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Radiography and Ultrasonography in Surgical Oncology
*Acanthomatous epulis 棘皮瘤性齒齦瘤(Ameloblastoma 齒釉上皮胚細胞瘤)
1.Irregular and poorly demarcated with lysis of bone.
2.Variable degress of bony proliferation, from none to a “sunburst”
type of periosteal reaction.
3.May extend into the alveolar bone of one or more teeth.
4.A pathologic fracture may occur if bone lysis is extensive.
1.Usually occur spontaneously, probably from self-trauma during chewing or
swallowing, or may be associated with trauma after rupture of the gland or duct.
2.The sublingual salivary gland is most frequently involved, a fluctuant soft tissue
mass or swelling is present in the ventral submandibular region.
*Types of periosteal reaction and Codma's triangle
Smooth, Laminar, Amorphous/lacy, Sunburst
*Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
1. Is common in intact males older than 5 years. Most dogs have no clinical signs.
Tenesmus may be present.
2. The enlarged prostate is usually seen cranial to the pubic brim of the pelvis,
displacing the urinary bladder cranially and the descending colon and rectum
*Normal Radiographic Anatomy
Normal projection: 1) liver, 2) stomach, 3) right kidney, 4) left kidney, 5) spleen, 6)
small intestine, 7) large intestine, 8) cecum, 9) urinary bladder.
*Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia/Pyometra complex
1. Vaginal discharge may or may not be present depending on whether the cervix is
open or closed. Common clinical signs include polydypsia, polyuria, anorexia,
depression, and dehydration.
2. When enlarged, a tubular soft tissue mass is usually present in the caudal
abdomen causing cranial and dorsal displacement of the small bowel.
3. The uterus may be seen superimposed over the urinary bladder.
4. The enlarged uterus may be seen to the left of the descending colon and in the
right caudal abdomen displacing the small bowel medially.
5. Differential consideratioin: Pregnancy, Fluid-filled small bowel loops, Uterine
mass, Other midabdominal mass
6. Other imaging: Ultrasound
*Dog, Sheltland sheepdog, ♀, 10Y, 14.5kg
1. May cause urinay incontinence or dysuria depending on the degress and location
of the bladder compression
2. The normal cervix cannot be seen on survey radiography.
3. A large cervical mass appears as a soft tissue opacity between the rectum and the
neck of the urinary bladder.
4. Other imaging: Ultrasound
*Normal dog kidney = 2.5 to 3.5 × length of L2
1. Lateral projection: Enlargement of the left kidney commonly causes ventral
displacement of the descending colon and the small intestine.
2. VD projection: Enlargement of the left kidney commonly causes medial
displacement of the small intestine and descending colon.
3. Lateral projection: Enlargement of the right kidney commonly causes ventral
displacement of the proximal duodenum, ascending colon, and small intestine.
4. VD projection: Enlargement of the right kidney commonly causes medial
displacement of the proximal duodenum, ascending colon, and small intestine.
1. Generalized splenic enlargement, a subjective determination: the spleen appears
wider, thicker and longer than normal.
2. With localized splenic enlargement, a splenic mass may be well-defined or
ill-defined and is identified by its close association with the spleen on one or
both projections and by displacement of adjacent abdominal organs.
*Splenic Neoplasia
1. Common in dogs and cats.
2. Primary splenic neoplasms include: lymphoreticualr tumors, vascular tumors,
connective tissue tumors.
3. Secondary tumors include: carcinoma, sarcoma.
4. There is abdominal effusion, if splenic rupture has occurred or if right heart
failure is present secondary to pericardial effusion.
*Percutaneous Liver Biopsy
Percutaneous biopsies are minimally invasive and are reserved for generalized
disease such as hepatic lipidosis.
Laparoscopic biopsy provides visual control of percutaneous biopsy and
selectivity in site of biopsy, important factors in focal liver disease. It can
often be performed under heavy sedation and is the technique of choice when
a nonsurgical liver disease is suspected.
*Renal Biopsy
It is possible to obtain a sample of kidney tissue without having to open the
abdomen using the blind percutaneous, keyhole, or percutaneous approach
guided by ultrasonography.
Before biopsy, the benefits must be weighed against the risks.
Absolute contraindicaitons to needle biopsy are hemorrhagic tendencies,
inexperienced diagnosticians, and damaged equipment.