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Due Date: ______________________
Name ____________________________________________ Period ______________
Unit 2 – New Directions in Government and Society; Chapter 5 – Classical Greece, 2000 BCE – 3200
BCE; Sec 1: Cultures of the Mountains and the Sea, pp. 123-126
1. What is the main idea of this section?
2. Why does it matter now?
3. What was the culture on the island of Crete dating from 3000 BCE?
4. Why was sea travel and trade important to the ancient Greeks?
5. How did the geography of the land influence Greek life? Give 4 ways.
6. How might the climate have influenced Greek political life?
7. Write out a pronunciation guide for the Greek city of Mycenae.
8. How did the Minoans influence Mycenaean trade and culture?
9. Where was Troy located?
When did Greece fight a war against Troy?
10. When did the Dorians invade Greece?
How did this invasion affect Greek life?
11. Who was Homer, and what is he known for?
Due Date: ______________________
Due Date: ______________________
Name ____________________________________________ Period ______________
Unit 2 – New Directions in Government and Society; Chapter 5 – Classical Greece, 2000 BCE – 3200
BCE; Sec 2: Warring City-States, pp. 127-133
1. What is the main idea of this section?
2. Define the following:
a. Polis –
b. Agora c. Acropolis –
d. Monarchy –
e. Aristocracy –
Oligarchy –
g. Tyrant –
h. Democracy –
3. Under Cleisthenes, [pronunciation] what reforms allowed citizens to participate in a limited
4. Who were excluded from Athenian citizenship and so could not participate in politics?
5. What were differences between boys’ and girls’ educations in ancient Athens?
6. Where was Sparta located?
Why did Sparta feel the need to become a strong city-state?
Due Date: ______________________
7. How did the emphasis on military strength affect the daily lives of children and adults in Sparta?
Society in general:
Men and boys:
Women and girls:
8. Why were Dorian armies only made up of wealthy men?
9. Why did iron weapons change who was able to fight?
10. What was a hoplite?
Describe a phalanx.
11. What two sides fought the Persian Wars?
12. How is Pheidippides [pronunciation] related to today’s marathons?
13. Who won the Persian Wars?
14. What was the Delian League?
Which city-state became its leader?
Due Date: ______________________
Name ____________________________________________ Period ______________
Unit 2 – New Directions in Government and Society; Chapter 5 – Classical Greece, 2000 BCE – 3200
BCE; Sec 3: Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age, pp. 134-139
1. Describe the Golden Age of Greece, including dates.
2. What were Pericles’ [pronunciation] three goals for Athens during the Golden Age?
3. How did the introduction of salaried public officials help strengthen democracy?
4. Why did Pericles want to strengthen the Athenian navy? Give 2 reasons.
5. What was the Parthenon?
6. What kind of characteristics became the standard for classical art?
7. Briefly describe the two types of Greek drama and authors of each type.
8. What did Thucydides [pronunciation] believe about the study of history?
9. What were the two sides in the Peloponnesian War, and what was the strength of each?
10. What disaster struck Athens that permanently weakened the city?
11. Who won the Peloponnesian War?
Due Date: ______________________
12. What does philosopher mean?
What 2 assumptions were the bases for Greek philosophy?
13. Who were the “big three” Greek philosophers, and what was their relationship?
Due Date: ______________________
Name ____________________________________________ Period ______________
Unit 2 – New Directions in Government and Society; Chapter 5 – Classical Greece, 2000 BCE – 3200
BCE; Sec 4: Alexander’s Empire, pp. 142-145
1. What weakened the military and economic power of several Greek city-states?
2. Compare and contrast Macedonian and Greek culture.
3. What ended Greek independence, and why?
4. Who was Alexander’s tutor, and what was Alexander taught?
5. What was Alexander’s first conquest after Greece?
What leader did he go up against?
6. What was Darius’ offer for peace negotiations?
Why did Alexander reject the offer?
7. What land did Alexander invade next, and how was he received?
8. Where did Alexander fight in 331 BCE? (It might help to look at the map on page 144.)
What was the outcome for both sides in this battle?
9. Where did Alexander go in 326 BCE?
What happened there?
10. What happened when Alexander returned to Babylon?
What became of his empire?
Due Date: ______________________
Due Date: ______________________
Name ____________________________________________ Period ______________
Unit 2 – New Directions in Government and Society; Chapter 5 – Classical Greece, 2000 BCE – 3200
BCE; Sec 5: The Spread of Hellenistic Culture, pp. 146-149
1. What is the main idea of this section?
2. How was Hellenistic culture formed?
3. What city was the center of commerce and civilization in the Hellenistic world?
Where was it located?
4. What was the city known for commercially?
5. Discuss the Library of Alexandria.
6. List 4 Hellenist scientists, and discuss the ideas and/or accomplishments of one.
7. How did Hellenistic sculpture differ from the classical style?