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Weakley County
Subject: 2016-2017 Goals, Objectives, and Action Steps
Childhood Obesity
Goal 1: By May 2017, Weakley County Schools will reduce childhood obesity rates across the
county by 1% as measured against our 2014-2015 baseline data.
Objective 1.1
By December 2016, the CSH Director will promote physical activity in the classroom across the
county through education as measured by in-service agendas, and sign-ins and email
Action 1.1.1. Coordinate with Martin Primary administration (Tracey Bell) to conduct a
GoNoOdle training/ in-service, possibly the same week as health screening after school.
Action 1.1.2. Discuss having a Fitness Friday Brain Break. 1 song 1st thing in morning played
over PA system possibly in hall.
Action 1.1.3 Promote the importance of Brain Break in Middle & High School using UTM HHP,
GoNoOdle, and Fitness Wizard as resources. Encouraging physical activity for students in Band
and not participating in Physical Educational Classes.
Objective 1.2
By May 2017, the CSH Director will promote breakfast participation across the county through
marketing efforts measured by po's and display/ photos/ prizes.
Action 1.2.1. CSH Director and School Nutrition Director will collaborate & choose marketing
items for each of the 9 cafeterias including but not limited to Brain Break materials, displays,
and positive Public Relations on website, newspaper, radio, and parent education.
Action 1.2.2. CSH Director and School Nutrition Director will collaborate to provide activities at
each of the 9 cafeterias during Nation Breakfast Week such as Disney Princesses, Superheroes,
UTM athletes, etc.
Action 1.2.3. CSH Director and School Nutrition Director will collaborate with principal at
Dresden High School to offer 2nd chance breakfast to increase breakfast participation.
Objective 1.3
By May 2017, students will have access to health education as measured by implementation of
health into teacher lesson plans, morning announcements, and assemblies and reported
through the Healthy School Teams.
Action 1.3.1Provide teachers with websites regarding easy health education integration into
core subjects and offer in-service.
Action 1.3.2. Incorporate health education into RTI materials and morning announcements.
Action 1.3.3. Assist in coordinating special guests/speakers to address health education
standards either for classes, grades, or school-wide. Possible resources, UTM, Health
Department, Extension Agency, Oasis Medical, etc.
Objective 1.4
By May 2017, the Coordinated School Health Director will inform parents and community about
childhood obesity prevention efforts in Weakley County by updating CSH website and by
submitting 1 newspaper entry and distributing newsletter to parents as measured by number of
website visits, articles printed, and number of newsletters distributed.
Action 1.4.1. CSH Director will research relevant BMI data to highlight the problems with youth
overweight and obesity and highlight initiatives CSH has been involved in to create a healthier
Action 1.4.2. CSH Director will keep webpage updated with current information and events.
Action 1.4.3. CSH Director will send a newsletter home once in the fall and twice in the spring
to parents via report cards.
Goal 2: By February 2017, The Weakley County School System will have an efficient system to
follow up on referrals for visions screenings.
Objective 2.1
By August 2016, CSH, will request that school administration notify the parents of the
importance of health screenings & follow-ups with health care providers as measured by emails
and meeting dates.
Action2.1.1 CSH will provide a copy of health screening form to each school for teachers to view
with parents during Parent Orientation, typically, 1st week of school.
Action2.1.2. CSH will request school administration to encourage parents to allow students to
participate in health screenings even if child receives regular check-ups during parent
Action 2.1.3. CSH will provide each school with example of passive permission health screening
form for teachers to explain how to fill out forms during parent orientation.
Objective 2.2
By December 2016, CSH will provide a referral list for vision and hearing to teachers upon
screening completion at their school as measured by teacher referral sheet copies.
Action 2.2.1. CSH will compile the list of students in each teacher's class needing a Follow-up.
Action 2.2.2. CSH will give each teacher a referral sheet to document when they notified
parents of student's results.
Action 2.2.3. CSH will encourage teachers to use various methods of contacting parents of
students needing follow-up such as email, notes, phone calls, parent/teacher conference, & txt
Objective 2.3
By January 2017, Weakley Co. School System will increase parent Follow-Up on vision
screenings by 25% as evidenced by CSH, nurse, and teacher Follow-up Forms.
Action 2.3.1 CSH will send a copy of high school student's screening results and a follow up
letter home to parents within a month of initial screening by mail.
Action 2.3.2. CSH will divide information according to school, grade, & teacher for distribution
of elementary schools.
Action 2.3.3. CSH will deliver Health Screening results along with follow up letter to elementary
schools to be distributed to students’ backpacks.
Objective 2.4
By April 2017, CSH will notify nurses of students needing Follow-Up for vision, hearing, and
blood pressure within one month of completed screening as measured by documentation
forms and emails.
Action 2.4.1. CSH will obtain parent's name and phone numbers of each student needing a
Follow-Up from Health Screening and give to school nurse.
Action 2.4.2. CHS will provide a call documentation log for each school nurse.
Action 2.4.3. CSH will retrieve follow up info from the school nurses to file.
Goal3: CSH will increase family & community involvement across the county.
Objective 3.1
By May 2017, CSH Director will increase marketing efforts and organized activities as measured
by event pictures, newsletters and website tracking.
Action 3.1.1. CSH will collaborate with School Nutrition Director to set up displays in the lobbies
of each school during the first Parent Teacher Conference.
Action 3.1.2. CSH will provide information on the importance of participating in free school
Action 3.1.3. CSH along with SN will have examples of breakfast choices for display.
Action 3.1.3. CSH will have nutritional value of 2 - 3 breakfast choices versus comparable
choices. Example: our muffin vs store muffin
Action 3.1.4. CSH will provide surveys of likes/dislikes of school menu.
Action 3.1.5. CSH will provide stickers and or other items to give to students.
Objective 3.2
By September, 2016, CSH will send out a newsletter in the fall and spring to parents via report
card as measured by the number distributed, copies of newsletters, etc.
Action 3.2.1. CSH will highlight specific activities going on during each term.
Action 3.2.2. CSH will provide information on GoNoOdle including website.
Action 3.2.3. CSH will inform parents of school pictures being featured on CSH website.
Action 3.2.4. CSH will inform parents of free Summer Feeding Program.
Objective 3.3
By August 2017, CSH will increase website participation by 25% as measured by number of
views to website.
Action 3.3.1. CSH will update CSH website every 12 weeks.
Action 3.3.2. CSH will include pictures of each school's students participating in a healthy
Action 3.3.3. CSH will track website usage by comparing the number of times CSH website is
visited vs the number of times it CSH website was visited 2015-2016 school year.