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Do You Know What Are The
Nutrients Required
By Human Body ?
These Are
Roughage/ Fiber
Carbohydrate-Rich Foods...
 Gives you energy
 Can aid in proper digestion
 Provide many vitamins and minerals, especially
vitamin A, several B-vitamins (including folic acid),
vitamin C, iron and potassium
 Help you manage the amount of fat and calories
in your overall diet because they tend to be low in
fat, saturated fat and cholesterol
The common sources of carbohydrates are:
wheat, grains, potatoes, rice, fruits and all sources
of sugars - including refined sugars in processed
Proteins function as building blocks for bones, muscles,
cartilage, skin and blood. They are also building blocks
for enzymes, hormones and vitamins. Proteins are one
of three nutrients that provide calories (the others are fat
and carbohydrates).
The protein rich products are:
•Sea Food, Pulses, Dairy Products, Poultry Products
•Meat, Beans, Processed Soy Products, Nuts and Seeds
Fat provides our most concentrated form
of energy. Its energy content (9 kcal/gram) is
over twice as great as carbohydrates and
proteins (4 kcal/gram).
Some of the best sources are butter, olive,
peanut, rapeseed (canola) oil, corn, soy
bean, cottonseed, sunflower and safflower
Vitamins are organic compounds. There are different
types of vitamins. All vitamins are specific chemicals
which are needed by the body in relatively small
amounts. Collectively they fulfill a wide range of
functions including enabling the body to make efficient
use of other parts of a balanced diet, e.g. vitamin
facilitates absorption of calcium and phosphorous.
There are two important groups of vitamins:
•Water-Soluble Vitamins e.g. Vitamin B & C - in many
fruits and vegetables
•Fat-Soluble Vitamins e.g. Vitamins A, D and E - in fatty
foods e.g. many diary products
Minerals are chemical elements required for normal functioning of
the body and hence for the overall health of the organism.
Individual minerals have specific purposes, like calcium in bones
and teeth, and sodium in glucose uptake.
There are two important groups of minerals:
•Essential Dietary mineral - They are usually called "bulk minerals"
requiring daily milligram quantities. Some are structural, but many
play a role as electrolytes.The Recommended Dietary Allowance
(RDA) of such minerals is more than 200 mg/day. These are:
Calcium, Chlorine, Magnisum,Phosporous, Potassium and Sodium
•Trace Minerals –Many elements are required in smaller amounts as
they play a catalytic role in Enzymes. Generally, RDA for trace
minerals is less than 200 mg/day.These are Cobalt, Copper,
Chromium, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Nickel, Molybdenum,
Selenium, Zinc
Mineral Rich Food sources includes
•Calcium: milk products, mushrooms, kale, turnip greens,
mustard greens and tofu
•Chlorine: Common salt
•Magnesium: Whole-grain cereals, tofu nuts, meat, milk, green
vegetables, legumes, and chocolate
•Phospourus: Cheese, egg yolk, milk, meat, fish, poultry,
whole-grain cereals
•Potassium:Fruits, vegetables, fresh meat and dairy products.
•Sodium:Common salt
Minerals are usually ingested as part of some of the
main food. However, some people take supplements of
certain minerals e.g. in tablet form-especially if
following a restricted diet or sometimes due to certain
medical conditions.
Roughage (Fiber)
It consists mainly of cellulose from plant cell walls
and is part of many plant-based food sources. The
main functions of dietary fiber concern the health of
the large intestine and reducing the probability of
The fiber were present abundantly in whole grains,
beans and other legumes, fruits and vegetables.
About 70% of the non-fat mass of the human body is
made of water. It is an essential part of the human diet. It
is necessary for the body in which it is used as a solvent, a
transport medium, a substrate in hydrolytic reactions and
for lubrication.
Although humans need water every day it is not
necessary consumed in the form of drinking water itself
but as the major part of many drinks and some liquid or
partially foods such as soups, sauces, dressings and icedesserts.
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