Download MOSO® holds worldwide patent for the Thermo-Density

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Moso International BV
Adam Smithweg 2
1689 ZW Zwaag
T +31 (0)229 265732
F +31 (0)229 267759
[email protected]
MOSO® holds worldwide patent for the ThermoDensity® method Bamboo X-treme®
09.03.2016. Zwaag/NL.- MOSO®, the world's leading specialist in bamboo products, draws
your attention to the internationally valid patent they hold for the Thermo-Density®
method to make bamboo durable and suitable for outdoor use. The entry in the register of
the European Patent Office (EPO) was done in October 2014. The worldwide patent was
registered on 20/04/2008 at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Highest durability class 1
The patented procedure applies to the manufacture of its entire outdoor collection MOSO® Bamboo
X-treme®, which, according to the EN350 norm, meets the highest durability class 1. Tested
according to the ENV 807 (CEN-TS 15083-1) norm, the materials can last more than 25 years in
outdoor applications. In addition, MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® material was also tested according the
norms EN113, ENV807 and EN152 and is categorized in use class 4 following EN335. This means
direct ground and water contact is possible without additional care or protection. With these
characteristics the modified bamboo can compete with, and even outperform, the best tropical
hardwoods such as IPE.
Compression and thermal treatment
The patent is based on two production processes: the compression of the strips and the thermal
treatment. MOSO® experts have combined both processes in a new way that results in the ThermoDensity® method, which is the basis of the patent. The carefully crafted bamboo strips are modified
at a temperature of about 200°C. After that the strips are compressed and glued under very high
The products (decking, cladding, beams, and fencing boards) manufactured according to this process
are not only resistant to mould (0 class according to EN 152), but also extremely stable. Through biochemical reactions during the interaction of heat and pressure, MOSO® can completely avoid the use
of fungicides, pesticides or coatings. In addition, the MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® outdoor collection
complies with the fire class B-s1-d0 (EN13501-1), and thus can
be applied in public buildings.
Fotos: Bamboo X-treme® / Moso®
Reproduction of text and pictures free of charge · copy via [email protected] is highly appreciated.
Moso International BV
Adam Smithweg 2
1689 ZW Zwaag
T +31 (0)229 265732
F +31 (0)229 267759
[email protected]
MOSO® - the bamboo specialist
MOSO International was founded in the Netherlands in 1997. Since then the company has evolved
into being the European market leader in innovative and sustainable bamboo products for interior
and outdoor applications. The product range is divided into four product groups:
• MOSO Bamboo Flooring
• MOSO bamboo panels, beams and veneers
• MOSO Bamboo Outdoor
• MOSO Unlimited solutions
Through its experience, innovation and its global network, MOSO® has earned a reputation as the
best source for bamboo products in the global market place. Worldwide no other company offers
such a wide and high quality product range in bamboo. The company currently operates from five
locations and works with a network of distributors to ensure the availability of MOSO® products in
almost all regions of the world:
• MOSO International - Headquarters, Zwaag (Netherlands)
• MOSO Europe - Barcelona (Spain)
• MOSO Italy - Cesano Moderno (Italy)
• MOSO Africa - Cape Town (South Africa)
• MOSO China - Hangzhou (China)
Not for publication
MOSO® has only limited usage rights for the images provided with this press release, all further
rights however belong to the respective photographers. The images may only be published free of
charge if they are clearly and explicitly combined with a logo or mentioning of MOSO®. Any other
form of publication is not permitted. No part of this text may be reproduced without mentioning
More information
For more information please contact our sales or marketing department:
Sales: [email protected] / +31 (0)229 265732
Marketing: [email protected] / +31 (0)229 265732
Reproduction of text and pictures free of charge · copy via [email protected] is highly appreciated.