Download La producción porcina europea: el pasado y el futuro

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African swine fever
What is at stake for the pig sector?
Antonio Tavares
President of the Pig Meat Group of the Copa-Cogeca
1.- Pig Meat is the most important livestock sector
in Europe
2.- Dynamic Sector. The largest world pigmeat
In 2014, due ASF, we lost our main TC market: Russia.
Active reaction to find new and alternative markets.
Currently, Europe is exporting +25% compare with 2014.
What are our aims?
1.Eradicate the disease
2. Remove SPS barriers.
How can we eradicate the disease?
1. Political support
2.Adequate financial means
3.Total commitment of producers
Next steps
1. Preparation of an eradication plan adapted to
the circumstances
2.Reduction of the wild boar population
3.Awareness-raising of producers
4.International cooperation
Remove SPS barriers
- Resume technical negotiations with the
Russian Federation in order to reach a
beneficial agreement on the export certificate
– let’s find common solutions!
- Negotiate favorable trade agreements and
remove SPS barriers (e.g. Asia, south and
central America)
Our demands
To the Commission
1. Political support to
2. Availability of financial
3. International
4. Separation of political
and technical issues
To all European countries
1. Share information on
sanitary situation
2. Cooperation with al
European countries in
eradicating the disease
3. Separation of political
and technical issues
Our commitment
1. Total cooperation and active participation of the
producers in an European plan of disease
2. Total cooperation with our colleagues producers
from other countries in view of a total eradication
of the disease in Europe
3. Total cooperation with the stakeholders of the
• Lets eradicate African swine fever from
• Lets establish normal trade practices in