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The Canadian Board for Respiratory
Le Conseil Canadien Des Soins
Call for Volunteers
 The CBRC is recruiting volunteers to participate in Phase 3 of a
comparability study between paper and computer-based exams.
The session is in two parts, a short 79 question mini exam to be
completed via computer and a paper exam of the same number
of questions. Each part is 90 minutes in length. The study is
anonymous and all information gathered will only be used
for statistical purposes.
 Recent graduates who have passed the CBRC exam are
invited to email their interest to participate in the comparability
study to [email protected]. (Please include the year you were
successful on the CBRC exams.)
 Volunteers are needed on Tuesday May 31st, 2016 from 09:0013:00 in Halifax, NS (site information to follow). (We are looking
for 20 volunteers.)
 Volunteers will be compensated with a $200 honorarium as well
as travel (0.50/km) reimbursement up to a max of $150.
 CSRT education credits of 4 hours will be provided.
For further information and to submit your interest in this comparability study
please email the CBRC by May 23rd, 2016.
1083 Queen Street Suite 103
Halifax, NS B3H 0B2
[email protected]
Fax (902)492-0045