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Michael Hile, Introduction to Security, Assignment Two Week Two, 13 July 2012
Chapter 5 Review Questions:
1. Some of the factors that are increasing career opportunities in security are: after 9/11 organizations
reevaluated protection efforts and spurred spending on electronic security options and hired additional
security personnel. With insurance cost rising companies shifted the emphasis to security and also
accepted more uninsured losses. And with the recession happening, this put more pressure on security
executives to cut costs on security expenses. Also with more and more colleges offering 2 and 4 years
degrees in criminal justice, this helps with the hiring process at some of the major companies.
2. One area of security that interests me is personal security; there are many different career
opportunities that exist within the personal security world. Depending on who you are guarding there
are different levels of training that you can attend in order to be proficient in being a body guard. Most
of the private firms higher former military or law enforcement because they are trained a certain way
and can adapt to different environments quickly.
3. A college education is important in obtaining a position as a security manager because it sets you
above the rest of the field as far as pay and experience. Most security managers have at least 10 years of
experience in some sort of law enforcement field and also have at least a bachelor’s degree and some
have a master’s degree.
Chapter 6 Review Questions:
1. The presence of college degree programs in security enhances the field by adding a college educated
employee to the structure. With more colleges offering bachelor’s or master’s degrees in some form of
security management or homeland security it is creating a larger force of higher trained individuals to
perform security functions. It also increases the quality of officers if the supervisor or management
positions are filled with quality educated personnel that can properly train employees on security
2. I believe that each individual state should regulate the security field within the state laws. If you are
applying for a security job and are qualified in a certain state but then move you should have to attend a
certification program within your state in order to be considered a certified security officer. I believe
that the security industry should regulate itself unless you are working a government security job. Most
of the government security jobs you have to attend some sort of training academy after you get hired
on. The regular security industry can easily regulate itself by maintaining state run training academy’s
that would give you some sort of state certification.
3. The levels of training and regulation for security personnel are different then the police because
private security doesn’t have to go through a long and formal training academy like the police do. Police
departments send officers typically through about a 320 hour course that trains them on all different
aspects of law enforcement, whereas most security personnel only complete a few hour to a few week
at the max course and have on the job training in order to be certified. This creates a different level of
training between the two and both will remain vastly different.
4. I have observed a few differences in the level of professionalization between security management
and line security officers over a few years when I worked as security. Typically the line officer was the
one that was walking around conducting the checks and mainly protecting the areas, some of the
officers were professional whereas some you could tell there was a large difference between them and
management. The management where I worked was all prior military and had been working in the
security field for over 10 years, so the level of professionalism was vastly different then the line officers.
Chapter 7 Review Questions:
1. A practical knowledge of the law is important to the security officer and the security manager because
it establishes which laws that a security officer is allowed to enforce and which ones they are not
allowed to enforce. It also gives them a guideline to follow when speaking with the public and the
different ways to interact with them.
4. Some of the major legal differences between public police and private security officers are criminal
laws and civil laws. Private security officers are not allowed to enforce criminal laws because they are
not certified in the state to enforce those laws. Private security officers are basically considered a
private citizen and have the same authority as someone off the street unless they are working then they
have some jurisdiction at their place of employment. Private security officers have citizen’s arrest
powers whereas public police have actual arrest powers that are given to them by the Constitution of
the United States.
6. There is a big difference between criminal law and civil law. Criminal law you can be arrested, charged
and serve time in jail or prison, civil law there are no arrests made and there is no jail time served.
Criminal law the defendant is assumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by
the state and in civil law the burden of proof is on the plaintiff filing the civil charges against the
defendant. Defendants are protected by certain laws in a criminal defense such as the Fourth and Fifth
Amendment. And in civil laws there are no such laws to be protected from.
7. The private security industry may enforce criminal law, but it is restricted by civil law because as a
private citizen you have the ability to stop a felonious crime from happening, but in the process of
stopping the crime you can be restricted by the civil laws of the private citizen. An example would be if a
loss prevention officer observes someone shoplifting and they make a criminal stop to secure the person
and the property they can be in violation of some different civil laws regarding unlawful search and
seizure or unlawful detainment if nothing was found on the person.
Chapter 8 Review Questions:
1. The difference between vulnerability to loss and loss probability is that vulnerability to loss means
that what is the chance of a loss happening due to the exposure of the product or a gap in the security
around the product. Loss probability is basically what is the chance of a loss occurring by any different
4. Accounting procedures are a part of a security survey because you have to know what is being spent
on the security of a structure, when you look at the accounting books you need to look for holes in the
budget that are used or can be used for security management. Security files are significant in protection
planning because you can use the different files in order to look for patterns in spending or different
crimes or events that have occurred during that time period. The different files can also aid in the
protection plan of your organization by showing you what can be added or taken away.
8. I do not agree with the statement that “insurance must be thought of as a supportive rather than the
principal defense against losses due to crime.” Because a lot of businesses do not have a proper security
program established and completely relies on the insurance to cover any damages taken from the event.
With a proper security program established then businesses wouldn’t have to worry about having to rely
on the insurance company and they would be able to use insurance as a secondary measure.
12. Some of the problems that led to the establishment of the Federal Crime Insurance Program were
businesses were cancelling insurance policies, refusing to renew policies or insurance, or they were
limiting the coverage to well below the cash value of the insured property. Some of the crime
prevention measures prescribed by the program were to install locks and other devices such as safes
and alarm systems on the business. For example gun stores, liquor stores and other high security places
were required to have a central alarm system installed. Smaller high risk places such as gas stations were
required to have a local alarm system.