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Bit Sistemas
Autor: Miguel Cukerman/ Rol: Director
09:14 13/08/2017
Proyecto: Nombre de Proyecto
Acceso a Bit por Excel
Uso de SQL en Excel para acceder a datos de Bit
Add In de Excel
Instalar XLodbc
Siguiendo estas instrucciones
To enter data in Excel, you can either type it in or import it from different sources. It’s easy to
import data from a standard .CSV format, but what about importing it from a database? You can
directly run SQL queries on a database from Excel.
The traditional method was to create a Macro and write a long Visual Basic code by using ADO
connection to get connected with the source. But, now with the help of SQLRequest method,
you can directly execute an SQL query from an Excel worksheet or a macro. It then returns the
result as an array, directly to the Excel worksheet. Connect to the database We tried this using
MS-SQL 2000 Server for the database and Excel from MS Office XP. To query the database,
start Excel, go to the Tools menu and click on Add-Ins. Now select the ODBS Add-In check box.
If you don’t find it, then it was probably not installed during the Office installation. One easy way
is to go to com/downloads/2002/xlodbc.aspx and download xlodbc.exe
from there and run it.
Next, create a System DSN (System Data Source
Name) by going to Control panel>Administrative
tools>ODBS (Data Source). Then go to System
DSN tab and click on the Add button.
Now, select your Server type (in our case it was the
SQL server; you can choose according to you
infrastructure) and click on Finish. It will ask for the
DSN name (the name by which your connection will
be recognized), description of DSN and the SQL
Server name. After filling the appropriate data click
on Next. It will now ask for the authentication
method. Select SQL-Server Authentication and
enter the Login Id as “sa”.
Adding this Reference will enable the
module to use SQL Queries
Click on Next, and it will ask you to select the table
name. After selecting the appropriate table name click on Next and Finish.
Retrieve data
To retrieve data from the data source to Excel, insert the formula in a cell in the following
=SQL.REQUEST(connection_string, output_ref, Driver_prompt, Query_text, col_names_logical)
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Bit Sistemas
Autor: Miguel Cukerman/ Rol: Director
09:14 13/08/2017
In this, connection_string is the System DSN name. output_ref is a cell reference where you
want the completed connection string placed. The latter is used to get the whole table as in
array in the Excel sheet, which is discussed below.
Proyecto: Nombre de Proyecto
Driver_prompt(optional) specifies when the driver prompt will be displayed. If this field is kept
blank, it takes a value of 2 by default, which means only the Driver Dialogue box will be
displayed if the provided specification is not sufficient for the connection.
Query_text is the actual query that is executed on the SQL server.
Col_names_logical is a Boolean variable that describes that the field name of any row will be
displayed (True) or not (False) in the Excel sheet.
Now let’s put some actual data into the formula.
=SQL.REQUEST(“DSN=xlcon”, A1, 2, “select name from tab1 where &$C$5& > age”, False)
Here, it will try to connect to an SQL Server via the xlcon DSN and execute a query to print the
value from the name field, which has a greater value of age field than the value in C5 cell.
Ejemplo de uso
Va ejemplo de uso.
No obtiene datos correctos ya que usa solo el monto en MN de doctrx.
Es solamente un ejemplo.
La conexión esta en A1
Las tablas las obtiene del resto de la linea 1
Los signos para calcular netos los saca de linea 2
Ver ejemplo de obtención de descripción de Cuenta
Los ejemplos de celdas interiores usan filtro por cuenta y rango de fechas.
Están hechos para poder copiar de una celda a otra
6) Con F9 se refrescan los datos
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