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A History of Plastic Surgery
Santoni-Rugiu, P., Sykes, P.,J.
2007, XVI, 395 p. 407 illus. With CD-ROM., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-540-46240-8
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About this book
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About this book
This book covers the history of plastic surgery from the remarkable achievements of such ancient civilizations as India
and Egypt, through the classical times of ancient Greece and Rome, up to the revolutionary techniques developed at the
end of the Middle Age, the Renaissance and beyond. It reveals how surgical progress has usually relied on a parallel
development in anatomy.
Coverage first explains how the knowledge of wound healing has changed and influenced plastic surgery. It follows the
development of the basic techniques of the specialty, such as skin flaps, the grafting of skin and other tissues throughout
the centuries. The book then describes the development of various surgical reconstructive procedures, showing how
techniques that are routine today have evolved thanks to the ingenuity of our surgical ancestors. In addition, the book
details the birth of Cosmetic Surgery and describes its rapid development as well as stresses the efforts required to
overcome prejudices and criticism.
Written for:
Researchers and clinicians in plastic surgery and related fields
reconstructive surgery
wound healing