Download preoperative instructions for cosmetic surgery

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 PREOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS FOR COSMETIC SURGERY You will be receiving IV sedation. For this reason, you must not eat or drink anything after midnight before the day of surgery. You may take your medications with a small sip of water the morning of surgery. Do not wear makeup or jewelry to the office. Be sure you have made arrangements for a ride home as you should not drive for at least 24 hours after surgery. DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN OR BLOOD THINNERS FOR AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO SURGERY. THIS INCLUDES BABY ASPIRIN, GOODY POWDERS, OR OTHER MEDICINES THAT MAY CONTAIN ASPIRIN. Do not take any herbal remedies or vitamins for at least one week prior to surgery. Some herbal medicines or vitamins may promote bleeding. Bathe or shower and wash hair the morning of surgery. Do not use crème rinse or perfume but you may use deodorant. Wear (or bring) loose, comfortable clothing. Wear something with a button-­‐up front as you will need to pull the garment over your head following surgery. Cotton underwear is preferred. You may wear a bra. Notify our office right away if you become ill before surgery as we may need to reschedule your procedure. If you have any questions about what to do (or not do) before surgery, please call our office. Do not wear contact lenses on the day of surgery. Patients often use ice packs to reduce swelling and bruising following surgery. Crushed ice in ziplock bags (or frozen peas in a bag) is best able to conform to the face comfortably. You should purchase these items ahead of time. Be sure to fill all prescriptions prior to surgery (pain medicine, antibiotics, etc.) Dr. Falconer’s office will either provide written prescriptions or will phone in the prescriptions to your pharmacy. Patient signature______________________________date______________________________