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Nursing & Massage
Clinical placements at Northland Health facilities will commence within the first month of
study. Before attending clinical placements you are required to supply the results and
outcomes of your Occupational Health Screening to North Tec. This is then provided to
Northland Health, who requires this information before students attend clinical placements.
Failure to meet the Occupational Health Screening requirements of Northland Health means you
will not be provided with clinical access to their facilities.
The Health Screening Tests
On receipt of this information package and before you attend your first clinical placement, it
is your responsibility to provide North Tec with evidence of the following:
 Hepatitis B (Hep B) Antigen and Antibody status
 QuantiFeron- TB Gold test for Tuberculosis (Tb)
 MRSA status
 MMR antibody status (measles, mumps & rubella)
 Varicella antibody status (chickenpox)
Any student who has declared a positive status for HIV, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C in the health
declaration may have restricted access to Northland District Health Board (NDHB) clinical
You will need to visit your General Practitioner (Doctor) for the appropriate laboratory forms:
a letter (Information for General Practitioner) is provided for you to take to your doctor. The
screening is available from NDHB hospital laboratories at no charge. The Occupational Health
Screening Flowchart included with this information package outlines the process for you.
Further information on the diseases you are being tested for is also provided.
Health Screening Results
Once your laboratory tests have been completed, and your doctor has the results, you will
need to see your doctor (or Practice Nurse) again. Your doctor needs to stamp and sign the
Health Screening Results form, included in this package, which gives proof that you received
the appropriate Occupational Health Screening. You then need to return a copy of this form
to NorthTec. All results are kept strictly confidential and will only be shared with Occupational
Health personnel at Northland Health, at their request.
If your Occupational Health Screening shows that you are not immune to Hepatitis B then you
must be vaccinated with a course of three injections. Your doctor can provide this information
on the Health Screening Results form. You must have had the first injection prior to
commencing your first clinical placements and the vaccination programme should be
completed within 6 months of entering the nursing course. Evidence of this must be supplied
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to NorthTec. At the end of the vaccination programme a blood test will be required to verify
immunity. Your doctor can add this information to the Health Screening Results form.
If you are a Hepatitis B carrier your doctor will refer you to the Occupational Health and Safety
Unit at Whangarei Hospital, to discuss your situation in relation to clinical practice. You may
be restricted in the areas in which you are able to work. It is important that you attend your
appointment at the Clinic, as the Clinical Practice Lecturer is notified if it is missed.
If your QuantiFeron- TB Gold test for Tuberculosis reading results indicates the possibility of
Tb infection or exposure to Tb, then your doctor will need to order blood tests, chest X-ray
and urine test. Your doctor will then refer you to the Respiratory Specialists via Medical
Outpatients Department at Whangarei Hospital.
If you are not immune to Measles, Mumps, Rubella or Chickenpox it is strongly advised that
you be immunised so that you will not be denied clinical placements where children, pregnant
women or ‘at risk’ patients are cared for, and for your own protection if you are of childbearing age. At the end of the vaccination programme a blood test will be required to verify
immunity. This information will be added to the Health Screening Results form by your doctor.
If you are positive for MRSA, your doctor will need to prescribe appropriate treatment and
hand hygiene education. You will need to be re-screened 48 hours after completion of
treatment. You may be referred to the Occupational Health and Safety Unit for follow-up.
You are advised to be vaccinated for pertussis and influenza or you may not be able to work
in high risk areas.
Please return a copy of the Health Screening Results form, signed and stamped by your GP to
NorthTec. You can deliver or post to:
Lucie Quantrill
Tutorial Assistant
Arts, Commerce and Social Sciences
Private Bag 9019
Remember: It is your responsibility to attend to this matter promptly so the
information can be processed and presented to Northland Health.
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Nursing & Massage
Information for General Practitioner
Dear Doctor,
The bearer of this letter has been accepted onto the Bachelor of Nursing programme at
NorthTec. Prior to commencing this nursing programme, it is the student’s responsibility to
provide NorthTec with a copy of the results and outcome of the following laboratory tests:
Hepatitis B Antigen and Antibody status
QuantiFeron - TB Gold test
MRSA status
MMR antibody status (measles, mumps & rubella)
Varicella antibody status (chickenpox)
Once the student has completed the required laboratory tests, and you have their results,
please complete the Health Screening Results form that accompanies this letter. Students will
provide NorthTec with a copy of this form.
If the Occupational Health Screening shows that the student is not immune to Hepatitis B,
then they must have a full vaccination programme and have their immunity re-checked on
completion. Students who are Hepatitis B carriers need to be referred to the Occupational
Health and Safety Unit at Whangarei Hospital to discuss their situation in relation to clinical
Students with a QuantiFeron - TB Gold test showing the possibility of Tb will require CXR, MSU
and labs for FBC, LFTs and CRP and a referral to the Respiratory Specialists via Medical
Outpatients at Whangarei Hospital. NDHB OHS process for managing TB is outlined on
If students are not immune to Measles, Mumps, Rubella or Chickenpox, it is strongly advised
that s/he be immunised so that access will not be denied to clinical placements where children
pregnant women and ‘at risk’ patients are cared for. Students, who test positive for MRSA,
will need to have appropriate treatment and be re-screened 48 hours after completion.
Students who remain MRSA positive on re-screening will need to be referred to Occupational
Health for further advice.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely
Jane Anderson
Programme Leader, Nursing Department, NorthTec
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Nursing &
Health Screening Results
Student Name:
Please complete this form when laboratory test results are available, providing details of any outcomes or followup treatment (including vaccinations). This form can be updated as required.
 one
Outcome/Follow-up Treatment
Please provide details. E.g.
 Referred to Occupational Health
and Safety Unit
 Vaccination commenced (Dates
given) and repeat serology
Hep B s
Hep B Antibody
(> 20 iu L
immunity level)
QuaniFeron –
TB Gold
Rubella (>10iu
L immunity
It is the responsibility of the student to have this form completed, signed by their doctor and a copy returned to
NorthTec prior to the commencement of the nursing programme. Copies can be returned to:
Lucie Quantrill
Tutorial Assistant
Arts, Commerce and Applied Sciences
Private Bag 9019
Whangarei 0148
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Nursing & Massage
Occupational Health Screening Flowchart
Make an appointment to see your family Doctor.
Take the Information for General Practitioner letter
included in this information pack with you.
Your Practice Nurse will take the MRSA swabs of your nose
and axilla.
Go to the laboratory with the forms from your Doctor. You
will have:
 Blood tests taken
Discuss results with your Doctor or Practice Nurse. Your doctor will advise you if follow-up is
required as a result of any of the laboratory tests. This may include vaccinations for Hep B or
Measles, Mumps, Rubella, or Chicken Pox, a chest X-ray or referral to Respiratory Specialists at
Whangarei Hospital.
Remind your doctor to complete the Health Screening Results form for you, and to update it for
any follow-up treatment(s) you may have.
Post or deliver a copy of the Health Screening Results form
Tutorial Assistant
Arts, Commerce and Applied Sciences
North Tec
Raumanga Valley Road
Private Bag 9019
If you have and questions or require further information, contact the Nursing
Tutorial Assistant by phone: (09) 470 381
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Additional Information
 Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus
Aureus is a group of micro-organisms that
have become resistant to some antibiotics (i.e. penicillin, amoxycillin and
 A person who tests positive for MRSA,
who is healthy, usually suffers no
symptoms. When MRSA infects a
susceptible person (i.e. someone who is
sick through illness or injury) it is a threat
to their health.
Northland Health Requirements
 All persons who provide care in the
hospital environment are required by
Northland Health to be screened for
 Students must declare to NorthTec any
experience or employment in a hospital
which is not operated by Northland
Health. Repeat MRSA testing will be
required for any student who has worked
in a ward or department or residential
care facility where two or more patients or
staff have multi-resistant MRSA and were
not in isolation. This prevents the spread
of MRSA.
 If you test positive for MRSA there is
treatment; your doctor can arrange this
for you.
 Where the results of MRSA testing are not
available in advance, students may only be
permitted access to Northland Health
Hospitals after consultation with the DHB
Infection Control Advisor who will make
individual recommendations.
Bachelor of Nursing Programme Approval and Accreditation Document
Last saved by Academic & Quality
Hepatitis B (Hep B)
Hepatitis B, also called Serum
Hepatitis, is inflammation of the liver
caused by the Hepatitis B virus.
Northland Health Requirements
 A blood test is performed to see if
you have protection (anti-bodies)
against Hepatitis B or are a carrier.
 If you are anti-body negative you
have no immunity to Hepatitis B.
 If you are anti-body negative you will
need to be vaccinated against
Hepatitis B. Your doctor can arrange
this for you. There will be a cost
 This vaccination is a requirement of
Northland Health.
 If you are a carrier you will be
referred to Occupational Health at
North Health to discuss how to keep
from spreading Hep B.
The Vaccination Programme
 The vaccination programme consists
of three injections.
 Anti-bodies (which give protection
against the disease) are then made
by your body (this process is called
sero-conversion); immunity is then
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Measles, Mumps, Rubella & Chickenpox
 Tb is an infection that is spread through
airborne particles from person to person. It
can affect almost any part of the body, but
usually infects the lungs.
Northland Health Requirements
 A blood test is performed to see if people
have been exposed to TB.
 Students who are found to have a positive
result indicating possible Tb infection or
exposure will need their doctor to order a
chest X-ray, blood and urine tests and refer
them for follow-up with the Respiratory
Specialists at Whangarei Hospital prior to
commencement of the first clinical
placement. Access for any student who does
not have clearance will be declined.
These diseases are common among children but
can affect adults (both males and females). They
generally cause mild symptoms, but can cause
brain-damage and other serious complications to
the unborn child
Northland Health Requirements
A blood test is performed to see if you have
protection (anti-bodies) to these diseases.
If you are anti-body positive you have immunity.
If you are anti-body negative you will need to be
vaccinated. Your doctor can arrange this for you.
There may be a cost involved.
Vaccination is strongly advised by Northland
The Vaccination Programme
The vaccination programme is usually 1 or 2
Anti-bodies (which give protection against the
disease) are then made by your body (this process
is called sero-conversion); immunity is then retested.
Note: There may be a cost for your vaccination.
 Pertussis which is more commonly known as whooping cough is a highly infectious disease which can
damage the breathing tubes. It can be very serious for babies and children, especially for those under one
year of age.
Northland Health Requirements
 If you are placed at any stage in the following areas for clinical – S.C.B.U. (special care baby unit),
paediatrics and E.D. you will need to provide evidence of your pertussis immunity. If you do not show
immunity then you may require vaccination, alternatively you will be required to wear an appropriate
mask throughout your clinical placement.
The Vaccination Programme
 The vaccination programme is usually one injection.
 Anti-bodies (which give protection against the disease) are then made by your body (this process is called
sero-conversion); immunity is then re-tested.
Note: There may be a cost for your vaccination.
Bachelor of Nursing Programme Approval and Accreditation Document
Last saved by Academic & Quality
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