Download Chapter 17 Review Sheet Atmosphere The atmospheric gas that is

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Chapter 17 Review Sheet
 The atmospheric gas that is found in the highest concentration is ___________________,
followed by ___________________. The remaining 1% consists of:
o Permanent gases: ______________________________________________________
Ex: _____________________________________________________________
o Variable gases: ________________________________________________________
Ex: _____________________________________________________________
** Label the layers of the atmosphere in
the diagram below.
** Where does weather occur? _________
** Where is the ozone layer found? _____
** Describe the temperature trend.
** Why doesn’t that trend apply to the
stratosphere? ______________________
Atmosphere’s Role in Weather and Climate
** Contrast weather and climate. ______________________________________________________
** Describe the role of each of the following in Earth’s weather/climate:
 Relative humidity: ____________________________________________________________
 Atmospheric pressure: ________________________________________________________
o High pressure system: ___________________________________________________
o Low pressure system: ___________________________________________________
 Cold front: __________________________________________________________________
 Warm front: _________________________________________________________________
** Describe two reasons why it is warmer at the equator than the poles.
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
Convective Circulation
Warm air is _______________ dense than cold air, so it
______________. As it ___________, the air pressure
___________________, causing the air to expand and cool.
It expands because there is _____________ pressure and
cools because it _________________ energy to perform the
expansion. The cool air molecules now move
_________________ and start to ____________________.
As they pick up more and more ___________________,
they become ______________ dense, and
_____________________. The earth’s surface then
____________ the air, and starts the process over again.
This process drives the three types of convective cells
known as ____________________, _______________, and _________________ cells.
** In the following picture of the Earth, draw arrows to show the air circulation patterns associated with
Hadley cells, Ferrel cells, and Polar cells. Indicate areas of high pressure and low pressure. Include the
wind currents.
** Explain why the equator has warm, wet conditions.
** Explain why the deserts are located at 30 degrees
north and south. ___________________________
** What prevents wind from blowing north and south? Describe. ____________________
 Describe a thermal inversion. ______________________________________________________
When and where does it commonly occur? _____________________________________
o Why can it be dangerous? ___________________________________________________
Outdoor (Ambient) Air Pollution
 Describe 3 natural sources of air pollution.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
 Point source pollution: ____________________________________________________________
o Ex: __________________________________________________________
 Nonpoint source pollution: _________________________________________________________
o Ex: ___________________________________________________________
 Primary pollutants: ______________________________________________________________
o Ex: ___________________________________________________________
 Secondary pollutants: ____________________________________________________________
o Ex: ___________________________________________________________
Formation of Ozone and PANs
** Diagram the reactions that produce tropospheric ozone and PANS. Show the role of light and VOC’s.
Industrial Smog
Photochemical Smog
Major causes
(point or non-point)
Chemicals produced
 Air pollution has decreased since 1970. List some reasons why.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
 Main cause of ozone layer depletion is release of _____________________________.
Describe why the release of this chemical causes ozone depletion. ________________________
In 1987, the ________________________ _______________________ addressed the issue. An
agreement was made to ________________________________________________________.
Since then, the production and use of these chemicals have _________________________ and
the ozone layer is ___________________________.
Acidic Deposition
** Leads to acid rain, which is characterized by having a pH lower than ______.
** The main cause is burning of ___________________________, which releases _______________ and
___________________. These chemicals react with _____________________________ to form
_________________________ and ______________________________.
** Describe adverse effects of acid deposition.
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
Indoor Air Pollution
** Why is indoor air pollution worse in developing nations? _____________________________________
** The two most dangerous indoor pollutants in developed nations are _______________________ and
Tobacco smoke
Living organisms
Causes/Where found?
** What are the indicators of sick-building syndrome? _________________________________________
** What agency regulates indoor air pollution in the workplace? __________________
** Describe ways to reduce indoor air pollution.
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
Air Pollution Control Act of 1955
Clean Air Act of 1963
Air Quality Control Act of 1967
Clean Air Act of 1970
Clean Air Act Revisions- 1990
Clean Air Act Revisions- 2009
Criteria Pollutants
Type of
Sulfur Dioxide
Nitrogen dioxide