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Hiscock: Introduction and Atlantic-European perspective
The work of Pérès & Molinier (1957) provides the
basis for defining zonation of epibenthic communities in
the sublittoral which, although mainly based on the
Mediterranean coast, is easily converted to work in
north-east Atlantic ecosystems at a broad scale (Hiscock
& Mitchell 1980). Pérès & Picard (1964) extended the
zonal classification to one for the major assemblages of
species in the Mediterranean benthos in their Nouveau
manuel de bionomie benthique de la Méditerranée. Their
conclusions are largely repeated, in English, in Pérès
(1967), where the extent and depths of the major zones
are illustrated (Figure 48). Augier (1982) provides an
inventory and classification of marine benthic
biocoenoses of the Mediterranean derived greatly from
the work of Pérès & Picard (1964) and which reviews the
major works. Bellan-Santini, Lacaze & Poizat (1994) give
an up-to-date summary of the marine biocoenoses and
threats to them in the Mediterranean. The system of
classification for benthic communities established now
since 1957 in the Mediterranean has provided the
opportunity to map the extent of distinctive habitats and
communities as a tool in management for nature
conservation. For example, Augier & Boudouresque
(1967) map marine benthic biocoenoses in the Port-Cros
National Park (Figure 49). The studies of marine benthic
habitats and communities undertaken in the Medes
Islands off the north-east coast of Spain (Ros, Olivella &
Gili 1984) also followed the classification system first
established by Pérès & Picard (1964) and the inventory
with detailed descriptions of species richness and the
distribution of communities thus provided is the basis
for their proposal of protected status for the islands.
It is the high proportion of the species present in the
Mediterranean which do not occur or do not occur in
abundance on the Atlantic coast of Europe (in shallow
waters at least – below a depth of about 200 m, Carpine
(1970) records communities with many species similar to
those of muddy substrata in the north-east Atlantic
including a close similarity between the Mediterranean
bathyal communities and those from the deep water in
Sognfjord in Norway) and the great differences in
dominant species of particular habitats which makes
direct comparison or integration of classifications at a
detailed level difficult between the Mediterranean and
Atlantic coasts of Europe. Nevertheless, the framework
for a classification which can be applied across Europe
should be the same for all of the north temperate
Atlantic area.
Figure 48. General scheme of the distribution of the main
biocoenoses on the French coast of the Mediterranean: 1, rocky
points; 2, alluvial area; 3, high and middle beach (supralittoral
and mediolittoral sandy biocoenoses); 4, biocoenoses of the fine
sands in very shallow waters; 5, biocoenosis of the well sorted
sands; 6, biocoenosis of the photophilous algae on rocky
substratum; 7, biocoenosis of the Posidonia meadows; 8,
coralligenous biocoenosis; 9, biocoenosis of the coastal detritic;
10, biocoenosis of the terrigenous mud; 11, biocoenosis of the
shelf-edge detritic; 12, biocoenosis of the bathyal mud; 13,
biocoenosis of the deep sea corals. (From Pérès 1967.)
Figure 49. Marine benthic biocoenoses in the Bay of La Palu, PortCros National Park, France. (From Augier & Boudouresque 1967.)
7 Acknowledgements
This chapter was originally circulated as a MNCR
Occasional Report (Hiscock 1991). That report benefited
particularly from an earlier review of marine benthic
biocenoses in the North Sea and Baltic undertaken by Dr
K. Probert and published in Mitchell (1987) and from the
bibliography published by Palmer, Mitchell & Probert
(1983). I am particularly grateful for comments on the
Occasional Report from Dr M. Costello, Dr R.
Hammond, Dr S. Hawkins, Dr S. Hull, Dr S. McGrorty,
Professor A.D. McIntyre and Dr G. Rappé.
Dr M. Elliott, Dr P. Kingston and E.I.S. Rees are
thanked for their comments on the final draft of this
chapter and Dr L.M. Davies is thanked for comments on
an early draft.
Much of the information-gathering for this report has
been undertaken at the National Marine Biological
Library at Plymouth and I am grateful to the staff there
both for the excellence of the facilities they provide and
for always giving help when needed.
Marine Nature Conservation Review: benthic marine ecosystems
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Marine Nature
(MNCR Sector
1) benthic marine ecosystems
Part 2
Reviews within MNCR Coastal Sectors