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Dear [Name of Manager],
The International Machine Vibration Analysis Conference (IMVAC) is a new conference geared toward
vibration analysts, condition monitoring technicians and managers, and reliability engineers looking to
improve their knowledge about vibration analysis and condition monitoring technologies. It is powered
by Mobius Institute and being held in four different locations in 2017 (Dubai, UAE; Antwerp, Belgium;
Queensland, Australia; and Orlando, FL USA). It is my hope to attend IMVAC [Select Event Location].
IMVAC is a professional development conference which provides new opportunities to learn from
condition monitoring industry experts and vendors, gaining exposure to new products that help to
better diagnose machine faults and determine the root causes of failure. The conference focuses its
topics, agenda and experts on the needs of those beginning in the industry through those who are
advanced. In three days, I can sit in various sessions, focusing my attention to the courses that will best
help me perform my job more effectively. Networking sessions and receptions will grant me the
opportunity to get to know others in the industry and learn from them as well. I can also visit with
industry leading exhibitors in the exhibition hall. At the end of the inaugural IMVAC conference in
October 2016, 95% of attendees said they would recommend attendance of IMVAC to a colleague or
I encourage you to visit to find out more information about the events
and the content that will be shared at each. I have also outlined the projected cost for my attendance
below. Here are just some of the ways [Company Name] can benefit from my attendance of IMVAC:
Access to all presentations after the conference
Many networking opportunities with peers, industry experts and exhibitors
Introduction to newest technologies
Better support for reliability initiatives
Cost to Attend IMVAC:
Registration: COST
Airfare: COST
Hotel: COST
Travel expenses (additional meals, etc.): COST
Total Projected Cost: COST
If I register for the conference earlier, I can save money off the registration amount. We, as a company,
can also save by bringing a team of people for a group discounted rate. I am happy to discuss the
conference and its value with you at your convenience.
Thank you for your consideration of my attendance request for IMVAC 2017.
[Your Name]