Download Notice of Disability Census Oct 2012 - Windsor C

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Dear Parents or Guardians:
The Windsor C-1 School District is conducting an on-going census of children with disabilities under 21 years of age. If your
child has a disability or suspected disability and is not presently receiving services, you may call the building principal
where your child attends school. Your assistance is needed in finding children with disabilities below age 5. Schools need to
be aware of these children so they can be evaluated and properly placed upon their third birth date. Please contact Christin
Holmes (636/464-4463) or Julie Mock (636/464-4417), Special Education Supervisors for information.
A summary of recognized conditions is listed to assist you in making appropriate referrals.
SPEECH OR LANGUAGE IMPAIRMENT: A communication disorder such as stuttering, impaired articulation; a language
impairment or a voice impairment.
VISUAL IMPAIRMENT/BLINDNESS: An impairment in vision that, even with correction adversely affects a child’s
educational performance.
HEARING IMPAIRMENT/DEAFNESS: Characterized by inability to hear or understand sounds in normal speech ranges,
preference for high volume on radio or TV, possible limitations in verbal understanding and communication.
SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITY: Specific disorder in understanding/using language which causes an imperfect ability
to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or do math calculations.
MENTAL RETARDATION/INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY: General lag in development; most obvious is speaking and
understanding, delayed self-help skills, etc.
EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCE: Difficulty in establishing satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and adults,
excessive mood changes, depression, inappropriate types of behavior/feelings, tendency to develop physical symptoms
or fears associated with personal or social problems, unexplained learning difficulties.
AUTISM: Characterized by disturbance in communication, speech and language, sensory input and responses,
developmental rates and sequences, social skill, behavior and interpersonal relationships.
TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY: An acquired injury to the brain caused by an external event, resulting in total or partial
functional disability or psychosocial impairment that affects educational performance.
YOUNG CHILD WITH A DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY: Children 3 - 5 years. Characterized by developmental delays
significantly below that of peers in a one or more of the following areas: cognitive/adaptive behavior; speech (mechanical
production of language); language (form, content, and use of language), physical development and social/emotional
MULTIPLE DISABILITIES: Physical and/or sensory impairment occurring in combination with each other or with each
other or with another disabling condition.
ORTHOPEDIC IMPAIRMENT: A severe orthopedic condition which adversely affects a child’s education, including
congenital anomaly, impairments caused by disease and other causes (cerebral palsy, spina bifida, etc.).
OTHER HEALTH IMPAIRED: A medically diagnosed condition that adversely affects student’s educational performance,
due to chronic or acute health problems.
DEAF/BLINDNESS: The combination of impairments that causes severe communication, developmental and educational
The Windsor C-1 School District provides a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to all disabled children residing in
the district. Eligibility for special education services will be determined on the basis of a professional evaluation. Should a
child be in need of some type of special education service or placement, the parents may participate in the development
of the Individual Education Plan (IEP). Parents have the right to review and/or appeal the special education placement.
This notice will be provided in native languages as appropriate.