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Ghobrial Roufail
Visual Texts Essay
With close reference to a film (or films) you have studied, discuss what makes a
film distinctive in terms of artistic and / or technical achievement.
The visual aspects of a film are very important in helping viewers understand the conveyed
message/theme. In “In the name of the father”, underline titles Jim Sheridan uses symbolism, camera
and music techniques to convey the theme of political injustice as well as giving the idea that political
personnel are not always correct. Jim Sheridan concentrates on the story of Gerry and Guiseppe Conlon
to give evidence towards the theme and the main idea conveyed. intro fine
Sheridan uses a low angle shot towards the Jury and the justice system during the first court trial against
the Guildford four, who included Gerry Conlon as a suspect. This shot is used to give the impression that
political personnel such as the British Jury and the justice system are the superior ones that never go
wrong or mistaken. To confirm such effect, Sheridan also applies a high angle shot towards Gerry and
the other suspects of the Guildford pub bombing to show that they are not as superior and have no
ability of standing up to such superiority as that of the British government, even if they are innocent.
This is a good evidence of injustice as whatever the British government and justice system says will be
counted as correct, not considering the fact that they may be wrong or missing extra information. Also,
during the entrance of the police car carrying the Guildford four into the court building, Sheridan uses
strong ‘army’ sense music to emphasise the idea that they are entering the presence of strong
personnel. This gives the viewers the impression that they are going to strong political personnel, which
immediately gives the impression that they are the solution to this problem due to their superiority.
some analysis – but largely descriptive
In prison, Sheridan concentrates on contrasting the Conlon’s innocence. The major scene during that
period giving the greatest impact on viewers that the Conlon’s are innocent is the “Tear Rain” scene,
which occurs after the death of Guiseppe Conlon. During that scene, the prisoners throw pieces of lit
papers in the dark night, which gives the look of white drops covered with fire in the black night
background. This is a form of symbolism. The white paper in the black night background shows
innocence in the presence of injustice how? . As for the fire in the black night background shows hope in
the presence of injustice. The music in the background is sad which emphasises further the injustice that
Guiseppe faced and the injustice that Gerry still faces. Also earlier in the prison period, the prison guard
is lit set on fire by Joe McAndrew (the real Guildford pub bomber) and Gerry puts out the fire. Sheridan
uses this scene to show that Gerry is innocent. The first reason is that fire in this scene shows evilness.
For Gerry to put out the fire means that Gerry is against evilness, which proves his innocence. In another
way, Gerry actually helps the prison guard, who works for the government that causes the injustice
against him. If Gerry was evil and truly caused the Guildford pub explosion, he would have left the
prison guard to keep on burning. This further proves his innocence as it shows that he is not against the
British citizens or the government in anyway and gives no reason or proof that he is behind the original
bombing. The second reason is shown when a medium-close camera shot with McAndrew and Gerry
Ghobrial Roufail
head to head. This shows that Gerry is against the action of burning the prison guard, which further
shows his innocence. some analysis in the second half
So the point is that the point of view has changed and this represents the change events In the second
trial against the Guildford four, Sheridan uses all of that build-up is this s film technique?????
concerning the innocence of the Conlons against the injustice and superiority of the British government.
During the entrance of the police car into the court building, Sheridan uses the same music as the first
entrance of the police car to the court room to make the viewers start comparing this trial with the
previous one. However In this second trial, Sheridan uses a leveled camera shot towards Gerry. In
comparison to the first trial, it shows that the level of respect and position of Gerry in the society has
increased. Sheridan also uses a close up shot to Charlie’s photo (an alibi on the Gerry’s side) in the hands
of Mrs. Pierce (Gerry’s lawyer). This has introduced a crack in the superiority and reputation of the
British government as they have been proved wrong. As a result, Sheridan uses a leveled and even a low
angle shot towards the lawyers and the British government personnel, which shows that their level or
reputation and place in society has decreased compared to what was in the first trial. Sheridan also uses
a contrast between the Mrs. Pierce as a lawyer and the jury and the other lawyers in the court. Mrs.
Pierce was not wearing the proper justice uniform, while the others were. This is to convey the message
that a normal citizen can stand up to the superior personnel and prove them wrong. In the case of
injustice, nobody takes priority, no matter what their place in society is.
In the film “In the name of the Father”, Jim Sheridan has successfully used film techniques such as
symbolism, music and camera techniques to convey the theme of political injustice as well as the idea of
political personnel can be wrong. In general, nobody is literally perfect. OK
You have a good idea of the film and the key idea. Some analysis pf key scenes – be careful of
descriptions only.