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Accident and Injury policy
At Godinton Playschool we strive to keep all children and the adults (employees, students, visitors,
management committee) in the setting safe whilst in our care or working but we acknowledge that from
time to time accidents will and do happen.
Policy statement
The aim of this policy is to outline the key responsibilities of staff, managers and the management
committee with regards to the prevention of accidents, the procedures to be followed when an accident
happens and how first aid is administered to any member of the setting when an injury occurs as the result
of an accident.
Accident prevention
We will take steps to reduce the risk of accidents occurring in the setting by identifying potential hazards
and removing or minimizing the risk to children and adults in the playschool. Where necessary the findings
will be recorded as formal risk assessments.
In order to minimize the risk of accidents occurring we will:
Allow free movement around the room and not overcrowd the space.
Ensure that trip hazards such as play mats are in areas where there is not a high volume of
Check regularly during the session that floor coverings are free from water, sand and equipment
that could cause a trip or slip.
Ensure that all equipment in the setting is safe, fit for purpose, and that any broken items are
Review accident forms on a termly basis. We will look for patterns emerging such as the times
accidents happen, what caused the accident, and the age groups of the children involved. Where a
trend is identified we will review practice to ascertain whether changes can be made to remove or
reduce their occurrence.
First aid
At least one member of staff with current paediatric first aid training is on the premises at all times when
children are present. Their training will enable them to administer emergency first aid procedures,
appropriate to the situation, to children and adults in the setting.
In addition there will be at least one person with this training on an outing at any one time.
Accident Recording and Reporting Procedure
We keep an accurate record of all accidents and incidents that occur both on and off the premises,
and seek to ensure any future events are minimised or the possibility of re-occurrence is removed.
We try to make sure all injuries and incidents where no wound is visible are recorded.
We inform parents of any accidents/incidents sustained by their child whilst in our care and of any
first aid treatment given, as soon as is reasonably practical. This will usually be at the end of the
session when we ask parents/carers to sign the record form.
All accidents and incidents are brought to the attention of the appropriate persons/bodies.
Accidents are recorded in an accident report, and then filed in an “Accident Folder” which is kept
safely and accessibly. This includes incidents that are reportable to the Health and Safety Executive
(see below).
All staff and volunteers know where the Accident Folder is kept and how to complete it. The folder is
reviewed at least half termly to identify any trends or recurring causes of injuries, potential or actual
All Accident records should contain:
the time, date and nature of any accident;
details of the children affected;
the type and location of any injury;
the action taken at the time, any action taken later and by who;
the circumstances of the accident, names of any adults and children involved; and
any witnesses (including contact details of the witnesses) if applicable;
the name and signature of the staff member who dealt with the accident, any witnesses (if
applicable) and a countersignature by the parent when the child is collected.
If a child requires hospital treatment
In the case of an emergency which requires urgent hospital treatment the emergency services will
be contacted and an ambulance requested as first priority.
We will then contact the child’s parents/carers in the order they appear on the registration form,
leaving messages on answering machines until we speak to a parent directly to notify them of the
accident and what is happening. The parent/carer will be requested to go directly to the hospital.
The manager or deputy manager will accompany the child to the hospital.
Under no circumstances will a child be taken to hospital in a staff member’s car or by any means
other than ambulance.
The child’s registration form, along with any medication that the child is currently taking and any
other information which may be relevant, will be taken to the hospital.
The manager or deputy will stay with the child until a parent/carer arrives.
Head injuries
If a child sustains a head injury whilst at the setting, a suitably trained member of staff will immediately be
alerted to assess the child and administer the appropriate first aid.
In the case of all head injuries, children are monitored for the signs of concussion and treatment will be
reassessed. If there is any change in the child the parent/carer will be contacted or medical attention
sought if appropriate.
Notification of serious accident or incident
We will notify Ofsted of any serious accident, injury or death that occurs* to a child whilst they are in our
care, including times when we are off the premises e.g. an outing.
Notification will be made as soon as is reasonably possible but in any event within 14 days of the incident
Ofsted tel; 0300 123 1231
*EYFS Statutory Framework – Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements
Local Child Protection Agency
We will notify our local child protection agency about any serious accident, injury to, or death of a child
whilst in our care and act on any advice given:
Our LADO is: Peter Lewer Area Children’s Officer (Ashford)
[email protected]
03000 415648 / 07917 602413
Notification will be made as soon as is reasonably possible but in any event within 14 days of the incident
occurring. Staff will act on any advice provided by the LADO. This may include undertaking an investigation
into the cause of the accident, the circumstances surrounding it and the subsequent action taken.
Health and Safety Executive
We meet our legal requirement as an employer under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR). When there is any injury requiring a general practitioner or
hospital treatment to a child, parent, member of staff, volunteer or visitor or where there is a death of a child
or adult on the premises, we make a report to the Health and Safety Executive using the RIDDOR format.
We will report:
major injuries that happen to anyone on our premises or while we are caring for children;
major injuries that happen to anyone off your premises;
injuries that last more than seven days – where an employee or self-employed person is away from
work or unable to perform their normal work duties for more than seven consecutive days;
injuries to members of the public or people not at work where they are taken from the scene of an
accident to hospital;
some work-related diseases (see for a full list of
reportable diseases;
dangerous occurrences – where something happens that does not result in an injury, but could have
Any of the above requires form F2508 to be completed, as soon as possible, normally within 10 days of
event of knowledge.
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Incident Contact Centre on 0845 300 9923 (Monday to Friday 8.30am
and 5pm), or online form at
Staff will act on any advice provided by the HSE. This may include undertaking an investigation into the
cause of the accident, the circumstances surrounding it and the subsequent action taken.
Injuries sustained at home
If a child should come in to the setting with an injury of any kind that has happened at home or on the way to
playschool, the parent will be asked to sign an injury at home form upon reporting it to the staff.
If staff see evidence of an injury to a child which has not occurred in the setting and has not been reported
to any member of staff, parents may be contacted and asked for information on the incident and instructed
to fill in the injuries at home form retrospectively when collecting their child.
This policy was reviewed: October 2016
Date for next review: October 2017
Signed on behalf of the management committee: