationships and classification of soils.
1. E.J. Tarbuck and F.K. Lutgens, Earth Science, Tenth edition, Prentice Hall, 2003.
2. R. F. Craig, Soil Mechanics, 7th edition, Chapman & Hall, 2004.
3. CIVL353 Earth Science Lecture Notes, by Zalihe Nalbantoğlu, 1st Edition, 2010.
Course Outline:
Week 1
Earth in space and time (4 classes)
Introduction: Overview of earth science, composition of the earth and atomic structure.
History of the earth. Layers of the earth.
Week 2
Minerals (4 classes)
Minerals: Building blocks of rocks. Some physical properties of minerals. Types of minerals:
silicates and non-silicates minerals. Ore minerals.
Week 3
Plate tectonics (4 classes)
The dynamic earth, theory of plate tectonics. Convection current and drifting continents.
Plate boundaries. Types of plate boundaries, geologic time and geologic dating.
Week 4
Weathering and depositions (4 classes)
Surface processes on earth weathering, erosion, mass movements, wind, and glaciers, surface
water, groundwater. Types of depositions.
Week 5-6
Rock deformation and types of rocks (8 classes)
The rock cycle and rock deformation. Fold and faults. Types of rocks: Igneous,
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
Week 7-8
Earthquakes (8 classes)
Earthquakes, earthquake classification and prediction. Types of seismic waves.
Earthquake magnitude and intensity. Earthquake –related hazards: ground motion,
ground failure, liquefaction, tsunamis and coastal effect.
Week 9
Midterm Examination
Week 10
Natural hazards (4 classes)
Natural hazards: geological hazards, hydrological hazards, climatic and atmospheric hazards
and wildfire hazard.
Week 11
Mitigation of some natural hazards (4 classes)
Liquefaction, sinkholes, slope failures: landslides and mudflows. Reducing liquefaction
Hazard s. Mitigation of sinkholes and slope failures.
Week 12-13
Week 14
Index and classification properties of soils (8 classes)
Introduction to geotechnical engineering. Index and classification properties of soils.
Basic definitions and phase relations. Solution of phase problems.
Soil classification (4 classes)
Grain size and grain size distribution. Atterberg limits and consistency indices. The Unified
Soil Classification System (USCS).
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, a student should be able to:
  develop an appreciation of geologic processes as they influence civil engineering works, 
 acquire knowledge of the most important rocks and minerals and be able to identify them, 
 receive training in critical thinking and problem solving through discussions and analyses of various
engineering geologic issues. 
recognize geologic hazards and implications for safety and stability for structures. 
 perform index-property tests on a soil specimen and use the results to classify the soil 
in the USCS systems,
  use word processors in writing and finishing lab report, 
 gain the ability to work in a group. 
Class Schedule:
Laboratory Schedule:
4 hrs of lectures per week
1 hr of tutorial/laboratory per week
Midterm Exam(s)
30 %
Min. = 4 or Max. = 6
10 %
10 %
Final Examination
45 %
NG Policy
Attendance will be taken every lecture hour by the lecturer. Any student who has poor interest in the course,
with poor attendance (less than 70%), with lack of exams (more than one) or does not attend or does not
laboratory reports or collect less than 25% will be given NG (nil grade). This rule will be followed strictly.
Contribution of Course to Criterion 5
Credit Hours for:
Mathematics & Basic Science : 0
Engineering Topic and Design : 4
General Education : 0
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
The course makes significant contributions to the following program outcomes:
 Produce graduates with contemporary engineering knowledge, environmental awareness, ethics and
necessary technical and computer skills for a successful professional life, 
 Produce graduates with advanced knowledge, skills and practical information that will equip them with
the necessary tools either for work in industry or pursuing further studies in the areas of civil
engineering, 
 Possess the foundation required and an appreciation for the value of continuing professional
development in maintaining their professional competence. 
The course makes significant contributions to the following program outcomes:
 an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, 
 an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data, 
 an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, 
 an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems 
 an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. 