Download Mineral Oil - AminaSkinCare

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Mineral Oil:
Is it good for your skin?
There have been concerns about the use of mineral oil as a
cosmetic ingredient and as an ingredient of medication.
Mineral oil:
Mineral oil is a clear, liquid oil with no scent and will not spoil. When
heated it will smell like petroleum. It is produced as a byproduct of the
distillation of gasoline from crude oil.
Mineral oil is leftover liquid and it is very inexpensive. In fact, it is more
expensive to dispose of mineral oil, than to purchase it!
What are the issues of concern related to mineral oil?
Mineral oil is a common ingredient in commercial lotions, creams and
baby care products. It coats the skin like a thin layer of plastic, it is difficult to absorb and so clogs pores and interferes with the skin’s ability to
eliminate toxins.
This leads to acne, white and black heads and premature aging due to
slowing down skin function.
Mineral oil is also used in medications. Once the oil is absorbed, it is
broken down by the liver and passes through the intestinal tract, it will
absorb all of the fat-soluble vitamins found there. It is essentially stealing important vitamins from the body, which the body will not be able
to replace. This can eventually lead to nutritional deficiencies. Because
of these dangers, the medical community has condemned the use of
mineral oil taken orally or as an ingredient in medications.
At Amina’s Skincare we are proud of the fact that we absolutely do not use any
mineral oil in our formulations or ingredients.